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Listar por autor "García-Rosado, Esther"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 48
Actividad antagonista de aislados del Virus de la Septicemia Hemorrágica Viral (VHSV) frente al sistema del interferón tipo I de lenguado senegalés
Gémez-Mata, Juan; Álvarez-Torres, Daniel; García-Rosado, Esther; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) is susceptible to marine Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus (VHSV) isolates, but it is not affected by freshwater VHSV isolates. In addition, the sole type I interferon (IFN I) response ... -
Actividad inmunomoduladora y antiviral del Propil Propano Tiosulfinato, un compuesto derivado de la cebolla, frente a betanodavirus
Moreno, Patricia; Baños-Arjona, Alberto; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen; García-Rosado, Esther
; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
Los compuestos organosulfurados de las especies del género Allium, como el PropilPropano Tiosulfinato (PTS), se utilizan como aditivos funcionales en alimentación animal por sus propiedades antimicrobianas. Sin embargo, ... -
Analysis of gene expression in nodavirus-inoculated Senegalese sole using a new Openarray® platform.
Labella Vera, Alejandro Manuel; Gémez Mata, Juan; Vera, Isabel; Bandin, Isabel; Leiva Rebollo, Rocío; Borrego-García, Juan José; García-Rosado, Esther[et al.] (Elsevier, 2019)
Nervous necrosis virus (NNV) is the causative agent of the viral encephalopathy and retinopathy, a disease that affects cultured Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). A NNV reassortant (Ss160.03), combining genomic segments ... -
Antiviral activity of European sea bass ISG15 against betanodavirus infections
Moreno, Patricia; García-Rosado, Esther; Borrego-García, Juan José; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
To study the role of the sea bass ISG15 protein against betanodavirus infections, an in vivo transcription analysis has been performed after RGNNV infection and poly I:C inoculation, and the sea bass ISG15 activity has ... -
Antiviral activity of mx proteins from gilthead seabream (sparus aurata) against lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV).
Fernández-Trujillo, M. Alejandra; García-Rosado, Esther; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
; Borrego-García, Juan José; Álvarez-Herrero, María del Carmen
; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
[et al.] (ELSEVIER, 2013)
Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), one of the most important fish species in the Mediterranean Aquaculture displays a high natural resistance to viral diseases. Until now, the main viral disease affecting gilthead seabream ... -
Characterization of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) Mx promoter
Carballo Perez, Carlos; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen; Collet, Bertrand; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
; Álvarez-Torres, Daniel; García-Rosado, Esther
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2013)
Type I interferon (IFN) represents a first component of the innate immune response against viral infections, promoting an antiviral state in cells. Mx proteins are the best studied IFN-inducible genes (ISGs) in fish. The ... -
Co-occurrence of viral and bacterial pathogens in disease outbreaks affecting newly cultured sparid fish
García-Rosado, Esther; Cano, Irene; Martín-Antonio, Beatriz; Labella Vera, Alejandro Manuel; Manchado, Manuel; Alonso, María del Carmen; Castro, Dolores; Borrego, Juan José[et al.] (Springer, 2007-09-01)
Several microbial disease outbreaks in farm stocks of newly cultured sparid fish species, such as common seabream, redbanded seabream, and white seabream, were recorded from 2004 to 2006. This study describes the isolation ... -
Cytokine-like activity of European sea bass ISG15 protein on RGNNV-infected E−11 cells
Moreno-García, Patricia; Leiva-Rebollo, Rocío; García-Rosado, Esther; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
(Elsevier, 2022-08-23)
IFN-I generates an antiviral state by inducing the expression of numerous genes, called IFN-stimulated genes, ISGs, including ISG15, which is the only ISG with cytokine-like activity. In a previous study, we developed ... -
Cytokine-like activity of European sea bass ISG15 protein on RGNNV-infected E−11 cells
Moreno García, Patricia; Leiva Rebollo, Rocío; García Rosado, Esther; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
(Elsevier, 2022-08-18)
IFN-I generates an antiviral state by inducing the expression of numerous genes, called IFN-stimulated genes, ISGs, including ISG15, which is the only ISG with cytokine-like activity. In a previous study, we developed ... -
Development of in vitro systems to study IFN signalling in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)
González-Mariscal, J.A.; Fernández-Trujillo, M. Alejandra; Méndez, T.; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen; García-Rosado, Esther
; Álvarez-Herrero, María del Carmen
; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
[et al.] (2014-12-11)
Type I interferon (IFN I) triggers specific signalling pathways leading to the activation of the innate immune defence of vertebrates against viral infections. In contrats, type II IFN (IFN II) is generally accepted to be ... -
Differences in the viral induction of the senegalese sole Mx protein in RTG-2 and CHSE-214 cells
Álvarez-Torres, Daniel; Podadera, Ana Maria; García-Rosado, Esther; Collet, Bertrand; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
[et al.] (EAFP, 2013)
Transfected RTG-2 cells infected with VHSV showed significant induction of the luciferase reporter gene, compared to the control non-infected cells, at 24, 48 and 72 h post infection (p.i.). The maximum expression was ... -
Differential antiviral activity of European sea bass interferon-stimulated 15 protein (ISG15) against RGNNV and SJNNV betanodaviruses.
