Difficulties implementing effective instruction for at-risk students arise from two challenges: evidence-based knowledge transfer and lack of economic resources. Computer-assisted programs can offer a suitable solution, providing quality instruction with low cost resources.
Thirty first grade students with learning difficulties were identified and paired on at least four pretest reading measures (reading efficiency of monosyllabic and disyllabic items, words, pseudowords, and texts). Each pair was assigned to two different intervention programs: a computer-assisted instructional program (CAP) focused on developing phonological route versus to the Spanish public school assistance services (AS). Computer-assisted instruction consisted of four individual 12-15 minute sessions per week focused on syllable decoding plus a collective comprehension session per week of 1 hour. CAP was delivered by university students. The assistance services typically consisted of one hour per week, individually or in small groups, delivered by trained teachers. Both programs were applied during eleven weeks.
9 of 15 subjects from the AS condition showed resistance to treatment, while only 5 of 15 subjects were treatment resisters on the CAP condition.