Solving clinical case by writing-report lacks of students sympathies and interest in many cases. Make a short film is a novelty that really like to the students and may improve their arguing and planning capacities and their communication skills.
Aim: To evaluate the impact of presenting and resolving clinical cases through filming a short-film in the communication skills development and in the learning of medicines in Podiatry undergraduate students.
Methods: A two-year study in which students were invited to voluntarily form groups (3 students maximum). Each group has to design and film a short-film (8 min maximum) showing a clinical case in which medicines’ use was needed to treat feet pathology. A camera, a mobile-phone's video editor or whatever they may use was allowed. The job of each group was supervised and helped by a teacher. The students were invited to present their work to the rest of the class. After each short-film projection the students were encouraged to ask questions if they wanted to do it. After all the projections the students voluntarily answered a satisfaction survey.
Results: Students of Pharmacology of Podiatry Degree, N=101, 55.6% female, 20±1.3 years old were enrolled. 37 short-films showing a clinical case were made. The average time spent by students in making the film was 12.4±8 h. The percentage of students which were satisfied with this way of presentation of the clinical cases was 75.2%.
Conclusion: Filmed clinical cases performed by student of Pharmacology of the Podiatry Degree improved their communication skills.