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Listar por autor "Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 22
A Major Earthquake and Tsunami in the Gulf of Cadiz in the Sixth Century B.C.? A Review of the Historical, Archaeological, and Geological Evidence.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(Seismological Society of America, 2023-01-27)
This article offers an overview of the published evidence of the possible occurrence of an earthquake and tsunami that, if factual, would have struck the shores of the Gulf of Cadiz sometime in the sixth century B.C. It ... -
Archaeological and Geophysical Evidence of a High-Energy Marine Event at the Phoenician Site of Cerro del Villar (Malaga, Spain).
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel; Suárez Padilla, José; Aubet, M.ª Eugenia; Machuca Prieto, Francisco; Martín Casado, Juan Manuel; Feist, Lisa; Val-Peón, Cristina; Reicherter, Klaus[et al.] (Springer, 2022)
The Mediterranean coast of Spain, much of which is built-up and densely populated, is today a tourist hot spot. Additionally, there are vital infrastructures, including airports, harbours and industrial facilities along ... -
Battles Beneath the Sea: Phoenician Votive Offerings as a Possible Religious Response to Extreme Marine Events in the Gulf of Cadiz.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(Penn State University Press, 2023-09-01)
This article reviews the possible cause for the underwater deposition of a series of Phoenician bronze figurines dated between the eighth and seventh centuries BC and discovered on the southwestern coast of the Iberian ... -
Breaking the Waves: Earthquake and Tsunami Research in the Iberian Peninsula from a Historiographical Perspective.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel; Machuca Prieto, Francisco (Springer, 2022-06-23)
This chapter performs a historiographical overview for the purpose of describing the evolution of recent earthquake and tsunami research in the Iberian Peninsula, characterised by the convergence of information deriving ... -
Conquistas en los confines del mundo: Melqart y César, de Gades a Brigantium.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(Universidad de Sevilla/Universidad de Alcalá, 2019)
El capítulo ofrece una revisión del episodio de la expedición naval que Julio César comanda en el año 61 a.C. en las costas atlánticas del noroeste de la península ibérica y que finaliza con la conquista de Brigantium, en ... -
Crisis y adaptación en la Huelva tartésica: el impacto de un evento de inundación extremo en la evolución constructiva y en la dinámica histórica del emporio onubense (siglo VI a. C.).
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(Archaeopress, 2024)
This chapter offers an overview of the published evidence of the impact of an extreme flood event on the port of the Tartessian city of Huelva at the beginning of the 6th century BC. A review of the urban development of ... -
Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Ancient Iberia: the Historical Sources.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(Springer, 2022-06-23)
According to recent Portuguese and Spanish seismic catalogues, a remarkable number of earthquakes and tsunamis were recorded in the Iberian Peninsula during Antiquity. They list earthquakes and tsunamis in 218–209 BC (Gulf ... -
Hijos de Melqart. Justino (44.5) y la koiné tiria entre los ss. IV-III a.C.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(CSIC, 2014)
Proponemos una nueva interpretación del pasaje de Justino (44.5) relativo al dominio cartaginés en la Península Ibérica, que no se iniciaría con la fundación de Gadir, sino de una colonia por parte de los gaditanos con la ... -
Historiografía sobre Tarteso.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(Museo Arqueológico Regional, Comunidad de Madrid, 2023)
How to Detain a Tsunami: Impassable Boundaries against Ocean Chaos in Ancient and Modern Imaginaries.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(Liverpool University Press, 2022-12-01)
This chapter focuses on the symbolic keys of a very long-standing model of perception of the sea among the cultures of the Mediterranean, which includes a combination of events played out on a cosmogonic stage: the deity’s ... -
Las comunidades fenicias de la Península Ibérica y su integración en el mundo romano: una perspectiva identitaria
Machuca Prieto, Francisco (UMA Editorial, 2017-05-23)Este estudio constituye un análisis del proceso de integración de las comunidades de origen y tradición fenicia del sur la Península Ibérica en las estructuras de dominación del imperium romanum, desde el final de la Segunda ... -
Melqart-Heracles and the Edge of the World: religious reactions to the threat of the ocean among the Phoenicians of Iberia.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(CNR Edizioni, 2021)
Recent geoarchaeological research has revealed that the Gulf of Cadiz was struck at least once by a large tsunami during the Phoenician period, roughly between the 8th and 3rd centuries BCE. In this contribution, at attempt ... -
El retorno del cataclismo: de la Atlántida a Tarteso.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2020)
Tartesos : mito y realidad
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(UMA /SEDOC, 2011-11)
Esta civilización ha obsesionado a eruditos y aficionados a la historia. Sin duda, un enigma historiográfico tras el que podría hallarse el reflejo de la colonización fenicia en el sur peninsular y en consecuenia, como ... -
The Egyptian Heracles of Gades.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(CNR Edizioni, 2024)
Melqart, the tutelary god of the Phoenician city of Gades, is referred to by Greek and Latin authors of the Roman period as Heracles or Hercules. Although several of these authors recognise his Tyrian origin, Pomponius ... -
The Gadir-Tyre Axis.
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(Oxford University Press, 2019-08-12)
This chapter focuses on the connection between Tyre and its colony Gadir via the foundational figure of Melqart and his respective temples in these cities, a relationship which is well-known thanks to historiographical and ... -
The Historicity of the Earthquakes Occurring in the Iberian Peninsula before A.D. 881 Recorded in Spanish and Portuguese Seismic Catalogs
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(Seismological Society of America, 2020)
In this paper, the original accounts of the first 19 earthquakes—occurring before 881 AD—recorded in Martínez-Solares and Mezcua’s Catálogo sísmico de la Península Ibérica (2002) are reviewed. Their evolution is traced ... -
¿Tsunamis en Tarteso? Posibles evidencias de eventos marinos de alta energía en el hábitat de Huelva en época tartésica (siglos VII-VI a. C.).
Álvarez-Martí-Aguilar, Manuel(Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida (CSIC-Junta de Extremadura), 2023)
En este trabajo se sintetizan las informaciones publicadas sobre evidencias de un tsunami documentadas en las excavaciones del solar de la Calle Méndez Núñez 7-13 – Plaza de las Monjas 12 de Huelva; y se revisan las ...