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Listar por autor "Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 40
A deep learning LSTM-based approach for forecasting annual pollen curves: Olea and Urticaceae pollen types as a case study
Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Hurtado-Requena, Sandro José; Antequera-Gómez, María Luisa; Barba-González, Cristóbal
; Ruiz-Mata, Rocío; De Gálvez-Montañez, Enrique; Recio-Criado, María Marta
; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar
; Aldana-Montes, José Francisco
; Navas-Delgado, Ismael
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023-11-16)
Airborne pollen can trigger allergic rhinitis and other respiratory diseases in the synthesised population, which makes it one of the most relevant biological contaminants. Therefore, implementing accurate forecast systems ... -
AeRobiology: the computational tool for biological data in the air
Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Oteros, José; Rojo, Jesús (2019-07-25)Aerobiology databases are constantly growing. Managing these extensive datasets requires large amounts of time and effort. Nevertheless, publication and dissemination of the scientific findings demand quick and elaborated ... -
Airborne pollen concentrations in Sierra de las Nieves National Park (southern Spain) and its allergenic potential.
De Gálvez-Montañez, Enrique; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Ruiz-Mata, Rocío; Muñoz-García, Marina; Borgognone, Costanza; Recio-Criado, María Marta; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar
[et al.] (2023)
Sierra de las Nieves was declared National Park in 2021. Around 100 000 people visit the park every year and a high percentage of them may suffer allergy symptoms due to the presence of some pollen types in the atmosphere. ... -
Airborne pollen trends in Sierra de las Nieves National Park (southern Spain)
De Gálvez-Montañez, Enrique; Muñoz-García, Marina; Ruiz-Mata, Rocío; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar; Recio-Criado, María Marta
; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio[et al.] (2024)
Sierra de las Nieves (southern Spain) is a protected space recently declared National Park with emblematic high and mid-mountain species and relevant forest masses surrounded by unfavourable environmental conditions. In a ... -
APICAMPUS, a project on Urban beekeeping developed at the University of Malaga
Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar; Abdala-Díaz, Roberto Teófilo
; Cabrera-Carrillo, Juan Antonio
; López-Figueroa, Félix
; Muñoz-Gallego, Antonio Román
; Olivero-Anarte, Jesús
; Palomo-Muñoz, Luis Javier
; Real-Giménez, Raimundo
; Recio-Criado, María Marta
; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Redolosis, Yasmin; Sellés, Bárbara; Vega Sánchez, Julia; Gil Gómez, José; Gómez-Turpin, Eva María[et al.] (2019-07-25)
Urban beekeeping has ourished in the last years, with many institutions interested in creating colonies on their roofs. Bees and other animal pollinators contribute to increase food production, making bees essential for ... -
Assessment of the quality of honey of various botanical and geographical origins based on the pollen spectrum and physico-chemical properties.
Ksentini, Hana; Meddad-Hamza, Amel; Hamel, Tarek; Bellili, Abdelmalek; Babali, Brahim; Boutabia, Lamia; Salvo-Tierra, Ángel Enrique; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio[et al.] (Národné Poľnohospodárske a Potravinárske Centrum, 2024-08-16)
Authenticity of honey presents significant challenges to food quality control, necessitating continuous modernization and enhancement of analytical methodologies. This study aimed to characterize 24 honey samples collected ... -
Assessment Protocol to Evaluate the Degree of Conservation of Habitats of Community Interest: A Case Study for the 5220* HCI in the Westernmost Localities of Europe
Hidalgo-Triana, Noelia; Casimiro-Soriguer Solanas, Federico; Solakis Tena, Andros; Manteca Bautista, David; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; García Sánchez, José; Navarro-del-Águila, María Teresa
; Pérez-Latorre, Andrés Vicente
[et al.] (IOAP-MDPI, 2023-01-06)
The westernmost European nucleus of the 5220* Habitat of Community Interest (HCI) is located in the province of Málaga (Andalusia). In this area, the 5220* HCI is characterized by the presence of scrublands of Gymnosporia ... -
Assessment Protocol to Evaluate the Degree of Conservation of Habitats of Community Interest: A Case Study for the 5220* HCI in the Westernmost Localities of Europe.
