Partial Differential Equations (PDE) are one of the most difficult topics that Engineering and
Sciences students have to study in the different Math subjects in their degree.
In this talk we introduce SFOPDES (Stepwise First Order Partial Differential Equations
Solver) aimed to be used as a tutorial for helping both the teacher and the students in the
teaching and learning process of PDE.
The type of problems that SFOPDES solves can be grouped in the following three blocks:
1. Pfaff Differential Equations, which consists on finding the general solution for:
P(x; y; z) dx + Q(x; y; z) dy + R(x; y; z) dz = 0
(a) General method.
(b) Particular cases:
i. Separable equations.
ii. Exact Pfaff equations.
iii. One-separated variable equations.
2. Quasi-linear Partial Differential Equations, which consists on finding the general
solution for: P(x; y; x) p + Q(x; y; z) q = R(x; y; z)
(a) General method.
(b) Particular solution which contents a given curve.
3. Using Lagrange-Charpit Method for finding a complete integral for a given general
first order partial differential equation: F(x; y; z; p; q) = 0.
(a) General method.
(b) Particular cases:
i. F(p; q) = 0
ii. g1(x; p) = g2(y; q)
iii. z = px + qy + g(p; q)