Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is as full of challenges as it is of possibilities. We will explore the
challenges while seeking realistic solutions as eight Computer Science professors teach their subjects through English for the
first time. We hope to gain insights into the bilingual classroom at the university level where teacher training can aid in
professional development. Kevin Haines (2017) has posed the question about policies, principles and practice in bilingual
settings, suggesting that we still need to address the challenging question: “who will support the teachers?”.
In this paper we will observe problems and solutions to bilingual teaching from the ethnographic point of view of action
research. This is a collaborative project that brings CLIL methodology into the content classroom and assesses teacher
performance in order for university professors to see CLIL in practice. This article is an overview of CLIL practicum where
teachers move from theory to practice in a purposeful intent to improve instruction in a second language. In this project the
interaction is based on the multiple perspectives of computer science professors, a CLIL specialist as well as opinions from
students. It is with these multiple perspectives that we have put our in-service training into action.
Many university professors outside foreign language areas need more in-service training to face the challenges
underlying teaching through a second language. Our motivation leads us to these three proposals action research, teacher
training and qualitative assessment of the CLIL experience. We hold that research in education must make the move toward a
more qualitative assessment. As researchers, perhaps we need to describe less and do more by putting our research into