Hidalgo-Triana, Noelia; Casimiro-Soriguer Solanas, Federico; Solakis Tena, Andros; Manteca Bautista, David; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; García Sánchez, José; Navarro-del-Águila, María Teresa
; Pérez-Latorre, Andrés Vicente
[et al.] (MDPI, 2023)
The westernmost European nucleus of the 5220* Habitat of Community Interest (HCI) is located in the province of Málaga (Andalusia). In this area, the 5220* HCI is characterized by the presence of scrublands of Gymnosporia ... -
Atmospheric pollen dynamics in Malaga (s. Spain) during 2013-2014. Seasonal trends
Recio-Criado, María Marta; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Gharbi, Dorra; Lozano-Torelli, Inmaculada; Ruiz, Salvador; Cabezudo-Artero, Baltasar
; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar
[et al.] (2015-09-16)
In this work we present the atmospheric pollen results obtained in Malaga, a coastal Mediterranean city situated in southern Spain, throughout 2013 and 2014. The main objective is to compare the results obtained these years ... -
Backward air trajectory models for detecting pollen airborne sources of Castanea in Ronda (South Spain)
Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Recio-Criado, María Marta; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar
; Cabezudo-Artero, Baltasar
Ronda is located in a rural area close to the natural Parks Sierra de Grazalema and Sierra de las Nieves, surrounded by crops, natural and seminatural vegetation. The Genal Valley, which is located at the southwest of ... -
Comparative between forecast methods in Aerobiology
Ruiz-Mata, Rocío; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Recio, Marta; Cabezudo-Artero, Baltasar; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar
(Assunta Florenzano & Eleonora Clo, 2021)
Introduction Stepwise multiple regression have been traditionally used on aerobiological studies because their results .... -
Comparative study between two aerobiological stations situated in the city of Malaga (southern Spain)
Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar; Ruiz-Mata, Rocío; Recio-Criado, María Marta
; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; García-Sánchez, José; Cabezudo-Artero, Baltasar
[et al.] (2019-07-25)
An aerobiological sampler covers the pollen information of a determined area, whose extension mainly depends on the topography of the territory but, in a city, buildings are the elements that obstruct and re-distribute winds ... -
Comparative study of Alternaria airborne spore concentrations among urban, rural and natural areas in southern Spain
Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Recio-Criado, María Marta; Ruiz-Mata, Rocío; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar
; Cabezudo-Artero, Baltasar
One of the most cosmopolitan fungal spore types present in the air is that belonging to Alternaria. This spore type has been proved to have a negative impact on sensible population. Furthermore, Alternaria species are ... -
Comparative study of intradiurnal variations of airborne pollen in the city centre and on the outskirts of Malaga city (southern Spain)
Ruiz-Mata, Rocío; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; De Gálvez-Montañez, Enrique; Recio-Criado, María Marta; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar
Airborne pollen is one of the main causative agents of allergic rhinitis in cities all over the world. Pollen concentrations may vary throughout the day, not being equal in all the points of the city, due to these ... -
Different aproaches for interpolating mising pollen data in aerobiology
Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Rojo, Jesús; Oteros, José; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar; Ruiz-Mata, Rocío; Cabezudo-Artero, Baltasar
; Recio-Criado, María Marta
[et al.] (2020-11-24)
Pollen traps frequently are installed in not easily accessible places and, being the mechanism only tested once a week. Consequently, failures in the traps are not detected immediately and days with missing data are usually ... -
E-Science workflow: A semantic approach for airborne pollen prediction
Hurtado-Requena, Sandro José; Antequera-Gómez, María Luisa; Barba-González, Cristóbal
; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Navas-Delgado, Ismael
(Elsevier, 2024-01)
Allergic rhinitis has become a global health problem in recent decades because airborne pollen is a primary trigger of this respiratory disorder. Moreover, pollinosis can exacerbate the symptoms of asthma and favour ... -
Effects of climate change on Platanus flowering in Western Mediterranean cities: current trends and future projections
Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Maya-Manzano, José M.; Fernández-Ramos, Marta; Hidalgo-Barquero, Juan J.; Pecero-Casimiro, Raúl; Ruiz-Mata, Rocío; De Gálvez-Montañez, Enrique; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar; Recio-Criado, María Marta
; Fernández-Rodríguez, Santiago[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023-10-12)
Ornamental trees can reduce some of the negative impacts of urbanization on citizens but some species, such as Platanus spp., produce pollen with high allergenic potential. This can exacerbate the symptomatology in allergic ... -
Effects of urbanisation on airborne pollen spectrum in cities.
Muñoz-García, Marina; De Gálvez-Montañez, Enrique; Ruiz-Mata, Rocío; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar; Recio-Criado, María Marta
; Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio[et al.] (2024)
Climate change is affecting plant distribution, but human-driven land use changes are also playing a crucial role in it. Accelerated urbanisation drastically alters the landscape, generating a major impact on herbaceous ... -
Environmental drivers of the seasonal exposure to airborne Alternaria spores in Spain.
Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio; Rojo, Jesús; Trigo-Pérez, María del Mar; Ruiz-Mata, Rocío; Lara, Beatriz; Romero-Morte, Jorge; Serrano-García, Alicia; Pérez-Badia, Rosa; Gutiérrez-Bustillo, Montserrat; Cervigón-Morales, Patricia; Ferencova, Zuzana; Morales-González, Julia; Sánchez-Reyes, Estefanía; Fuentes-Antón, Sergio; Sánchez-Sánchez, José; Dávila, Ignacio; Oteros, Jose; Martínez-Bracero, Moisés; Galán, Carmen; García-Mozo, Herminia; Alcázar, Purificación; Fernández, Santiago; González-Alonso, Mónica; Robles, Estrella; Pérez de Zabalza, Anabel; Ariño, Arturo H.; Recio-Criado, María Marta
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2022-02-02)
Alternaria conidia have high allergenic potential and they can trigger important respiratory diseases. Due to that and to their extensive detection period, airborne Alternaria spores are considered as a relevant airborne ... -
Estudio aerobiológico del municipio de Ronda y Sierra de las Nieves (sur de España). Análisis comparativo y elaboración de modelos
Picornell Rodríguez, Antonio (UMA Editorial, 2021-02-10)Ronda es una de las principales ciudades del interior de la provincia de Málaga (sur de España) y se encuentra sobre una meseta rodeada por cordilleras. Entre las más cercanas se encuentra el Parque Natural Sierra de las ...