Over the years, the self-organizing map (SOM) algorithm was proven to be a powerful and convenient tool for clustering and visualizing data.
While the original algorithm had been initially designed for numerical vectors, the available data in the applications became more and more complex, being frequently too rich to be described by a
fixed set of numerical attributes only. This is the case, for example, when the data are described by relations between objects (individuals involved in a social network) or by measures of resemblance/dissemblance.
This presentation will illustrate how the SOM algorithm can be used to cluster and visualize complex data such as graphs, categorical time series or panel data. In particular, it will focus on the use of
the R package SOMbrero, which implements an online version of the relational self-organizing map, able to process any dissimilarity data. The package offers many graphical outputs and diagnostic tools,
and comes with a user-friendly web graphical interface based on R-Shiny. Several examples on various real-world datasets will be given for highlighting the functionalities of the package.