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Listar por autor "Castillo-Garriga, Araceli"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 58
Adaptative mechanisms of cellulose synthesis under stress conditions
Pagano Márquez, Raquel; Macho, Alberto P.; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Amorim-Silva, Vitor; Botella-Mesa, Miguel Ángel
Cellulose is the main structural compound of the plant cell wall and the most abundant biopolymer on Earth (Bar‐On et al 2018). The essential role of cellulose in plant development and defence highlights the importance ... -
Análisis de la infección por geminivirus en plantas con la maquinaria de metilación del DNA alterada.
Piedra-Aguilera, Álvaro; Rodríguez-Negrete, Edgar; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli
Los geminivirus son virus de plantas pertenecientes a la familia Geminiviridae. Poseen un genoma compuesto por una o dos moléculas de DNA circular de cadena simple y una cápside compuesta de 2 partes icosaédricas gemelas, ... -
Arabidopsis Synaptotagmins 1 and 3 are involved in lipid homeostasis at ER-PM contact sites under cold stress
Amorim-Silva, Vitor; Esteban del Valle, Alicia; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Rosado Rey, Abel; Vanneste, Steffen; Perea, Carlos; Salinas, Julio; Botella-Mesa, Miguel Ángel
; Ruiz-López, Noemí
; Pérez-Sancho, Jessica; Schapire, Arnaldo; Osorio-Algar, Sonia
; Willmitzer, Lothar[et al.] (2018-07-12)
As sessile organisms, plants must cope with abiotic stress such as soil salinity, drought, and extreme temperatures. This stress signal can activate a phospholipase C (PLC), which hydrolyses PIP2 to generate IP3 and ... -
Calling for reinforcements: the role of TTL proteins in the regulación of cell wall biosynthesis
Percio-Vargas, Francisco; Kesten, Christopher; García-Moreno, Álvaro; Amorim-Silva, Vitor; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Ruiz-López, Noemí
; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Clara; Botella-Mesa, Miguel Ángel
[et al.] (2022-09-14)
Cellulose is the most abundant organic compound of all biomass on Earth1, with highly relevant roles in plant development and defence. Hence, it is essential to understand the regulation of its biosynthesis to improve the ... -
Characterization of Curtovirus V2 Protein, a Functional Homolog of Begomovirus V2
Pérez-Luna, Ana Isabel; Romero-Rodríguez, Beatriz; Rosas-Díaz, Tábata Victoria; Cerero, Laura; Rodríguez Negrete, Edgar A.; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli
; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo
[et al.] (Frontiers, 2020-06-19)
Geminiviruses are single-stranded DNA plant viruses with circular genomes packaged within geminate particles. Among the Geminiviridae family, Begomovirus and Curtovirus comprise the two best characterized genera. Curtovirus ... -
Characterization of ripe fruit epidermis-specific transcription factors in strawberry
Sánchez-Gómez, Carlos; Meco, Victoriano; Urrutia, María; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Pérez-Sancho, Jessica; Bayer, Emmanuelle M.; Franco-Zorrila, José Manuel; Martín-Pizarro, Carmen; Posé-Padilla, David
[et al.] (2021-01-22)
The epidermis is the external cell layer in direct contact with the environment, and it plays essential biological roles. Transcriptome analysis (RNA-seq) of Fragaria vesca fruit receptacles at four ripening stages (green, ... -
Characterization of ripe fruit epidermis-specific transcription factors in strawberry
Sánchez-Gómez, Carlos; Meco, Victoriano; Urrutia, María; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Pérez-Sancho, Jessica; Bayer, Emmanuelle M.; Franco-Zorrila, José Manuel; Martín-Pizarro, Carmen[et al.] (2022-09-15)
Transcriptome changes during strawberry fruit ripening have been previously reported using either complete fruits or achenes (actual fruits) and receptacles (fleshy part) separately. In order to perform a more detailed ... -
Characterization of ripe fruit epidermis-specific transcription factors in strawberry
Sánchez-Gómez, Carlos; Meco, Victoriano; Urrutia, María; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Pérez-Sancho, Jessica; Bayer, Emmanuelle M.; Franco-Zorrila, José Manuel; Martín-Pizarro, Carmen; Posé-Padilla, David
[et al.] (2021-09-13)
The epidermis is the external cell layer in direct contact with the environment, and it plays essential biological roles. Transcriptome analysis (RNA-seq) of Fragaria vesca fruit receptacles at four ripening stages and of ... -
Characterization of ripe fruit epidermis-specific transcription factors in strawberry
Sánchez-Gómez, Carlos; Meco, Victoriano; Urrutia, María; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Pérez-Sancho, Jessica; Bayer, Emmanuelle M.; Franco-Zorrila, José Manuel; Martín-Pizarro, Carmen; Posé-Padilla, David
[et al.] (2021-07-06)
The epidermis is the external cell layer in direct contact with the environment, and it plays essential biological roles. Transcriptome analysis (RNA-seq) of Fragaria vesca fruit receptacles at four ripening stages (green, ... -
Characterization of ripe fruit epidermis-specific transcription factors in strawberry
Sánchez-Gómez, Carlos; Meco, Victoriano; Urrutia, María; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Pérez-Sancho, Jessica; Bayer, Emmanuelle M.; Franco-Zorrila, José Manuel; Martín-Pizarro, Carmen[et al.] (2021-11-26)
The epidermis is the external cell layer in direct contact with the environment, and it plays essential biological roles. Transcriptome analysis (RNA-seq) of Fragaria vesca fruit receptacles at four ripening stages (green, ... -
Characterization of ripe fruit epidermis-specific transcription factors in strawberry
Meco, Victoriano; Sánchez-Gómez, Carlos; Urrutia, María; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Pérez-Sancho, Jessica; Bayer, Emmanuelle M.; Franco-Zorrila, José Manuel; Martín-Pizarro, Carmen; Posé-Padilla, David
[et al.] (2022)
Transcriptome changes during strawberry fruit ripening have been previously reported using either complete fruits or achenes (actual fruits) and receptacles (fleshy part) separately. In order to perform a more detailed ... -
Characterization of ripe fruit epidermis-specific transcription factors in strawberry.
