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Listar por autor "García-Orza, Javier"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 21
Automatic processing of number identity and place-value in multi-digit numbers
García-Orza, Javier; Álvarez-Montesinos, Juan Antonio
; Estudillo, Alejandro; Calleja-Reina, Marina
; Rodríguez-Santos, José Miguel
The Arabic numerical system employs two dimensions to create multi-digit numbers: digits symbols and place-value. The present research explores in two numerical Stroop experiments to which extent number identity and number ... -
Automatic Processing of place value in four digit numbers depends on number complexity
García-Orza, Javier; Estudillo, Alejandro; Rodríguez-Santos, José Miguel
; Calleja-Reina, Marina
Coding of place-value of numbers is as relevant in number processing as coding the identity of the corresponding digits. Recently, Kallai & Tzelgov (2012), manipulating physical size and numerical magnitude in a physical ... -
Conduite d'approche in conduction aphasia: Which psycholinguistic and experimental variables drive it – A case study.
Conduite d’approche (CdA) is a classic repetitive behavior reported frequently in persons with conduction aphasia, however, relatively little is known about it, both at the brain and cognitive level (e.g., whether it is a ... -
Cross-cultural Adaptation, Internal Consistency and Validity of the Handwriting Proficiency Screening Questionnaire (HPSQ) for Spanish Primary School-age Children
Cantero-Téllez, Raquel; Medina-Porqueres, Iván
; Piñel, Inmaculada; García-Orza, Javier
(OMICS International Pvt Ltd, 2015)
Aim: To translate and culturally adapt the HPSQ into Spanish and to obtain a reliable and viable version. Additionally, the psychometric properties of this new version, namely, the internal consistency and validity, were ... -
Desarrollo de una herramienta para la evaluacion neuropsicológica en pacientes marroquíes
Elkadib Elkdib, Jamal (UMA Editorial, 2016)El objetivo de nuestra tesis doctoral es elaborar una batería de evaluación del lenguaje en pacientes afásicos marroquíes. Hoy en día en Marruecos no existen materiales adecuados para la evaluación de la población marroquí ... -
Diferenciación hemisférica en la recuperación de las habilidades lingüísticas en la afasia: un estudio con estimulación eléctrica
Cuadra Jaime, Marina (2017-10-06)En la actualidad sigue sin estar claro cuál es el papel del hemisferio derecho en el lenguaje y su rehabilitación. Según algunos autores, el hemisferio derecho asume funciones lingüísticas, facilitando la recuperación del ... -
Do we compute the exact number of digits in the string when comparing different-length numbers?
Recent studies have shown that, when comparing multidigit numbers that differ in length (e.g., 2384-107), a decision is made considering length but also other attributes like the value of the initial digits (i.e., left-most ... -
Effects of self-efficacy, catastrophizing, fear of movement and joint position sense in the maintenance of wrist unspecific pain in athletes. An observational study.
Cantero-Téllez, Raquel; Cruz Gambero, Leire; García-Orza, Santiago; Cuadros-Romero, Miguel; García-Orza, Javier
Wrist pain is a highly prevalent condition in racket sport population. Although different wrist injuries have been described in the literature as more prevalent in racket sport, unspecific chronic wrist pain is common ... -
High-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation enhances unfamiliar face matching of high resolution and pixelated faces
Estudillo, Alejandro; Lee, Ye Ji; Álvarez-Montesinos, Juan Antonio; García-Orza, Javier
(Elsevier, 2023-02)
Face identification is useful for social interactions and its impairment can lead to severe social and mental problems. This ability is also remarkably important in applied settings, including eyewitness identification and ... -
How many digits are there in a multi-digit number?
