Enhanced sensitivity subwavelength grating waveguides for silicon photonics sensing applications
Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; Leuermann, Jonas; Pereira-Martín, Daniel; Luque-González, José Manuel; Cheben, Pavel; Xu, Dan-Xia; Schmid, Jens H.; Ctyroky, Jiri; Soler-Penades, Jordi; Nedeljkovic, Milos; Mashanovich, Goran Z.; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro
; Halir, Robert
; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo
2019-07-16 -
Palabras clave
Sensores ópticos; Congresos y conferencias -
In this work we will review the enormous potential of subwavelength grating waveguides for sensing applications in the near and mid-infrared bands, demonstrating the capability to engineer the mode profile to maximize the light-matter interaction. -