Franco-Zorrila, José Manuel; Posé-Padilla, David; Sánchez-Gómez, Carlos; Martín-Pizarro, Carmen; Bayer, Emmanuelle M.; Pérez-Sancho, Jessica; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli
; Urrutia, María; Meco, Victoriano[et al.] (2021)
The epidermis is the external cell layer in direct contact with the environment, and it plays essential biological roles. Transcriptome analysis (RNA-seq) of Fragaria vesca fruit receptacles at four ripening stages (green, ... -
Characterization of the expression of transcriptionally silent loci during the plant response against Pseudomonas syringae
Hulak, Natasa (Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)Pseudomonas syringae es una bacteria en forma de bacilo, Gram-negativa, hemibiotrófa y con flagelos polares, que provoca una amplia variedad de síntomas en plantas, incluyendo manchas necróticas y/o cloróticas foliares y ... -
Characterization of the translational landscape of the plant-virus interaction
Sans-Coll, Gemma; Rosas-Díaz, Tábata Victoria; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo
; Merchante-Berg, Catharina (2021-06-21)
Viral diseases are among the main limiting factors for agronomic production. Viruses require the host’s cellular machinery to be able to infect, which implies complex interactions between it and the plant. Knowledge of the ... -
Characterization of the translational landscape of the plant-virus interaction
Sans-Coll, Gemma; Merchante-Berg, Catharina; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is responsible for a disease that causes massive damage to tomato crops around the world (Prasad et al., 2020). Due to its viral nature, it requires the host’s cellular machinery to ... -
Characterization of the translational landscape of the plant-virus interaction
Sans-Coll, Gemma; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo
; Merchante-Berg, Catharina (2022)
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is responsible for a disease that causes massive damage to tomato crops around the world (Prasad et al., 2020). Due to its viral nature, it requires the host’s cellular machinery to ... -
Complex interaction among virus-plant-vector in the Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD)
Geminiviruses constitute the largest plant family of DNA viruses that cause diseases in crops worldwide. Among them, Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) is one of the most devastating viral diseases affecting tomato ... -
Dissecting the relevance of vesicle trafficking for the movement of geminiviruses
Cana Quijada, José Francisco; Morales Martínez, Pablo; Rosas-Díaz, Tábata Victoria; Navarro, José Antonio; Pallás, Vicente; Lozano-Durán, Rosa; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; Rodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo
[et al.] (2022-09)
Tomato yellow leaf curl disease is one of the most important threats to tomato crops worldwide. One of its causal agents, Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinian virus (TYLCSV), is a monopartite member of the genus Begomovirus ... -
Enhancing arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis effectiveness through the involvement of the tomato GRAS transcription factor SCL3/SlGRAS18
Avilés-Cárdenas, Jonathan; Molinero-Rosales, Nuria; Pérez-Tienda, Jacob; Rosas-Díaz, Tábata Victoria; Castillo-Garriga, Araceli; García-Garrido, José M.[et al.] (Elsevier, 2024-08)
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi improve plant growth, nutrition, fitness and stress tolerance while AM fungi obtain carbohydrates and lipids from the host. This whole process of mutual benefit requires substantial ... -
Estudio de la interacción entre estreses abióticos y la infección por geminivirus en solanáceas
Corrales Gutiérrez, Miguel Ángel (UMA Editorial, 2022)El principal objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es analizar la interacción entre el estrés abiótico y el estrés biótico de una infección por TYLCV en el patosistema TYLCV-Solanaceae. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo, ...