García-Orza, Javier; Álvarez-Montesinos, Juan Antonio
; Montenegro, Ismael R.; Cuadra Jaime, Marina (2017-09-15)
The processing of multi-digit numbers have been usually studied comparing numbers with the same number of digits. In these cases, deciding which number is bigger simply requires comparing the leftmost digit of each number. ... -
Individual differences in arithmetic fluency
García-Orza, Javier; Rodríguez-Santos, José Miguel
; Calleja-Reina, Marina
; Iza-Miqueleiz, Mauricio
; Álvarez-Montesinos, Juan Antonio
Este estudio contrasta la hipótesis de que las dificultades que tienen algunos sujetos en el dominio de las tablas de multiplicar se deban a su incapacidad para afrontar la interferencia. Los resultados no muestran diferencias ... -
Is math anxiety caused by a deficit in basic numerical skills? A study using numerical and non-numerical tasks
García-Orza, Javier; Carratalá Cepedal, Patricia (2013-12-20)
Recent research found differences between high and low anxiety adults in basic numerical tasks like Arabic number comparison and dot enumeration (Maloney et al., 2010; 2011). This led some researchers to consider that math ... -
Length is not all that matters: testing the role of number identity and the ratio of fillers in comparisons of multi-digits with different digit length
García-Orza, Javier; Gutiérrez-Cordero, Ismael; Larios, Carlos; Csilinkó, Anikó; Álvarez-Montesinos, Juan Antonio
(Springer, 2022-02-18)
Research in multi-digit number comparison usually considers stimuli with the same number of digits (e.g., 3452 vs. 7831). Surprisingly, there is almost no research on the comparison of numbers that differ in length (e.g., ... -
Looking for predictors of performance in single digit addition, subtraction and multiplication: evidence from a one-year longitudinal study
Recent research has explored the numerical skills that acted as predictors of arithmetic fact knowledge. However, most of these studies suffer from some limitations. In some cases, arithmetic fact knowledge has been ... -
Nonsymbolic Comparison in Deaf Students: No Evidence for a Deficit in Numerosity Processing.
Rodríguez-Santos, José Miguel; García-Orza, Javier
; Calleja-Reina, Marina
; Damas, Jesús; Iza-Miqueleiz, Mauricio
(Gallaudet University Press, 2018-08-11)
It is commonly found that deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students experience delayed mathematical achievement. The present study used two nonsymbolic comparison tasks to explore the basic numerical skills of DHH students. ... -
Phonemic errors with words but semantic errors with numbers: is number production special?
Guandalini, Martina; Rodríguez-Santos, José Miguel; García-Orza, Javier
Paradoxically, brain-damaged people with impairments in the phonological output buffer produce phonemic paraphasias with content words (e.g., bitar-butter) but semantic paraphasias with number words (e.g., twenty five-thirty ... -
Procesos cognitivos de la Lengua de Signos
Carratalá Cepedal, Patricia (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2016)En los últimos años la Lengua de Signos (LS), lengua natural de la comunidad sorda, ha experimentado una fuerte expansión no sólo dentro del marco de esta comunidad, sino incluso fuera de éste. En este marco de expansión ... -
Saying thirteen instead of forty-two but saying lale instead of tale: is number production special?
García-Orza, Javier; Gutiérrez-Cordero, Ismael; Guandalini, Martina (Elsevier, 2020-07)
Stimulus Type Effect on Phonological and Semantic errors (STEPS) occurs when a person, following brain damage, produces phonemic errors with non-number words (e.g., lale for tale), but produces semantic errors with number ... -
Struggling with single-digit multiplications: testing several hypotheses
Álvarez-Montesinos, Juan Antonio; Rodríguez-Montenegro, Ismael; Cuadra Jaime, Marina; García-Orza, Javier
Between 5-10% of children suffer big difficulties in learning single-digit multiplications (Geary, 2011). In accordance with previous studies, difficulties in learning multiplications would be related with interference-control ... -
The moderating role of mathematical skill level when using curricular methods to learn multiplication tables
García-Orza, Javier; Álvarez-Montesinos, Juan Antonio
; Luque-Liñán, María Luisa
; Matas, Antonio (Colegío oficial de la Psicología de Madrid, 2021)
The present study explores the effect of two instructional methods for children with different levels of mathematical skills. One of these methods uses a conventional approach to learning multiplication and emphasizes the ...