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Listar por autor "Vega Sánchez, Julia"
Mostrando ítems 1-12 de 12
Las algas rojas como fuente de compuestos bioactivos cosmecéuticos.
Vega Sánchez, Julia; Moreira, Bruna R.; Pereira, Débora T.; Bonomi-Barufi, José; López-Figueroa, Félix(2023)
Algae present a great molecular diversity with a wide range of bioactivities, among which antioxidant and photoprotective capacity highlighted for their potential cosmeceutical applications. Mycosporine-like amino acids ... -
APICAMPUS, a project on Urban beekeeping developed at the University of Malaga
Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar; Abdala-Díaz, Roberto Teófilo
; Cabrera-Carrillo, Juan Antonio
; López-Figueroa, Félix
; Muñoz-Gallego, Antonio Román
; Olivero-Anarte, Jesús
; Palomo-Muñoz, Luis Javier
; Real-Giménez, Raimundo
; Recio-Criado, María Marta
; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Redolosis, Yasmin; Sellés, Bárbara; Vega Sánchez, Julia; Gil Gómez, José; Gómez-Turpin, Eva María[et al.] (2019-07-25)
Urban beekeeping has ourished in the last years, with many institutions interested in creating colonies on their roofs. Bees and other animal pollinators contribute to increase food production, making bees essential for ... -
Blue Cosmeceutical Applications of UV Screen and Antioxidant Compounds from Photosynthetic Organisms.
Vega Sánchez, Julia (UMA Editorial, 2024)Esta tesis tiene como objetivo la búsqueda de nuevos filtros biológicos de radiación UV a partir de organismos fotosíntéticos, que además de absorber la radiación UV, presenten otros efectos beneficiosos para la piel como ... -
Brazilian Beach-Cast Seaweeds: Antioxidant, Photoprotection and Cytotoxicity Properties.
Barroco Harb, Talissa; Vega Sánchez, Julia; Bonomi-Barufi, José; Casas Arrojo, Virginia; Abdala-Díaz, Roberto Teófilo; López-Figueroa, Félix
; Chow, Fungyi[et al.] (Springer Nature, 2022-12-15)
The potential of seaweed extracts in cosmetic applications have increased with novel development and market. Beneficial biological properties include the ability to struggle aging and anticancer agents. This research aimed ... -
Caracterización de la biomasa de distintas especies de algas, enfocadas al consumo incluyéndolas en alimentos funcionales.
González-Fernández, Cristina; Vega Sánchez, Julia; Bermejo-Román, Ruperto; Acién-Fernández, Francisco Gabriel; Gómez, Cintia; Hernández, Ignacio; Bermejo-Lacida, Ricardo; Korbee-Peinado, Nathalie
; López-Figueroa, Félix
; Hernández, Ignacio[et al.] (2023)
En un contexto actual que dificulta el abastecimiento de la población de una manera sostenible, encontramos la necesidad de desarrollar nuevos sistemas de producción de alimentos, apostando en este caso por las algas. Éstas ... -
Enhancing Bioproducts in Seaweeds via Sustainable Aquaculture: Antioxidant and Sun-Protection Compounds
Yehoshua Ashkenazi, Doron; López-Figueroa, Félix; Korbee-Peinado, Nathalie
; García-Sánchez, Marta; Vega Sánchez, Julia; Ben-Valid, Shoshana; Paz, Guy; Salomon, Eitan; Israel, Álvaro; Abelson, Avigdor[et al.] (IOAP-MDPI, 2022-12-29)
Marine macroalgae are considered an untapped source of healthy natural metabolites and their market demand is rapidly increasing. Intertidal macroalgae present chemical defense mechanisms that enable them to thrive under ... -
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and its combination with Pyropia columbina (Rhodophyta) extracts for a cosmeceutical application
González-Conde, Mercedes; Vega Sánchez, Julia; López-Figueroa, Félix; García-Castro, Miguel; Moscoso, Ana; Sarabia-García, Francisco Ramón
; López-Romero, Juan Manuel
[et al.] (MDPI, 2023-03-10)
We report the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by using daisy petals (Bellis perennis), leek (Allium porrum) and garlic skin (Allium sativum) as reducing agents and water as solvent. AgNPs are obtained with ... -
Holistic Photoprotection, Broad Spectrum (UVA-UVB), and Biological Effective Protection Factors (BEPFs) from Baccharis antioquensis Hydrolysates Polyphenols
Monsalve-Bustamante, Yéssica A; López-Figueroa, Félix; Vega Sánchez, Julia; Rodrigues Moreira, Bruna; Puertas-Mejía, Miguel; Mejía-Giraldo, Juan C.[et al.] (MDPI, 2023-02-21)
Overexposure to solar radiation has become an increasingly worrying problem due to the damage to the skin caused by ultraviolet radiation (UVR). In previous studies, the potential of an extract enriched with glycosylated ... -
Interactive effects of solar radiation and inorganic nitrogen on biofiltration, biomass production, photosynthetic activity and the accumulation of bioactive compounds i
López-Figueroa, Félix; Álvarez-Gómez, Félix; Bonomi-Barufi, José; Vega Sánchez, Julia; Massocato, F.; Gómez-Pinchetti, J. L.; Korbee-Peinado, Nathalie
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2022-11-08)
Interactive effects of solar radiation and inorganic nitrogen and phosphate on biofiltration capacity, biomass production, photosynthetic activity and the accumulation of bio-active compounds were studied in the red alga ... -
Isolation of Mycosporine-like Amino Acids from Red Macroalgae and a Marine Lichen by High-Performance Countercurrent Chromatography: A Strategy to Obtain Biological UV-Filters.
Vega Sánchez, Julia; Bárcenas-Pérez, Daniela; Fuentes-Ríos, David; López-Romero, Juan Manuel; Hrouzek, Pavel; López-Figueroa, Félix
; Cheel, José[et al.] (MDPI, 2023-06-10)
Marine organisms have gained considerable biotechnological interest in recent years due to their wide variety of bioactive compounds with potential applications. Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) are UV-absorbing secondary ... -
Molecular Diversity and Biochemical Content in Two Invasive Alien Species: Looking for Chemical Similarities and Bioactivities
Vega Sánchez, Julia; Catalá, Teresa S.; García-Márquez, Jorge; Speidel, Linn G.; Arijo-Andrade, Salvador; Kunz, Niklas Cornelius; Geisler, Christoph; López-Figueroa, Félix
[et al.] (IOAP-MDPI, 2022-12-22)
The biochemical composition, molecular diversity, and two different bioactivities of Asparagopsis armata and Rugulopteryx okamurae (two alien species with different invasive patterns in the southern Iberian Peninsula) were ... -
Screening for New Cosmeceuticals from Brown Algae Fucus vesiculosus with Antioxidant and Photo-Protecting Properties
Hermund, Ditte B.; Torsteinsen, Hanna; Vega Sánchez, Julia (IOAP-MPDI, 2022-10-31)Phlorotannins play a role in biological functions to protect the cells against UV and oxidative damage in brown algae. We hypothesized that these compounds can function as photo-protectors and antioxidants in skin care ...