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Listar por autor "Garcia-Paya, Irene"
Mostrando ítems 1-12 de 12
Changes in the parameters of gait after a mechanical debridement of a plantar callosities
Garcia-Paya, Irene; Gijon-Nogueron, Gabriel; Ortega-Avila, Ana Belen; Paez-Moguer, Joaquin; Cervera-Marin, Jose Antonio (Elsevier, 2015)Abstract Introduction: Plantar callosities are a common cause of pain in the forefoot and also a cause of alterations in plantar pressure. Mechanical debridement with a scalpel can relieve pain and increase functional ... -
Clinical Manifestations of COVID-19 in the Feet: A Review of Reviews
Jiménez-Cebrián, Ana María; Castro-Méndez, Aurora; Garcia-Podadera, Blanca; Romero-Galisteo, Rita Pilar; Medina-Alcántara, Francisco Miguel; García-Payá, Irene; Páez-Moguer, Joaquín; Córdoba-Fernández, Antonio[et al.] (MDPI, 2021)Abstract: There is a lack of scientific evidence about the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The clinical manifestations are not thoroughly understood; classically, the virus manifests itself ... -
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the French version of the diabetic foot self-care questionnaire of the University of Malaga (DFSQ-UMA)
García-Payá, Irene; Lescure, Yves; Delacroix, Sebastian; Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel (American Podiatric Medical Association, 2019)Background: Diabetic foot care management is directed at patients with a history of complications, especially those with rising levels of hemoglobin A1c, and those who have had diabetes for several years. The aim of this ... -
Diccionario Podológico Español-Inglés Términos podológicos de uso común en el Grado de Podología (Cuaderno de ayuda para el alumno)
Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén; García-Payá, Irene; Cervera-Marín, José Antonio (2017-08-29)Diccionario con términos utilizados en el ámbito de la podología tanto en inglés como en español, y su definición en ambos idiomas. Se pretende sea un documento de uso dentro de las asignaturas del Grado de Podología para ... -
Disminución del estrés percibido previo a las prácticas con pacientes reales con el uso de casos clínicos en la titulación de Podología.
Los estudiantes de Podología padecen de estrés anticipatorio a las prácticas clínicas con pacientes reales. Este proyecto pretende disminuir dicho estrés con la resolución de casos clínicos previos a la ejecución delas ... -
Does the type of sport practiced influence foot posture and knee angle? Differences between footballers and swimmers
Lopezosa-Reca, Eva; Gijon-Nogueron, Gabriel; Garcia-Paya, Irene; Ortega-Avila, Ana Belen (Taylor & Francis, 2018)This aim of this study is to observe the differences in foot posture and the angle of the knee according to different physical activities. Seventy-eight football players and 72 swimmers were recruited, and in each case a ... -
Efectividad de la deslaminación mecánica con bisturí en la eliminación de helomas e hiperqueratosis
García-Payá, Irene (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2016)Introducción El motivo principal por el que acuden los pacientes a las consultas de podología es el dolor producido por los callos y callosidades plantares. El dolor producido por las callosidades y callos plantares ... -
Effectiveness of the Ponseti method in the treatment of clubfoot: a systematic review
López-Carrero, Elena; Castillo-López, Jose Manuel; Medina-Alcántara, Francisco Miguel; Domínguez-Maldonado, Gabriel; García-Payá, Irene; Jiménez-Cebrián, Ana María[et al.] (MDPI, 2023-02-20)Clubfoot is a common congenital deformity of the lower limbs. It should be treated as soon as possible so that its correction is more easily achieved. The objective of this systematic review was to assess the effectiveness ... -
Measuring stress in podiatric students in Spain: psychometric validation and adaptation of the KEZKAK questionnaire
Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén; Cervera-Garvi, Pablo; Jiménez-Cebrián, Ana María; Chicharro-Luna, Esther; García-Payá, Irene; Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel[et al.] (PeerJ Publishing, 2020)Objective. The study aim was to develop a linguistic-cultural adaptation of theKEZKAK questionnaire to be completed during the practicum of podiatric medical students in Spain, to validate the questionnaire and to evaluate ... -
Randomized Clinical Trial: The Effect of Exercise of the Intrinsic Muscle on Foot Pronation
Pabón-Carrasco, Manuel; Castro-Méndez, Aurora; Vilar-Palomo, Samuel; Jiménez-Cebrián, Ana María; García-Payá, Irene; Palomo-Toucedo, Inmaculada C.[et al.] (MDPI, 2020)Background: There is little scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of strengthening exercises on the foot’s intrinsic musculature in improving the lower limb on the statics and dynamics in healthy individuals. ... -
Riesgos laborales en podología
García-Payá, Irene (2019-10-21)El auge actual de la profesión podológica y el incremento de accidentes laborales en el medio sanitario propician la necesidad de investigar los diferentes factores de riesgos a los que están expuestos los podólogos dentro ... -
Variation of spatiotemporal parameters in school children carrying different backpack loads: a cross sectional study
Páez-Moguer, Joaquín; Montes-Alguacil, Jesús; García-Payá, Irene; Medina-Alcántara, Francisco Miguel; Evans, Angela Margaret; Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel[et al.] (Springer Nature, 2019-10-21)The purpose of this study was to analyze spatiotemporal parameters of gait in children using varyingly loaded Backpacks(BP). This cross-sectional study examined 231 schoolchildren (118 boys, 113 girls) aged six to 12 years, ...