Listar ITIS - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 64
A Conceptual Architecture for Building Digital Twins.
(2023)Digital twins have recently emerged as an innovative paradigm for improving the performance of cyber-physical systems, software and processes. In essence, a digital twin is a virtual replica of the system whose operation ... -
A Cost-efficient Approach to Building in Continuous Integration.
(Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2020)Continuous integration (CI) is a widely used practice in modern software engineering. Unfortunately, it is also an expensive practice — Google and Mozilla estimate their CI systems in millions of dollars. In this paper, ... -
A generic LSTM neural network architecture to infer heterogeneous model transformations.
(2023)Models capture relevant properties of systems. During the models’ life-cycle, they are subjected to manipulations with different goals such as managing software evolution, performing analysis, increasing developers’ ... -
Addressing the Uncertainty Interaction Problem in Software-intensive Systems: Challenges and Desiderata. (Summary).
(2023)Software-intensive systems are increasingly used to support tasks that are typically characterized by high degrees of uncertainty. The modeling notations employed to design, verify, and operate such systems have increasingly ... -
An efficient routing protocol for green communications in vehicular ad-hoc networks.
(ACM, 2011-07-12)Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) provide the communications required to deploy Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). In the current state of the art there is a lack of studies on Green Communications (energy-efficiency) ... -
Análisis de Conformidad de Gemelos Digitales Multi-Fidelidad
(Biblioteca Digital SISTEDES, 2022-08-30)Un gemelo digital es una réplica virtual de un sistema a un cierto nivel de fidelidad, sincronizados a una determinada frecuencia. Los gemelos digitales suelen emplearse para replicar sistemas físicos cuyas simulaciones ... -
Assessing Incremental Testing Practices and Their Impact on Project Outcomes.
(ACM, 2019)Software testing is an important aspect of the development process, one that has proven to be a challenge to formally introduce into the typical undergraduate CS curriculum. Unfortunately, existing assessment of testing ... -
Automated planning for adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems under uncertainty in temporal availability constraints
(2024-04-15)In smart Cyber-Physical Systems (sCPS), a critical challenge lies in task planning under uncertainty. There is a broad body of work in the area with approaches able to deal with different classes of constraints (e.g., ... -
Belief Uncertainty in Software Models
(2020-06-08)This paper discusses the representation of Belief Uncertainty in software models. This kind of uncertainty refers to the situation in which the modeler, or any other belief agent, is uncertain about the behavior of the ... -
CASI: Preventing Indirect Conflicts through a Live Visualization.
(Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2010)Software development is a collaborative activity that may lead to conflicts when changes are performed in parallel by several developers. Direct conflicts arise when multiple developers make changes in the same source code ... -
Chronos: Visualizing Slices of Source-Code History.
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013)In this paper, we present CHRONOS—a tool that enables the querying, exploration, and discovery of historical change events to source code. Unlike traditional Revision Control-System tools, CHRONOS allows queries across any ... -
CIBench: A Dataset and Collection of Techniques for Build and Test Selection and Prioritization in Continuous Integration.
(IEEE, 2021)Continuous integration (CI) is a widely used practice in modern software engineering. Unfortunately, it is also an expensive practice — Google and Mozilla estimate their CI systems in millions of dollars. There are a number ... -
Clasificación de delitos con incertidumbre
(2023)La clasificación de atestados policiales es un tema complejo en el que la incertidumbre juega un papel importante. Por ejemplo, en muchos informes faltan información o es inconsistente. También es posible que diferentes ... -
Coevolutionary generative adversarial networks for medical image augumentation at scale
(2022-07-08)Medical image processing can lack images for diagnosis. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) provide a method to train generative models for data augmentation. Synthesized images can be used to improve the robustness of ... -
Combining OCL and Natural Language: a Call for a Community Effort
(ACM, 2022-10)The growing popularity and availability of pretrained natural language models opens the door to many interesting applications combining natural language (NL) with software artefacts. A couple of examples are the generation ... -
Crazy Chefs!: videojuego serio gamificado basado en tecnología de captura de movimientos para fomentar la socialización y el entrenamiento físico de personas mayores
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2022-12)Uno de los principales objetivos del programa marco de la UE Horizon Europa persigue mejorar la salud y el bienestar de los ciudadanos usando soluciones innovadoras para prevenir, diagnosticar, tratar o curar una enfermedad. ... -
DASSCi: Avatares Digitales Deportivos en Ciudades Inteligentes.
(2023)Las nuevas tecnologías han impulsado la evolución de las ciudades inteligentes, las cuales buscan mejorar la calidad de vida de sus habitantes y optimizar la gestión de recursos urbanos a través de soluciones innovadoras ... -
Dealing with Belief Uncertainty in Domain Models.
(2023)There are numerous domains in which information systems need to deal with uncertain information. These uncertainties may originate from different reasons such as vagueness, imprecision, incompleteness or inconsistencies; ... -
Decomposing the Rationale of Code Commits: The Software Developer’s Perspective.
(Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2019)Communicating the rationale behind decisions is essential for the success of software engineering projects. In particular, understanding the rationale of code commits is an important and often difficult task. We posit that ...