Jornadas PIE 15 110: Enseñanza Multidisciplinar de la Biotecnología y de las Ciencias Ómicas a Biólogos e Ingenieros
Recoge las comunicaciones presentadas en las Jornadas PIE 15 110, celebradas en la ETSI de Informática de la Universidad Málaga, el día 7 de junio de 2016.
Envíos recientes
Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) frente a Western Blot
(2016-06-07)We propose the SRM technology as a complementary method to the Western Blot for the detection and quantification of proteins in a sample. The technique Western Blot has its own limitations: i) only a protein-of-choice is ... -
Multi-‐dimensional Protein Identification Technology
(2016-06-07)Before the rise of the Multidimentional Protein Identification Technology (MudPIT), protein and peptide mixtures were resolved using traditional proteomic technologies like the gel-‐ based 2D chromatography that separates ... -
Quantum Dots
(2016-06-07)The purpose of this communication is to make a bibliographic review of Quantum Dots methods and their applications in the field of Biotechnology. Quantum dots (QDs) are a novel class of inorganic fluorophores, which are ... -
Hibridación in situ fluorescente (FISH)
(2016-06-07)Background: At the end of 80s, cloning technologies with the increase of the antibodies’ sensibility made easier the development of technologies based on Fluorescence in situ Hibridation (FISH). Nowadays, It’s widely used ... -
Evolution of genome sequencing techniques
(2016-06-07)The quality and the speed for genome sequencing has advanced at the same time that technology boundaries are stretched. This advancement has been divided so far in three generations. The first-generation methods ... -
Tecnología Nanopore para la secuenciación de DNA
(2016-06-07)Nanopore-based sequencer will open the path to the fourth-generation DNA sequencing technology. The main differences between this technique and the previous ones are: DNA molecule that will be sequenced does not need a ... -
Microarrays as a functional approach to the transcriptome
(2016-06-07)Knowing a cell’s transcriptome is a fundamental requisite in order to analyze its response to the environment. Microarrays have supposed a revolution on this field as they are able to yield an overview of gene expression ... -
NGS y Metagenómica
(2016-06-07)The Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) allows to sequence the whole genome of an organism, compared to Maxam and Gilbert and Sanger sequencing that only allow to sequence, hardly, a single gene. Removing the separation of ... -
Phylogenetic inference's algorithms
(2016-06-07)Phylogenetic inference consist in the search of an evolutionary tree to explain the best way possible genealogical relationships of a set of species. Phylogenetic analysis has a large number of applications in areas such ...