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Listar por autor "Pérez-Tapia, Gema"
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Análisis de la imagen de destino y el turismo cinematográfico
Domínguez-Azcue, Janire (UMA Editorial, 2022)La presente investigación es un compendio de cuatro publicaciones conectadas por un hilo conductor que va desde la imagen de destino hasta el cine y las series como fuentes de información y el resultante turismo cinematográfico. ... -
Análisis de los factores que determinan la imagen de España como destino turístico en los países lejanos culturalmente: el efecto moderador de la imagen corporativa
Pérez-Tapia, Gema(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2016)
El presente trabajo avanza en la Teoría de la Imagen del Destino Turístico y en su proceso de formación, más concretamente, en los factores que influyen en dicho proceso, enmarcado todo ello, en aquellos países considerados ... -
Can a destination really change its image? The roles of information sources, motivations and visits
Almeida-García, Fernando; Domínguez-Azcue, Janire; Mercade-Mele, Pere; Pérez-Tapia, Gema
(Elsevier, 2020)
This study researches both the perception of a destination and the importance of the previous visit in shaping that perception. First, the factors that influence the image (information sources and motivations) are ... -
Corporate image and destination image: the moderating effect of the motivations on the destination image of Spain in South Korea
Pérez-Tapia, Gema; Mercade-Mele, Pere; Almeida-García, Fernando
(Rouledge. Taylor and Francis Group, 2019)
The research objective is to analyse the destination image and corporate image of Spain among the Korean university population. We study the moderating effect of the motivation between two potential groups of tourists, ... -
Cultural Context or Generational Cohort: Which Influences Tourist Behavior More?
Pérez-Tapia, Gema; Mercade-Mele, Pere; Hwang, Yeong-Hyeon; Almeida-García, Fernando
(Cristina Calvo-Porral, 2022-02)
According to most academics, different generations share common characteristics. This undoubtedly helps to better understand their behavior in different scenarios, predicting their responses. However, this seems questionable ... -
FACTORS INFLUENCING DESTINATION IMAGE FORMATION IN DISTANT CULTURE COUNTRIES: the moderating role of familiarity, corporate image and travel motivations.
Pérez-Tapia, Gema(2017-08-29)
The present research aims to explain more deeply the Theory of the Image of Tourist Destination and its process of formation, specifically regarding the factors that influence the above-mentioned process. This work tries ... -
Films and destinations—towards a film destination: A review.
Domínguez-Azcue, Janire; Almeida-García, Fernando; Pérez-Tapia, Gema
; Cestino-González, Estefanía (MDPI, 2021-01-18)
The destination image is a complex construction in which the different sources of information consulted are decisive. Among these information sources, we can find films, which have a relevant function to create destination ... -
Is Spain an alternative destination for South Korean tourists? Motivations and Destination Image
Pérez-Tapia, Gema; Mercade-Mele, Pere; Almeida-García, Fernando
Tourists may have greater motivation or predisposition for visiting tourist destination when they consider, a priori, that the atributes of the places can meet their needs and make them achieve the desired benefits. This ... -
New perspective of film tourism: a comparative study (2014-2020)
Domínguez-Azcue, Janire; Almeida-García, Fernando; Pérez-Tapia, Gema
; Mercade-Mele, Pere (Emerald, 2021-12-15)
This study aims to compare film tourism and their activities, before and during the CoViD-19 pandemic. For this purpose, a comparative analysis is carried out between 2014 and 2020, the latter date being affected by the ... -
Plan de empresa de academia de idioma y turístico: Viajes de inmersión lingüística.
Chen, Xiaolei (2022)En España, la enseñanza del chino es un campo emergente, mientras que en China, antes de la pandemia, cada vez más chinos querían viajar y estudiar en España, y España se ha convertido en el destino preferido de la clase ... -
The "Four Core Elements" as a measuring instrument: From simplicity to complexity in tourist destination
Pérez-Tapia, Gema; Almeida-García, Fernando
; Mercade-Mele, Pere
(MDPI, 2021)
An adequate image of a tourist destination is a key instrument to attract tourists who will contribute to the development and economic growth of the place. The objective of this study is to analyze the formation and measure ... -
Travelling alone or in company? Solo travel as a growing trend: a bibliometric review.
Solo travel is an enriching way of experiencing the world, promoting personal growth and autonomy, which makes it an increasingly valued practice in today's society. The growing interest in this type of tourism has given ...