Listar ITIS - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 31-50 de 65
Fourier Transform-based Surrogates for Permutation Problems
(2023)In the context of pseudo-Boolean optimization, surrogate functions based on the Walsh-Hadamard transform have been recently proposed with great success. It has been shown that lower-order components of the Walsh-Hadamard ... -
Generalizing and Unifying Gray-box Combinatorial Optimization Operators.
(2024)Gray-box optimization leverages the information available about the mathematical structure of an optimization problem to design efficient search operators. Efficient hill climbers and crossover operators have been proposed ... -
Improving Developers’ Understanding of Regex Denial of Service Tools through Anti-Patterns and Fix Strategies.
(2023)Regular expressions are used for diverse purposes, including input validation and firewalls. Unfortunately, they can also lead to a security vulnerability called ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service), caused by a ... -
Improving Search Efficiency and Diversity of Solutions in Multiobjective Binary Optimization by Using Metaheuristics plus Integer Linear Programming.
(2023)Metaheuristics for solving multiobjective problems can provide an approximation of the Pareto front in a short time, but can also have difficulties finding feasible solutions in constrained problems. Integer linear programming ... -
Key-Value vs Graph-based data lakes for realizing Digital Twin systems
(2022-07-05)Digital twins constitute virtual representations of physically existing systems, synchronized at a specified frequency and fidelity. One way to connect physical and digital twins is through data lakes, which are efficient ... -
Modeling Urban Digital Twins over the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum
(2023)The interest in the development of smart cities and the proliferation of digital twins as a powerful information processing technology have lead to the definition of Urban Digital Twins (UDTs). UDTs model city aspects such ... -
Multiobjective electric vehicle charging station locations in a city scale area: Malaga study case.
(2022)This article presents a multiobjective variation of the problem of locating electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS) in a city known as the Multiobjective Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Locations (MO-EVCS-L) problem. ... -
Optimization-Driven Workplace Evacuation using Evolutionary Algorithms and Derivative-Free Methods
(ACM, 2024)We consider the problem of optimizing the evacuation of a workplace environment by deciding the best arrangement of emergency exits. To this end, we consider a simulation-based approach that relies on the use of cellular ... -
Policy Based Management for Security in Cloud Computing.
(Springer, 2011)Este trabajo aborda la gestión basada en políticas (PBM) como una solución para la seguridad en entornos de computación en la nube. La computación en la nube, al ofrecer plataformas compartidas, plantea desafíos significativos ... -
¿Qué es un Gemelo Digital? Una Propuesta de Arquitectura para su Implementación
(2023)En los últimos años, los gemelos digitales se han presentado como un paradigma innovador para mejorar el funcionamiento de sistemas ciberfísicos, software o procesos. El gemelo digital es una réplica virtual del sistema ... -
Quirk+: A Tool for Quantum Software Development Based on Quirk.
(IEEE, 2024)Quantum computing is becoming increasingly relevant. Numerous research efforts are being carried out to improve quantum computers by increasing the number of qubits in their processors, mitigating noise, etc. However, the ... -
Regexes are Hard: Decision-making, Difficulties, and Risks in Programming Regular Expressions.
(IEEE, 2019)Regular expressions (regexes) are a powerful mechanism for solving string-matching problems. They are supported by all modern programming languages, and have been estimated to appear in more than a third of Python and ... -
Resilient Bioinspired Algorithms: A Computer System Design Perspective
(SpringerLink, 2022)Resilience can be defined as a system's capability for returning to normal operation after having suffered a disruption. This notion is of the foremost interest in many areas, in particular engineering. We argue in this ... -
SALON ontology for the formal description of Sequence Alignments.
(2023)Background. Information provided by high-throughput sequencing platforms allows the collection of content-rich data about bio- logical sequences and their context. Sequence alignment is a bioinformatics approach to identifying ... -
SOWCompact: A federated process mining method for social workflows
(SISTEDES, 2022-09)The growing informatization of the environment allows modeling people’s behavior as a social workflow, where both individual actions and interactions with other people are captured. This modelling includes actions that are ... -
Spatial evolutionary generative adversarial networks.
(ACM, 2019-07-13)Generative adversary networks (GANs) suffer from training pathologies such as instability and mode collapse. These pathologies mainly arise from a lack of diversity in their adversarial interactions. Evolutionary generative ... -
Structural health and intelligent monitoring of wind turbine blades with a motorized telescope
(IEEE, 2023)Currently, wind energy plays a fundamental role in the process of generating energy in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. However, their infrastructures require ongoing maintenance tasks that involve ... -
Supporting Bug Investigation using History Analysis.
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013)In my research, I propose an automated technique to support bug investigation by using a novel analysis of the history of the source code. During the bug-fixing process, developers spend a high amount of manual effort ... -
The Hidden Cost of Code Completion: Understanding the Impact of the Recommendation-list Length on its Efficiency.
(ACM, 2018)Automatic code completion is a useful and popular technique that software developers use to write code more effectively and efficiently. However, while the benefits of code completion are clear, its cost is yet not well ... -
The Impact of Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in Practice: An Empirical Study at the Ecosystem Scale.
(Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2018)Regular expressions (regexes) are a popular and powerful means of automatically manipulating text. Regexes are also an understudied denial of service vector (ReDoS). If a regex has super-linear worst-case complexity, an ...