An Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a valuable tool that makes it easier to train future healthcare professionals. This xMOOC entitled: “Postural and technological adaptations in Pediatrics” is hosted on the MiriadaX platform (Martín-Valero, 2018). The purpose of this Educational Innovation Project (PIE19-148) of the University of Malaga was to analyze the assessment of Physiotherapy students after participating in the xMOOC. Methods: an electronic Rubric (e-Rubric) was prepared through the platform known as "Lime-survey" which has helped to know the evaluation of the students after completing the xMOOC. Physiotherapy students made an assessment depending on their level of conformity and satisfaction with the organization, knowledge, encourage on critical thinking and Discussion Forums when they finish this xMOOC. Students carried out an assessment regarding the e-Rubric, which has been completed taking into account the following: a score of 3 means “excellent”, 2 points means “good”, 1 point means “Basic” and 0 point means “need improvement”. Results: the sample was 65 physiotherapy students. 80% of the students considered the organization of the course "Good", and the remaining 20% considered it "Excellent". Regarding the encouragement of critical thinking in the MOOC, 70% of the students gave a “Good” score, compared to 30% of the students who considered it to be “Excellent”. 60% of the students showed that the participation in the Discussion Forums was "Good", and 40% of the students considered it "Excellent." It was concluded that the students agreed on positively valued the organization, the promotion of critical thinking and the participation in the Discussion Forums in this MOOC.