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Listar por autor "Camacho-Conde, José Antonio"
Mostrando ítems 1-11 de 11
Assessment of attentional processes in patients with anxiety-depressive disorders using virtual reality.
Camacho-Conde, José Antonio; Legarra, Leire; Bolinches, Victoria; Cano, Patricia; Guasch, Mónica; Llanos Torres, María; Mejías, Miguel; Climent, Gema[et al.] (MDPI, 2021-12-09)To characterize the attention deficits in one-hundred-fifteen participants, comprising two types of clinical profiles (affective and anxiety disorder), through a test of continuous VR execution. Method: Three tests (i.e., ... -
Assessment of emotional intelligence in adults with down syndrome: Psychometric properties of the Emotional Quotient Inventory.
Sánchez-Teruel, David; Robles-Bello, María Auxiliadora; Camacho-Conde, José Antonio (PLOS, 2020-07-22)The Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth version-EQ-i:YV was developed by Bar-On & Parker in 2000 and later translated and adapted for the general Spanish adolescent population by Ferrandiz et al. in 2012. The Spanish scale ... -
Assessment of the attention processes in patients with anxiety-depressive disorders through virtual reality
Camacho-Conde, José Antonio; Legarra, Leire; Bolinches, Vanesa M.; Cano, Patricia; Guasch, Mónica; Llanos Torres, María; Serret, Vanesa; Mejías, Miguel[et al.] (2020-12-14)The purpose of this study is to characterize the attention deficits in a sample in these 2 types of clinical profiles through a continuous execution test in virtual reality. Methods: A total of 115 participants were recruited ... -
Depression and cognitive impairment in institutionalized older adults.
Camacho-Conde, José Antonio (Karger, 2020-07-07)Background: In the last three decades, the relationship between depression and cognition in geriatric patients has been a popular topic among researchers and clinicians. Clinical and epidemiological research has focused ... -
El dolor en la enfermedad de Parkinson. Implicaciones autonómicas y afectivas
Camacho-Conde, José Antonio (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2016)Introducción y objetivo: La enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa, la segunda con mayor prevalencia, después de la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). La enfermedad presenta tanto síntomas motores como ... -
Evaluación clínica de la memoria (ECM) en alumnado de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato: un estudio piloto
Camacho-Conde, José Antonio (2020-01-13)La memoria es una capacidad cognitiva imprescindible en el ámbito de la Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato. En Educación Primaria comenzamos a organizar y optimizar los contenidos. En Secundaria y Bachillerato tenemos que ... -
Intervención terapéutica mediante la estimulación cerebral: una revisión sistemática
Camacho-Conde, José Antonio (2020-12-14)INTRODUCCIÓN: La presente investigación se centra en la revisión bibliográfica sobre las técnicas de estimulación cerebral no invasivas e invasivas. OBJETIVO: Analizar la información existente en la literatura científica ... -
Self-inflicted injuries in adolescents and young adults: A longitudinal approach.
Sánchez-Teruel, David; Robles-Bello, María Auxiliadora; Camacho-Conde, José Antonio (Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias, 2020)Background: Suicide has become a major global public health problem in some clinical subpopulations. Adolescents and young adults with selfinfl icted injuries or non-suicidal self-harm appear to have been understudied. The ... -
The phenomenology of pain in Parkinson’s disease.
Camacho-Conde, José Antonio; Campos-Arillo, Víctor Manuel (The Korean Pain Society, 2020-01-01)Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that is the second most common disorder after Alzheimer’s disease. PD includes both “motor” and “non-motor” symptoms, one of which is pain. The aim of ...