Listar Datos de Investigación por título
Mostrando ítems 27-46 de 82
Dataset for: "In pursuit of job satisfaction and happiness: Testing the interactive contribution of emotion-regulation ability and workplace social support".
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-07-14)The present study focuses on the interplay of emotion-regulation ability and perceived workplace social support as predictors of job satisfaction and happiness in a Spanish multi-occupational sample. A total of 494 working ... -
Dataset for: "Inteligencia emocional y apoyo social del profesorado: explorando cómo los recursos personales y sociales se asocian con la satisfacción laboral y con las intenciones de abandono docente".
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-07-14)Aunque investigaciones previas han indicado que las habilidades emocionales afectan sustancialmente al bienestar ocupacional y la motivación del profesorado, los estudios que examinan las posibles vías por las cuales la ... -
Dataset for: "Knowing is half the battle: regulating and appraising emotions co-protect from suicidal ideation".
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-07-14)College students, particularly those in healthcare fields, face an elevated risk of suicidal ideation and depression. Therefore, it is essential to explore how both actual and perceived emotional resources may play a role ... -
Dataset for: How does emotional intelligence help teachers to stay engaged? Cross-validation of a moderated mediation model.
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-07-14)This study used job demands–resources and emotional intelligence theories to test a moderated mediation model explaining work engagement in two independent teacher samples. We hypothesised that emotional intelligence buffers ... -
Dataset for: Pérez-Ramos, A., Tseng, Z. J., Grandal-D’Anglade, A., Rabeder, G., Pastor, F. J., & Figueirido, B. (2020). Biomechanical simulations reveal a trade-off between adaptation to glacial climate and dietary niche versatility in European cave bears.
(Universidad de Málaga, 2020-01-01)Se presentan los modelos en 3D con formato stl de los cráneos analizados en la publicación Pérez-Ramos et al. (2020). Los modelos fueron construidos a partir de Tacs. Se escanearon doce cráneos procedentes de diferentes ... -
Dataset for: Student aggression against teachers, stress, and emotional intelligence as predictors of withdrawal intentions among secondary school teachers.
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-07-15)Background and Objectives: This exploratory study aimed to test the buffering effect of emotional intelligence in the associations between aggression against teachers, perceived stress, and withdrawal intentions. Design ... -
Dataset for: Understanding the role of emotion regulation strategies in cybervictimization and cyberaggression over time: It is basically your fault
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-07-14)Adolescents involved in experiences of cybervictimization and cyberbullying are at increased risk of psychological maladjustment and ill-being. However, not all adolescents involved in cyberbullying roles experience ... -
Dataset for: What bridges the gap between emotional intelligence and suicide risk in victims of bullying? A moderated mediation study.
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-07-14)Background: Recent research has demonstrated that victims of bullying report serious problems, such as de- pression, which heighten the risk of suicide. Emotional intelligence (EI) has been increasingly recognized as a ... -
Dataset gratitude cybervictimisation anxiety prospective
(Universidad de Málaga, 2023-12-21)The possible protective factor of gratitude on experiences of cyberbullying behaviours and anxiety symptomatology was examined. A sample of 981 adolescents (55.45% females) participated in a two-wave study, completing ... -
Dataset IBSE perceptions questionnaire for pre-service teachers.
(Universidad de Málaga, 2023-09-27)Validation of the scales of a questionnaire about pre-service science teachers’ perceptions of IBSE. It includes the dataset, the readme file and the R-code used in the validation process, that consisted of an exploratory ... -
Dataset Orbitrap Raw-Data Stress Hippocampus(1h-24h)
(Universidad de Málaga, 2023-03-30)We have examined the effect of an acute stress in the proteomic profile of hippocampus. For this purpose, to extract information from proteomic profiles (1 and 24 hours post-acute stress) a Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass ... -
Dataset Orbitrap Raw-Data Stress Hypothalamus(1h-24h)
(Universidad de Málaga, 2023-03-30)We have examined the effect of an acute stress in the proteomic profile of hypothalamus. For this purpose, to extract information from proteomic profiles (1 and 24 hours post-acute stress) a Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass ... -
Dataset risk perception scale healthcare professionals.
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-11-18)Risk perception is a cognitive process that relies on each person's information, about different issues such as contexts, other people, objects, and which is processed immediately, organising a judgement or value that will ... -
Dataset Robustez del ANOVA de medidas repetidas bajo no normalidad.
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-01-31)Datos pertenecientes a una investigación sobre robustez del ANOVA de medidas repetidas bajo ausencia de normalidad. -
Dataset seeding paper JAL.
(Universidad de Málaga, 2023-11-24)Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de la propagación de la patología amiloidea en diferentes modelos animales para la Enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). Los resultados sugieren que existen diversos factores que modulan este ... -
Dataset sobre teorías implícitas e inteligencia emocional en el profesorado en formación de educación infantil
(Universidad de Málaga, 2021-09-28)El objetivo principal de la investigación es el de evaluar la influencia que tienen las teorías implícitas del profesorado en formación sobre la inteligencia emocional de los participantes evaluada esta a través de ... -
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-09-17)Analysis of personal and contextual factors impacting teacher identity of novice science teachers. It includes the two datasets and the readme file. -
Dataset_ Personality.styles_ Behavioral.repertoires_Gender_High.abilities.
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-11-27)This study aims to investigate the underrepresentation of women within the population identified as gifted. Having in to account that several explanations have been given: possible differences in personality traits, ... -
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-02-22)Because problematic smartphone use (PSU) is rising among adolescents, it is vital to analyze the potential causes and psychosocial consequences affecting this target population. Current theoretical frameworks suggest that ... -
(Universidad de Málaga, 2024-06-24)The scientific literature shows that without an adaptive management of cyberbullying situations cybervictims may be more likely to become cyberaggressors. Therefore, numerous studies have examined potential factors that ...