Listar Análisis Matemático, Estadística e Investigación Operativa y Matematica Aplicada - (AM) por título
Mostrando ítems 57-76 de 155
Generalized convolution quadrature for non smooth sectorial problems
(Springer, 2024)We consider the application of the generalized convolution quadrature (gCQ) to approximate the solution of an important class of sectorial problems. The gCQ is a generalization of Lubich’s convolution quadrature (CQ) that ... -
Hardy operators on weighted amalgams.
(Cambridge University Press, 2010-02-04)We characterize the boundedness of the Hardy operator between weighted amalgams, a problem studied, but not completely solved, by C. Carton-Lebrun, H. P. Heinig and S. C. Hofmann. We also characterize the weighted weak-type ... -
High order well balanced numerical methods for a multilayer shallow-water model with variable density
(UMA Editorial, 2022)En esta tesis se desarrollan algunas contribuciones novedosas en el marco de los modelos de aguas someras multicapas y en esquemas numéricos de alto orden bien equilibrados. En primer lugar, se deriva un modelo multicapa ... -
High-order Approximate Lax-Wendroff methods for systems of conservation laws
(UMA Editorial, 2021-01-26)En esta tesis se introduce una nueva familia de métodos de alto orden: Los métodos Aproximadores Compactos Taylor para leyes de conservación (CAT por sus siglas en ingles). En estos métodos numéricos el proceso de ... -
High-order fully well-balanced numerical methods for one-dimensional blood flow with discontinuous properties
(Elsevier, 2022-12-27)In this paper, we are interested in the numerical study of the one-dimensional blood flow model with discontinuous mechanical and geometrical properties. We present the mathematical model together with its nondimensional ... -
High-order in-cell discontinuous reconstruction path-conservative methods for nonconservative hyperbolic systems–DR.MOOD method
(Wiley, 2024)In this work, we develop a new framework to deal numerically with discontinuous solutions in nonconservative hyperbolic systems. First an extension of the MOOD methodology to nonconservative systems based on Taylor expansions ... -
High-order well-balanced finite volume methods for hyperbolic systems of balance laws
(UMA Editorial, 2023-03-03)Esta tesis, realizada por compendio de publicaciones, se sitúa en el contexto de la resolución numérica de sistemas hiperbólicos de leyes de equilibrio. Se consideran métodos de volúmenes finitos de alto orden basados en ... -
Hilbert-type operator induced by radial weight on Hardyspaces
(Springer Nature, 2023-09-19)We consider the Hilbert-type operator defined by Hω(f)(z)=∫10f(t)(1z∫z0Bωt(u)du)ω(t)dt, where {Bωζ}ζ∈D are the reproducing kernels of the Bergman space A2ω induced by a radial weight ω in the unit disc D. We prove ... -
HySEA model verification for Tohoku 2011 Tsunami. Application for mitigation tsunami assessment
(European Geosciences Union, 2015-04)In many aspects Tohoku-Oki 2011 mega tsunami has changed our perception of tsunami risk. The tsunami-HySEA model is used to numerically simulate this event and observed data will we used to verify the model results. Three ... -
HySEA: An operational GPU-based model for Tsunami Early Warning Systems
(EGU, 2014-04)HySEA numerical model for the simulation of earthquake generated tsunamis is presented. The initial sea surface deformation is computed using Okada model. Wave propagation is computed using nonlinear shallow water equations ... -
Implicit and implicit-explicit Lagrange-projection finite volume schemes exactly well-balanced for 1D shallow water system
(Elsevier, 2022-12-25)In this paper we consider the Lagrange-Projection technique in the framework of finite volume schemes applied to the shallow water system. We shall consider two versions of the scheme for the Lagrangian step: one fully ... -
Implicit and semi-implicit well-balanced finite-volume methods for systems of balance laws
(Elsevier, 2022-09-30)The aim of this work is to design implicit and semi-implicit high-order well-balanced finite-volume numerical methods for 1D systems of balance laws. The strategy introduced by two of the authors in some previous papers ... -
In-cell discontinuous reconstruction path-conservative methods for non conservative hyperbolic systems - Second-order extension
(Elsevier, 2022-06-15)We are interested in the numerical approximation of discontinuous solutions in non conservative hyperbolic systems. An extension to second-order of a new strategy based on in-cell discontinuous reconstructions to deal with ... -
Integral kernel operators on spaces of analytic functions.
(UMA Editorial, 2025)Esta tesis se sitúa en el contexto de la teoría de operadores concretos sobre espacios de funciones, habitualmente analíticas y definidas en el disco unidad del plano complejo. Dentro de esta línea desempeña un papel ... -
Integral Operators Induced by Symbols with Non-negative Maclaurin Coefficients Mapping into H∞
(Springer, 2022-02-20)For analytic functions g on the unit disk with non-negative Maclaurin coefficients, we describe the boundedness and compactness of the integral operator Tg( f )(z) = z 0 f (ζ )g(ζ ) dζ from a space X of analytic functions ... -
Introducción a Freefem++
(2018-04-23)El objetivo de la conferencia es presentar una introducción al uso del software de libre distribución freefem++ para resolver ecuaciones en derivadas parciales mediante el método de elemento finito. Se abordarán todos los ... -
Introducción al Método de Elementos Finitos.
(2018-04-23)Se presentará una introducción a la formulación variacional de problemas elípiticos lineales y a su resolución numérica mediante métodos de elementos finitos. Se discutirá la implementación del método y se presentarán sus ... -
Introducción al Método de Volúmenes finitos
(2018-04-23)Se presentará una introducción a las leyes de conservación escalares, incluyendo el cálculo de la solución de problemas de Riemann. Se presentarán los métodos de tipo Godunov y se discutirá la estabilidad en el caso lineal. ... -
Iterated nonexpansive mappings
(2018-05-03)We present a further study on fixed point theory for the so called iterated nonexpansive mappings, that is, mappings which are nonexpansive along the orbits. They are a direct generalization of the contraction type maps ... -
Littlewood-Paley Formulas and Carleson Measures forWeighted Fock Spaces Induced by A∞-Type Weights
(2019)We obtain Littlewood-Paley formulas for Fock spaces $\mathcal{F}^q_{\beta,\omega}$ induced by weights $\omega\in\Ainfty= \cup_{1\le p<\infty}A^{restricted}_{p}$, where $A^{restricted}_{p}$ is the class of weights such ...