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dc.contributor.authorTozza, Marcello
dc.descriptionAnálisis de las epifanías celestes de los dioses homéricos y su relación con el contexto cultual del mundo micénico, tal como se deduce de la iconografía y de los propios textos micénicos.en_US
dc.description.abstractWith the intent of analyzing the divine epiphany in Homer, in many instances onemay note how the distinction between the narrative and the metaphorical dimensionis unclear: for example, when the deity appears to the human being and is likenedto a bird, describing its attitudes, the boundary between a real metamorphosisand a similitude to animal behaviour seems to vanish.This element of uncertainty with regards to the deity’s description generated a strongdebate in the second half of twentieth century. On one hand, the possibility of anintention to represent the gods’ metamorphosis was excluded, on the other hand, the“numinous” dimension of the poems was defended by underscoring the relationbetween metamorphosis’ descriptions and Homeric characters’ reactions.The aim is to compare the role of birds in Homeric divine epiphanies with thepresence of the same animals in the Aegean Bronze Age iconography and texts, tounderstand whether the same relation can be established between birds and deities inpre-Homeric cult contexts.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Techen_US
dc.subjectHomero - Crítica e interpretaciónen_US
dc.subjectDioses griegosen_US
dc.subjectMetamorfosis en la literaturaen_US
dc.subjectEdad del Bronce - Iconografía - Egeo (Región)en_US
dc.subject.otherPre-Homeric Godsen_US
dc.subject.otherMycenaean Religionen_US
dc.titleBird epiphany of gods in Pre-Homeric Greeceen_US
dc.centroFacultad de Filosofía y Letrasen_US
dc.relation.eventtitleConferencia-Seminario como Profesor Visitante en la University of Melbourne (Australia)en_US
dc.relation.eventplaceMelbourne (Australia)en_US
dc.relation.eventdate28 de octubre de 2019en_US
dc.rights.ccAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*

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