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Listar por autor "Pérez-Armenta, Carlos"
Mostrando ítems 1-12 de 12
Advances in photonic metamaterials and sensing architectures
Halir, Robert; Torres-Cubillo, Antonia; Barona-Ruiz, Miguel; Sánchez-Ramírez, Ana; Luque-González, José Manuel; Moreno-Pozas, Laureano; Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ginel-Moreno, Pablo; Fernández-Hinestrosa, Alejandro; Leuermann, Jonas; De-Oliva-Rubio, José; Schmid, Jens H.; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo[et al.] (2024)Subwavelength materials have become a fundamental tool for silicon photonic design, enabling devices with unique performance characteristics. We will briefly review some fundamentals here and will then discuss some of the ... -
Bricked and evanescently-coupled topologies: expanding the portfolio of subwavelength metamaterial silicon photonic devices
Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ginel-Moreno, Pablo; Luque-González, José Manuel; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; De-Oliva-Rubio, José; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Halir, Robert; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo[et al.] (SPIE, 2023-02)We present two novel topologies of subwavelength grating (SWG) waveguides: the bricked-SWG and the evanescently-coupled-SWG. The bricked topology enables accurate control of waveguide anisotropy while maintaining the index ... -
Broadband and low-loss TM-pass polarizer using tilted subwavelength structures
Barona-Ruiz, Miguel; Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Cheben, Pavel; Halir, Robert[et al.] (Optica Publishing Group, 2022-10-10)Photonic systems built on the Silicon-on-Insulator platform exhibit a strong birefringence, and must thus be operated with a single polarization for most applications. Hence, on-chip polarizers that can effectively suppress ... -
Demostración experimental de un acoplador de interferencia multimodal insensible a la polarización basado en un metamaterial sublongitud de onda
Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Luque-González, José Manuel; Halir, Robert; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo[et al.] (2023)En este trabajo se demuestra experimentalmente un acoplador 3 dB 90o basado en un dispositivo de interferencia multimodal 2×2 independiente a la polarización. El dispositivo se ha desarrollado en una plataforma de silicio ... -
Dispositivos de interferencia multimodal 2×2 de banda ultraancha basados en estructuras periódicas sub-longitud de onda para las bandas O-E-S-C
Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Luque-González, José Manuel; Halir, Robert; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo[et al.] (2021)Los dispositivos de interferencia multimodal (MMI) son un bloque funcional fundamental en óptica integrada. La creciente demanda de capacidad en los enlaces de comunicaciones ópticas motiva la búsqueda de nuevas formas de ... -
Engineering sub-wavelength silicon waveguides for sensing applications in the near-infrared and mid-infrared band
Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Leuermann, Jonas; Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Luque-González, José Manuel; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Halir, Robert; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Cheben, Pavel; Xu, Dan-Xia; Schmid, Jens H.; Ctyroky, Jiri; Soler-Penades, Jordi; Nedeljkovic, Milos; Mashanovich, Goran Z.[et al.] (2019-02-08)Silicon photonics is one of the most promising candidates to achieve lab-on-a-chip systems. Making use of the evanescent-field sensing principle, it is possible to determine the presence and concentration of substances by ... -
High performance TM-pass polarizer via subwavelength grating bandgap engineering
Barona-Ruiz, Miguel; Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Cheben, Pavel; Halir, Robert[et al.] (2023-04-05)Silicon photonics systems exhibit a strong birefrin- gence which makes polarization management critical. Here we demonstrate, with full 3D-FDTD simulations, a low-loss and high- extinction ratio TM-pass polarizer based on ... -
Polarization independent 2×2 multimode interference coupler with bricked subwavelength metamaterial
Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Luque-González, José Manuel; Halir, Robert; Reyes Iglesias, Pedro José; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo[et al.] (2022)The silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform enables high integration density in photonic integrated circuits while maintaining compatibility with CMOS fabrication processes. Nevertheless, its inherently high modal birefringence ... -
Polarization insensitive metamaterial engineered multimode interference coupler in a 220 nm silicon-on-insulator platform
Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Luque-González, José Manuel; Halir, Robert; Schmid, Jens; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023)High-index contrast silicon waveguides exhibit strong birefringence that hinders the development of polarization-insensitive devices, especially for sub-micrometer silicon layer thickness. Here a polarizationindependent 2 ... -
Polarization-insensitive multimode interference coupler based on bricked subwavelength gratings
Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Luque-González, José Manuel; Halir, Robert; Reyes Iglesias, Pedro José; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo[et al.] (2022)The recently proposed bricked patterning enables enhanced performance in integrated photonics devices based on subwavelength gratings, including polarization insensitivity. We report on the design of a polarization-agnostic ... -
Recent progress in subwavelength grating metamaterial engineered silicon photonic devices.
Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Ginel-Moreno, Pablo; Luque-González, José Manuel; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; De-Oliva-Rubio, José; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Halir, Robert; Schmid, Jens H.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo[et al.] (2023)In this talk we present our recent advances in SWG metamaterial engineering. We will show a 1D-optical phased array composed of 112 evanescent-coupled surface emitting antennas with a length of 1.5 mm and fed by a compact ... -
Subwavelength-engineered metamaterial devices for integrated photonics
Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; Ginel-Moreno, Pablo; Pereira-Martín, Daniel; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Luque-González, José Manuel; Pérez-Armenta, Carlos; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Halir, Robert; Schmid, Jens H.; Soler-Penades, Jordi; Nedeljkovic, Milos; Ye, Winnie N.; Mashanovich, Goran Z.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo[et al.] (2022)The engineering of subwavelength grating metamaterials has become an essential design strategy in silicon photonics. The lithographic segmentation of integrated waveguides at the subwavelength scale enables the synthesis ...