This paper assesses the performance of actual PRIME v1.3.6 and PRIME v1.4 systems when used for Smart Metering applications. The analysis is performed at the application level using the DLMS/COSEM stack. Hence, it considers performance indicators that are of practical interest for distribution system operators, such as the availability and the average time needed to read the energy load profile of all the meters.
To this end, two test networks with 112 smart meters have been deployed in the laboratory (to ensure the stability of the network). In one of them all the Service Nodes communicate directly with the Base Node, while there exist up to 5 switching levels in the other tested network.
First, the PRIME v1.3.6 system is evaluated, stressing the significant performance gain that can be obtained by implementing some MAC layer strategies, which are compatible with the specification but not specifically defined on it. Then,the improvement offered by the PRIME v1.4 system is assessed.