One of the basic principles of the religious attitude and of the magics is the possibility to involve superior beings (gods, saints, heroes, demons or other entities) in the fulfillment of our desires and objectives, when these are difficult to achieve or pose some degree of insecurity in its compliance. The most common forms of involvement are the prayer with which the faithful seeks sympathy for their cause of those superior beings or the magical ritual with which to submit their will so that with their power they fulfill our own well-being or the curse against our enemies. The problem appears when these higher beings really lack their own will being subject to the mechanical movement of the universe, such as the gods of astrology, that is, the planets. In this case, effectiveness does not depend on the voluntary power of these higher beings, but on their astronomical positions and astrological attributions that Ptolemy reduces to pretended scientific parameters. In my proposal I will start with some magical formulas of astral component (such as those published in CCAG III, 45-46 or in some magical papyri) to show how the rituals and aims indicated in them are really in keeping with the astrological doctrine of the Tetrabiblos and the explanations of its Anonymous Commentary concerning the physical, spiritual and professional nature of the involved individuals.