It has been shown that selective attention is allocated to the best available predictor of an outcome, which is known as learned predictiveness. Mitchell et al. (2012) have shown that instructions about the ‘relevance’ of each stimulus can influence (and even reverse) the learned predictiveness attentional bias, suggesting that propositional reasoning plays a crucial role in this phenomenon. Our experiment further explores the effects of instructions on this learned attentional bias. As a difference with previous work, we measured attentional capture through spatial cueing effects, which have been found to rely on rapid attentional processes (Le Pelley et al., 2013). Participants responded faster to events presented in the spatial location cued by stimuli that had previously been trained as predictive through trial-by-trial learning. However, verbal instructions regarding relevance failed to speed up participants’ responses or to modulate the effect of learned predictiveness on spatial cueing. These results suggest that predictive stimuli produce an attentional bias which is not (always) under voluntary control.