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Listar por autor "Castro-Borrego, Silvia Pilar"
Mostrando ítems 1-11 de 11
Aethiopum Terris Venit: la Biografía sin Tiempo de Juan Latino
Castro-Borrego, Silvia Pilar(Peter Lang, 2021)
Este capítulo analizará el personaje histórico de Juan Latino (c.1516-1518), apodado "El Negro", indagando en su faceta personal y académica, y enfatizando su ingente trayectoria humanística, partiendo de la novela de José ... -
Challenging the Tragic Mulatto Stereotype in Three Nineteen Century African American Texts
Castro-Borrego, Silvia Pilar(Cambridge Scholars, 2012)
The image of the tragic mulatta character calls for a critical exploration in the works of three literary works by 19th century African American women: Harriet Wilson's Our Nig (1859), Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life ... -
Claiming the Politics of Articulation through Agency and Wholeness in Two Afro-Hispanic Postcolonial Narratives.
Castro-Borrego, Silvia Pilar(Bridgewater State University, 2016)
Following a context-based approach and the tenets of post-positivist realist theory, this paper will analyze two post-colonial Afro-Spanish novels immersed in the context of the African Diaspora: María Nsue Angüe’s Ekomo ... -
Expanding Consciousness, Integral Consciousness, and Conscious Evolution in Paule Marshall's Fiction
Castro-Borrego, Silvia Pilar(Universidad de Zaragoza, 2022-12)
Marshall’s literary concerns link with key issues of the black diaspora such as black consciousness and the search for wholeness. This two preoccupations of the author connect in a straightforwardly manner with the pioneer ... -
Juan Latino "El Negro": Poet and Humanist
Castro-Borrego, Silvia Pilar(2015-10-05)
The article explores the historical novel written by José V. Pascual about the life and Works of Juan Latino "El Negro" focusing on the humanism of this black poet and professor and his contributions to the Afro-spanish ... -
Motherlands as Gendered Spaces. Cultural Identity, Mythic Memory and Wholeness in Julie Dash's Daughters of the Dust.
Castro-Borrego, Silvia Pilar(Peter Lang, 2020)
This paper will analyze from an interdisciplinary, post-colonial and Black feminist point of view the project of reconstruction and revision that deeply affects the thematic and formal features of the work of African ... -
Polymorphous Eroticism: New Paths to Survival in Black Women's Writings.
Castro-Borrego, Silvia Pilar(Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de La Laguna, 2016-11-11)
Partiendo de la afirmación de la escritora afroamericana Audre Lorde de que la sexualidad de la mujer negra puede ser interpretada como una expresión de la reclamación del desdeñado cuerpo negro, enfatizando el deseo y la ... -
Sacred Sexuality: Spirituality and Wholeness in African American Women’s Texts
Castro-Borrego, Silvia Pilar(AEDEAN EBook, 2014-02)
Esta mesa redonda es una aproximación a la problemática del silencio de la sexualidad femenina en la literatura contemporánea feminista norteamericana -
The Black Sexual Body as Palimpsest
Castro-Borrego, Silvia Pilar(2016-10-11)
Análisis de las politicas sexuales a las que se sometía el cuerpo de la mujer negra en las colonias Norteamericanas del siglo 19 -
The Myth of U.S. Southern Poor Whites/"White Trash": Dorothy Allison's Literary Contribution to Debunking the Stigma
Parróndo-Carretero, Concepción(UMA Editorial, 2021-12-16)
Hasta muy recientemente, la historis de los blancos pobres (White Trash) en los EE.UU. ha sido tergiversada. A finales del siglo XX un grupo de escritores nacidos en el senos de la pobreza, entre ellos Dorothy Allison, ... -
The Plays of Carlton and Barbara Molette: The Transformative Power of African-American Theater pp. 94-114
Castro-Borrego, Silvia Pilar(Liverpool University Press, 2018)
My paper will explore several plays of Atlanta based playwrights Barbara and Carlton Molette, former staff at Spelman College and members of the Dramatist Guild. The first play, Rosalee Pritchett (1970), is clearly ...