This paper will show the aims and the achievements accomplished, until now, by a research project supported by the Economy and Competitivity Spanish Ministery. On one hand, to advance in the knowledge of “Theatre and Festival”, beyond this traditional pairing, in order to address, in a global and comprehensive way, the analysis of the hybridization of artistic and scenic languages and processes in the context of visual and material European culture in Early Modern Age. On the other hand, the development of this research involves the collaboration of several disciplines, mainly Art History and History of Spectacle, but also Musicology. Each of them, from their own epistemological canon, deals or approaches to the analysis of the appropiations and hybridizations between visuals arts and performing arts. At the same time, given that research involves the contrasted analysis between artistic objects created then as "future-minded" and ephemeral creations known through descriptions, stories, drawings, etc., this project aims to implement a system of virtual visualization so that the research results constitute a new contribution and represent an impact in the field of the humanities, at the same time allowing the proper transfer of knowledge to society.