Moreno, Patricia; Álvarez-Torres, Daniel; García-Rosado, Esther; Borrego-García, Juan José; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
(ScienceDirect, 2018-09-07)
ISG15 is an antiviral protein acting intracellularly, by conjugation to viral or cellular proteins, or extracellularly, as cytokine. In this work, an in vitro system, consisting of E-11 cells over-expressing European sea ... -
Differential antiviral activity of Porphyridium cruentum polysaccharides against VHSV and NNV infections
Parra-Riofrio, Geovanna; Moreno-García, Patricia; Abdala-Díaz, Roberto Teófilo; García-Rosado, Esther
; Uribe-Tapia, Eduardo; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
[et al.] (2021-09)
The use of functional food can be an interesting approach to prevent viral diseases in aquaculture facilities. An increasing number of studies have suggested that marine microorganisms can be a relevant source of substances ... -
Differential immunogene expression profile of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.) in response to highly and low virulent NN
Moreno, Patricia; Gémez-Mata, Juan; García-Rosado, Esther; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
; Labella Vera, Alejandro Manuel; Souto, Sandra; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2020)
European sea bass is highly susceptible to the nervous necrosis virus, RGNNV genotype, whereas natural outbreaks caused by the SJNNV genotype have not been recorded. The onset and severity of an infectious disease depend ... -
Differential induction of the gilthead seabream Mx1, Mx2 and Mx3 promoters by IPNV and VHSV
González-Mariscal, J.A.; Fernández-Trujillo, M. Alejandra; Méndez, T.; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen; García-Rosado, Esther
; Álvarez-Herrero, María del Carmen
; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
[et al.] (2014-10-07)
Type I interferon (IFN I) system triggers specific signalling pathways leading to the activation of the innate immune defence of vertebrates against viral infections. The complex expression regulation of Interferon Stimulated ... -
Estudio in vitro de la actividad antagonista de aislados del virus de la septicemia hemorrágica viral (VHSV) de distinto origen sobre el sistema del IFN tipo I
Gémez-Mata, Juan; Álvarez-Torres, Daniel; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen; García-Rosado, Esther
; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
El lenguado senegalés (Solea senegalensis) es susceptible a aislados marinos del virus de la septicemia hemorrágica viral (VHSV); sin embargo, los VHSV patógenos para especies de agua dulce no son virulentos para especies ... -
Estudio in vitro de la actividad tipo citoquina de ISG15 de lubina frente a infecciones por Betanodavirus
Moreno-García, Patricia; Leiva-Rebollo, Rocío; García-Rosado, Esther; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
El sistema interferón tipo I (IFN-I) establece un estado antiviral mediante la transcripción de los llamados genes estimulados por IFN (ISG). Destaca el gen isg15, cuya proteína es la única descrita que presenta actividad ... -
European sea bass RTP3 genes: genomic characterization and transcription analyses.
Moreno-García, Patricia; Gémez-Mata, Juan; Álvarez-Torres, Daniel; García-Rosado, Esther; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
[et al.] (2023)
Introduction: Fish RTP3, belonging to receptor-transporting protein (RTP) family, has been described as an interferon-α (IFN-α)-responsive gene. However, little information is available about fish rtp3 gene structure and ... -
Evaluación de la respuesta inmune en doradas tras la administración de una vacuna inactivada frente a betanodavirus
Gémez-Mata, Juan; Leiva-Rebollo, Rocío; Moreno, Patricia; Borrego-García, Juan José; García-Rosado, Esther; Labella Vera, Alejandro Manuel; Castro-López, María Dolores
[et al.] (2023)
El virus de la necrosis nerviosa (VNN), género Betanodavirus, familia Nodaviridae, es el agente etiológico de la necrosis nerviosa viral, enfermedad que afecta a peces cultivados en todo el mundo. Existen cuatro especies ... -
Extractos del probiótico Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 protegen frente a la infección por RGNNV en cultivo celular
Moreno, Patricia; Balebona-Accino, María del Carmen; Moriñigo-Gutiérrez, Miguel Ángel
; Alonso-Sánchez, María del Carmen
; Béjar-Alvarado, Julia
; García-Rosado, Esther
[et al.] (2022)
El agente etiológico de la retinopatía y encefalitis viral (VER) es el virus de la necrosis nerviosa (VNN). Aunque esta enfermedad puede causar una elevada mortalidad en numerosas especies de peces, no existen métodos ...