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Listar por autor "Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel"
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Botánica 3.0: Uso de las TICS y estrategias de gamificación en la enseñanza de la botánica
Adaptar las actividades formativas clásicamente presenciales a la docencia en línea como consecuencia de la actual pandemia ha supuesto un gran reto para la mayoría de docentes. Se tuvieron que desarrollar recursos que ... -
De novo transcriptome characterization of Ulva lacinulata under in situ emersion/immersion cyclic conditions.
The green algal genus Ulva Linnaeus (Ulvaceae, Ulvales, Chlorophyta) displays a worldwide distribution in marine, freshwater and brackish ecosystems, and are really well adapted to fluctuating natural environments. Despite ... -
Ecophysiological study of the intertidal zonation of the estuarine rhodophytes Bostrychia scorpioides (Hudson) Montagne ex Kützing and Catenella caespitosa (Withering) L. M. Irvine
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel (UMA Editorial, 2017)La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo estudiar la ecofisiología de las macroalgas estuáricas Bostrychia scorpioides (Hudson) Montagne ex Kützing (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales) y Catenella caespitosa (Withering) L. M. ... -
Evaluación de la demografía y ecología de las poblaciones del alga intermareal Fucus guiryi en el litoral Ceutí: Fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas para su conservación
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; García-Sánchez, María Jesús; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; Bañares-España, Elena
(Sergio López Martínez y Marga L Rivas, 2021)
Fucus guiryi es una de las principales algas pardas formadoras de hábitats intermareales en el Estrecho de Gibraltar. Durante las últimas décadas las comunidades de fucáceas han experimentado importantes regresiones en su ... -
How can seasonality modulate thermal sensitivity in early stages of fucoids?: The colder, the better
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Fernández, Andrea N.; García-Sánchez, María Jesús; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; Bañares-España, Elena
(12th International Phycological Congress (IPC21), 2020-03-22)
In the face of ocean global change, determining critical thermal thresholds for marine organisms is a key aspect to predict the survival and persistence of populations, particularly those from rear-edge areas. Seasonal ... -
Landescape room: el breakout digital aplicado a la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las tecnologías de información geográfica (TIG).
La gamificación es un concepto relativamente nuevo en la educación superior que ha demostrado resultados prometedores en la mejora los resultados de aprendizaje y la participación del alumnado. Una estrategia específica ... -
Microclimate accounts for demographic, morphological and reproductive differentiation of two neighbour peripheral populations of the canopy-forming Fucus guiryi
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Fernández Fernández, Andrea; García-Sánchez, María Jesús; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; Bañares-España, Elena
(European Journal of Phycology, 2019)
Demography, reproductive ecology and thermal regime of Fucus guiryi from the Strait of Gibraltar was monitored between 2018-2019, at two populations ca. 7 km apart (Tarifa and Guadalmesí, South Spain). Due to its peripheral ... -
Patrones de resiliencia térmica del alga intermareal Fucus guiryi en el Estrecho de Gibraltar.
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Fernández, Andrea N.; García-Sánchez, María Jesús; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; Bañares-España, Elena
[et al.] (2023)
Las macroalgas proporcionan servicios ecosistémicos costeros fundamentales, como la creación de hábitats y zonas de refugio para otras especies, son sumideros de carbono y contribuyen a la protección costera. En el Estrecho ... -
Resilience of a warm-temperate fucoid to a simulated marine heatwave: Exploring the interplay between life stages and tissues in relation to emersion.
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Fernández, Andrea N.; García-Sánchez, María Jesús; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; Bañares-España, Elena
Marine heatwaves (MHW) represent one of the main climatic threats for seaweed assemblages, altering their functioning, structure, and ecosystem services. Experimental simulations allow to assess the potential impacts of ... -
Saltpan as carbon sink.
Warren-Jiménez, Paula; Ledesma-Hernández, Guillermo; Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Ruiz Nieto, Miriam; Rodríguez-Gómez, Sofía; Montes-Pérez, Jorge Juan; Conejo-Orosa, Teresa; Gil Gil, Teresa; Mancebo-Romero, Lidia; Moreno-Ostos, Enrique[et al.] (2024)
Part of the Marchamalo saltpans (Murcia, Spain) has been abandoned for 28 years. The project “RESALAR” aims to restore 8 ha of this saltpan to extract salt in a traditional way while preserving biodiversity and historical ... -
Seasonal and microhabitat variability in the demography and morphology of Ericaria selaginoides (Linnaeus) from a mid-western Alboran sea population: Characterization and pilot restoration experience
This study aimed to assess the seasonal population dynamics and morphological changes of the canopy-forming macrophyte Ericaria selaginoides from a mid-western Alboran sea population (La Araña, Málaga, Spain). Demographic ... -
Temporal and spatial variability in population traits of an intertidal fucoid reveals local-scale climatic refugia
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Fernández, Andrea N.; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; García-Sánchez, María Jesús; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; Bañares-España, Elena
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023)
Global change is imposing significant losses in the functional traits of marine organisms. Although areas of climatic refugia ameliorate local conditions and help them to persist, the extent to which mesoscale effects ... -
Thermal resilience in embryos of Fucus guiryi from a marginal iteroparous southern population: May they cope with ongoing global warming?
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Fernández Fernández, Andrea; García-Sánchez, María Jesús; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; Bañares-España, Elena
(European Journal of Phycology, 2019)
Canopy-forming macroalgae are experiencing severe biodiversity loss, species shifts and population decline in the face of global change. Single- and few-celled stages of their life-history are a key pole for recruitment ... -
Warming rate could influence the thermal resistance in freshwater phytoplankton
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Reul, Andreas; Viruel, María Ángeles; Bañares-España, Elena
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
[et al.] (2024-01-19)
Global warming is altering the composition of freshwater phytoplankton communities due to the differential potential of species to respond to increasing temperatures. Eco-evolutionary theory supports that the rate of ... -
Warming rate shapes the thermal tolerance of freshwater phytoplankton.
Sánchez de Pedro Crespo, Raquel; Melero-Jiménez, Ignacio José; Reul, Andreas; Viruel, María Ángeles; Bañares-España, Elena
; Flores-Moya, Antonio
; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
[et al.] (2023)
The impact of global warming on phytoplankton species in freshwater ecosystems could vary depending on their capacity for adapting and acclimating to changes in temperature. To make better predictions under different global ...