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Listar Análisis Matemático, Estadística e Investigación Operativa y Matematica Aplicada - (AM) por autor "Rivera Ríos, Israel P."
Mostrando ítems 1-17 de 17
A class of multilinear bounded oscillation operators on measure spaces and applications.
Cao, Mingming; Ibañez-Firnkorn, Gonzalo; Rivera Ríos, Israel P.; Xue, Qingying; Yabuta, Kôzô (Springer Nature, 2023)recent years, dyadic analysis has attracted a lot of attention due to the conjecture. It has been well understood that in the Euclidean setting, Calderón–Zygmund operators can be pointwise controlled by a finite number ... -
A sparse approach to mixed weak type inequalities.
Caldarelli, Marcela; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Springer Nature, 2019-12-10)Abstract. In this paper we provide some quantitative mixed weak-type estimates assuming conditions that imply that uv ∈ A∞ for Calder´on-Zygmund operators, rough singular integrals and commutators. The main novelty of ... -
Commutators of singular integrals revisited
Lerner, Andrei; Ombrosi, Sheldy; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (London Mathematical Society, 2019) -
Dominación sparse para conmutadores y estimaciones cuantitativas
Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (2018-02-07)Dada una funci ́on localmente integrable y un operador lineal T definimos el commutator [b, T ] como [b, T ]f (x) = b(x)T f (x) − T (bf )(x). En esta charla presentaremos resultados de dominación sparse para conmutadores ... -
Endpoint Entropy Fefferman–Stein Bounds for Commutators.
Muller, Pamela A.; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Springer Nature, 2023)In this paper endpoint entropy Fefferman–Stein bounds for Calderón–Zygmund operators introduced by Rahm (J Math Anal Appl 504(1):Paper No. 125372, 2021) are extended to iterated Coifman–Rochberg–Weiss commutators. -
Fefferman-Stein inequalities for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on the infinite rooted k-ary tree.
Ombrosi, Sheldy J.; Rivera Ríos, Israel P.; Safe, Martín D. (Oxford Academic, 2020-08-27)In this paper weighted endpoint estimates for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on the infinite rooted k-ary tree are provided. Motivated by Naor and Tao [23] the following Fefferman-Stein estimate w ({x ∈ T : Mf(x) ... -
Mixed weak-type inequalities in Euclidean spaces and in spaces of the homogeneous type
Ibañez-Firnkorn, Gonzalo; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Wiley, 2023-11-05)In this paper, we provide mixed weak-type inequalities generalizing previous results in an earlier work by Caldarelli and the second author and also in the spirit of earlier results by Lorente et al. One of the main novelties ... -
On the sharpness of some quantitative Muckenhoupt-Wheeden inequalities.
Lerner, Andrei; Li, Kangwei; Ombrosi, Sheldy J.; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Académie des sciences, 2024). In the recent work [Cruz-Uribe et al. (2021)] it was obtained that |{x ∈ R d : w(x)|G(f w−1 )(x)| > α}| ≲ [w] 2 A1 α Z Rd |f |dx both in the matrix and scalar settings, where G is either the Hardy–Littlewood ... -
On two weight estimates for iterated commutators.
Lerner, Andrei; Ombrosi, Sheldy J.; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Elsevier, 2021)In this paper we extend the bump conjecture and a particular case of the separated bump conjecture with logarithmic bumps to iterated commutators . Our results are new even for the first order commutator . A new bump ... -
One-sided Cp estimates via M# function.
Lorente-Domínguez, María; Martín-Reyes, Francisco Javier
; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Cambridge, 2022-07-04)
We recall that w ∈ C+p if there exist " > 0 and C > 0 such that for any a < b < c with c − b < b − a and any measurable set E ⊂ (a, b), the following holds. This condition was introduced by Riveros and de la Torre as a ... -
Quantitative John–Nirenberg inequalities at different scales
Martínez-Perales, Javier Cecilio; Rela, Ezequiel; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Springer, 2022-06-07)
Given a family Z = { · Z Q } of norms or quasi-norms with uniformly bounded triangle inequality constants, where each Q is a cube in Rn, we provide an abstract estimate of the form f − fQ,μZ Q ≤ c(μ)ψ(Z) f BMO(dμ) for ... -
Quantitative matrix weighted estimates for certain singular integral operators.
Muller, Pamela A.; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Elsevier, 2021)In this paper quantitative weighted matrix estimates for vector valued extensions of -Hörmander operators and rough singular integrals are studied. Strong type estimates, endpoint estimates, and some new results on ... -
Sharp A1 weighted estimates for vector valued operators.
Isralowitz, Joshua; Pott, Sandra; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Springer Nature, 2021)Given 1 ≤ q < p < ∞, quantitative weighted L p estimates, in terms of Aq weights, for vector-valued maximal functions, Calderón–Zygmund operators, commutators, and maximal rough singular integrals are obtained. The results ... -
Some quantitative one-sided weighted estimates
Lorente-Domínguez, María; Martín-Reyes, Francisco Javier
; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Elsevier, 2022-12-20)
We show a link between affine differential geometry and null submanifolds in a semi-Riemannian manifold via statistical structures. Once a rigging for a null submanifold is fixed, we can construct a semi-Riemannian metric ... -
Upper endpoint estimates and extrapolation for commutators.
Li, Kangwei; Ombrosi, Sheldy J.; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Instituto de Matemática de Bahía Blanca (CONICET - UNS), 2023)In this note we revisit the upper endpoint estimates for commutators following the line by Harboure, Segovia, and Torrea [Illinois J. Math. 41 no. 4 (1997), 676–700]. Relying upon the suitable BMO subspace suited for the ... -
Weak and Strong Type Estimates for the Multilinear Littlewood–Paley Operators.
Cao, Mingming; Hormozi, Mahdi; Ibañez-Firnkorn, Gonzalo; Rivera Ríos, Israel P.; Si, Zengyan; Yabuta, Kôzô[et al.] (Springer Nature, 2021)Let be the multilinear square function defined on the cone with aperture . In this paper, we investigate several kinds of weighted norm inequalities for . We first obtain a sharp weighted estimate in terms of aperture ... -
Weighted Lp estimates on the infinite rooted k-ary tree.
Ombrosi, Sheldy J.; Rivera Ríos, Israel P. (Springer Nature, 2021)In this paper sufficient conditions for weighted weak and strong type (p, p) estimates with for the centered maximal function on the infinite rooted k-ary tree are provided. Here the line initated by the authors and ...