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Listar por autor "Porras, Carlos"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 30
A GRASP-based memetic algorithm with path relinking for the far from most string problem.
Gallardo-Ruiz, José Enrique; Cotta-Porras, Carlos
(Elsevier, 2015)
The FAR FROM MOST STRING PROBLEM (FFMSP) is a string selection problem. The objective is to find a string whose distance to other strings in a certain input set is above a given threshold for as many of those strings as ... -
A Self-Adaptive Evolutionary Approach to the Evolution of Aesthetic Maps for a RTS Game
Lara-Cabrera, Raúl; Cotta-Porras, Carlos; Fernández-Leiva, Antonio José
Procedural content generation (PCG) is a research eld on the rise,with numerous papers devoted to this topic. This paper presents a PCG method based on a self-adaptive evolution strategy for the automatic generation of ... -
A Study on Multimemetic Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
Nogueras, Rafael; Cotta-Porras, Carlos(2014-09-23)
Multimemetic algorithms (MMAs) are memetic algorithms in which memes (interpreted as non-genetic expressions of problem solving strategies) are explicitly represented and evolved alongside genotypes. This process is ... -
Algoritmos coevolutivos competitivos para la programación de inteligencia artificial en videojuegos
Nogueira-Collazo, Mariela (UMA Editorial, 2017-06-19)Esta investigación trata sobre la aplicación del enfoque competitivo de la Coevolución en la programación de soluciones de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) para videojuegos y propone diferentes modelos para abordarlo. La ... -
Algoritmos Meméticos con Propiedades Self-* para la Optimización de Problemas Complejos
Nogueras Sánchez, Rafael (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)Las propiedades self-* de un sistema son aquellas que le permiten controlar de forma autónoma diferentes aspectos de su funcionamiento. En esta tesis doctoral se estudia el diseño y desarrollo de algoritmos meméticos con ... -
Algoritmos meméticos para la resolución de problemas combinatorios de satisfacción con restricciones y con simetrías
Rodríguez Rueda, David (UMA Editorial, 2021-02-09)Este trabajo se enfoca en la resolución de problemas complejos de optimización, principalmente con el objetivo de prestar atención al modelado y ajuste de diversas técnicas metaheurísticas con el fin de resolver problemas ... -
An Accelerated Introduction to Memetic Algorithms.
Moscato, Pablo; Cotta-Porras, Carlos(Springer, 2018)
Memetic algorithms (MAs) are optimization techniques based on the orchestrated interplay between global and local search components and have the exploitation of specific problem knowledge as one of their guiding principles. ... -
Deep Memetic Models for Combinatorial Optimization Problems: Application to the Tool Switching Problem
Amaya, Jhon Edgar; Cotta-Porras, Carlos; Fernández-Leiva, Antonio José
; García Sánchez, Pablo (Springer, 2020)
Memetic algorithms are techniques that orchestrate the interplay between population-based and trajectory-based algorithmic components. In particular, some memetic models can be regarded under this broad interpretation as ... -
Epoch-Based Application of Problem-Aware Operators in a Multiobjective Memetic Algorithm for Portfolio Optimization.
Colomine Durán, Feijoo; Cotta-Porras, Carlos; Fernández-Leiva, Antonio José
(Springer, 2023)
We consider the issue of intensification/diversification balance in the context of a memetic algorithm for the multiobjective optimization of investment portfolios with cardinality constraints. We approach this issue in ... -
Eryna: una herramienta de apoyo a la revolución de los videojuegos
La industria del videojuego desde su inicio se ha caracterizado por un dinamismo constante, cada d a son más los desarrolladores que se suman a la competencia y por otro lado, los usuarios se vuelven más expertos y ... -
Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimizing Emergency Exit Placement in Indoor Environments.
Cotta-Porras, Carlos; Gallardo-Ruiz, José Enrique
(Springer Nature, 2024)
The problem of finding the optimal placement of emergency exits in an indoor environment to facilitate the rapid and orderly evacuation of crowds is addressed in this work. A cellular-automaton model is used to simulate ... -
Evolving Aesthetic Maps for a Real Time Strategy Game
Lara-Cabrera, Raúl; Cotta-Porras, Carlos; Fernández-Leiva, Antonio José
This paper presents a procedural content generator method that have been able to generate aesthetic maps for a real-time strategy game. The maps has been characterized based on several of their properties in order to ... -
Game Artificial Intelligence: Challenges for the Scientific Community
Lara-Cabrera, Raúl; Nogueira-Collazo, Mariela; Cotta-Porras, Carlos; Fernández-Leiva, Antonio José
This paper discusses some of the most interesting challenges to which the games research community members may face in the área of the application of arti cial or computational intelligence techniques to the design and ... -
Generación Automática de Contenido para Juegos de Estrategia en Tiempo Real
Lara-Cabrera, Raúl (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)El destacado volumen de negocio a nivel mundial ha convertido a los videojuegos en el principal protagonista dentro de la industria del entretenimiento. Este hecho no ha pasado desapercibido para la comunidad científica, ... -
Identification of Reference Genes for Quantitative RT-PCR in Ascending Aortic Aneurysms.
Henn, Dominic; Bandner-Risch, Doris; Perttunen, Hilja; Schmied, Wolfram; Porras, Carlos; Rodríguez-Losada, Noela
; Schäfers, Hans-Joachim[et al.] (PLOS, 2013)
Hypertension and congenital aortic valve malformations are frequent causes of ascending aortic aneurysms. The molecular mechanisms of aneurysm formation under these circumstances are not well understood. Reference genes ... -
Implementación de algoritmos meméticos con capacidad de auto-generación sobre CouchBD
García-García, Manuel; Nogueira-Collazo, Mariela; Cotta-Porras, Carlos; Fernández-Leiva, Antonio José
; Merelo-Guervós, Juan J. (2015-02-09)
Los algoritmos meméticos constituyen un paradigma de optimización basado en la explotación sistemática del conocimiento acerca del problema que se desea resolver y de la combinación de ideas tomadas de diferentes ... -
Implementación y análisis de metaheurísticos de optimizaicón combinatoria sobre redes P2P
Heredia Moreno, Francisico (2017-03-30)La mayoría de los problemas de optimización combinatoria tienen un difícil tratamiento computacional porque los algoritmos que los solucionan lo realizan en tiempo no polinómico, puesto que existe una relación de estos ... -
Memetic collaborative approaches for finding balanced incomplete block designs
Rodríguez Rueda, David; Cotta-Porras, Carlos; Fernández-Leiva, Antonio José
(Elsevier, 2020)
The balanced incomplete block design (BIBD) problem is a difficult combinatorial problem with a large number of symmetries, which add complexity to its resolution. In this paper, we propose a dual (integer) problem ... -
Metaheuristic Approaches to the Placement of Suicide Bomber Detectors.
Cotta-Porras, Carlos; Gallardo-Ruiz, José Enrique
(Springer Nature, 2017-05-15)
Suicide bombing is an infamous form of terrorism that is becoming increasingly prevalent in the current era of global terror warfare. We consider the case of targeted attacks of this kind, and the use of detectors distributed ... -
Metaheuristics for the Template Design Problem: Encoding, Symmetry and Hybridisation
Rodríguez Rueda, David; Cotta-Porras, Carlos; Fernández-Leiva, Antonio José
(Springer, 2021)
The template design problem (TDP) is a hard combinatorial problem with a high number of symmetries which makes solving it more complicated. A number of techniques have been proposed in the literature to optimise its ...