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Listar por autor "Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 32
A cost minimization analysis of olive oil vs. hyperoxygenated fatty acid treatment for the prevention of pressure ulcers in primary healthcare: A randomized controlled trial
Lupiáñez-Pérez, Inmaculada; Morilla-Herrera, Juan Carlos
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; Lupiáñez Pérez, Yolanda; Cuevas-Fernández-Gallego, María Magdalena
; Martín-Santos, Francisco Javier
; Caro-Bautista, Jorge
; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
[et al.] (Wiley, 2017-08-15)
Pressure ulcers represent a major current health problem and cause an important economic impact on the healthcare system. Most studies on the prevention of pressure ulcers have been carried out in hospital contexts, with ... -
A scoping review of safety management during clinical placements of undergraduate nursing students.
García-Gámez, Marina; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; García-Mayor, Silvia
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; Martí-García, Celia
; López-Leiva, María Inmaculada
; León-Campos, Álvaro
; Fernández-Ordóñez, Eloísa; García-Guerrero, Alfonso María
; Iglesias-Parra, María Rosa
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2019)
Background: The abundant knowledge on nursing students' competencies in clinical safety, and the multiple approaches adopted make it difficult to obtain an overview of the current status of this question. Purpose: To ... -
A systematic review of the effectiveness and roles of advanced practice nursing in older people
Morilla-Herrera, Juan Carlos; García-Mayor, Silvia
; Martín-Santos, Francisco Javier
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; León-Campos, Álvaro
; Caro-Bautista, Jorge
; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2015-10-14)
Objectives: To identify, assess and summarize available scientific evidence about the effect of interventions deployed by advanced practice nurses when providing care to older people in different care settings, and to ... -
Adaptación transcultural y validación de la Rúbrica de Juicio Clínico de Lasater (RJCL ) en la docencia de Grado de Enfermería en el contexto educativo español.
García-Mayor, Silvia; Román-Cereto, Montserrat; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; Ruiz-García, María Luisa
Introducción: Tanner lo describe el juicio clínico como la interpretación acerca de las necesidades del paciente, a fin de tomar decisiones. Experiencia, habilidades y conocimiento son esenciales para emitir juicios clínicos ... -
Adverse events encountered during clinical placements by undergraduate nursing students in Spain.
García-Gámez, Marina; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; García-Mayor, Silvia
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; Martí-García, Celia
; López-Leiva, María Inmaculada
; León-Campos, Álvaro
; Fernández-Ordóñez, Eloísa; García-Guerrero, Alfonso María
; Iglesias-Parra, María Rosa
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2020)
Objectives: To describe the profile of adverse events encountered and the risks facing nursing students in clinical practice, as well as the severity and incidence of these events. Observational retrospective longitudinal ... -
Alfabetización en Salud y Enfermedades Crónicas
Marti-Garcia, Celia; Mateo Ternero, Alba; García-Gámez, Marina; López-Leiva, María Inmaculada
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
Objetivo:Determinar el papel de la alfabetización en salud en el manejo de las enfermedades crónicas. Metodología:Se realizó una revisión de la literatura llevando a cabo una búsqueda bibliográfica durante julio-septiembre ... -
Características de la provisión del servicio de gestión de casos en el entorno comunitario en Andalucíaa partir del registro RANGECOM
Morales-Asencio, José Miguel; Cuevas-Fernández-Gallego, María Magdalena
; Morilla-Herrera, Juan Carlos
; Martín-Santos, Francisco Javier
; Silvano Arranz, Agustina; Batres Sicilia, Juan Pedro; Delgado Romero, Asunción; Palacios Gómez, Leopoldo; Cejudo López, Ángela; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2019-02-23)
Objetivo: Describir las características de la gestión de casos en cuanto a población atendida,intervenciones, utilización de servicios y los desenlaces mortalidad, reingresos, úlceras porpresión, caídas, problemas con ... -
Competencias de seguridad clínica en la formación de los estudiantes de enfermería. Scoping review
García-Gámez, Marina; García-Mayor, Silvia
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; López-Leiva, María Inmaculada
Introducción: En el ámbito de la seguridad clínica, la mera transmisión de conocimientos no parece ser garantía suficiente, ya que, aunque los estudiantes manifiestan conocer las precauciones estándar dentro de sus prácticas ... -
Cultural adaptation and validation of the Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric in nursing students in Spain
Román-Cereto, Montserrat; García-Mayor, Silvia; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; García-Gámez, Marina
; León-Campos, Álvaro
; Fernández-Ordóñez, Eloísa; Martí-García, Celia
; López-Leiva, Inmaculada; Lasater, Kathie; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2018)
Background: The clinical judgment and decision-making abilities of nurses can influence many health outcomes, hence the importance of addressing these qualities in university studies. In this respect, clinical simulation ... -
Design of a Competency Evaluation Model for Clinical Nursing Practicum, Based on Standardized Language Systems: Psychometric Validation Study
Iglesias-Parra, María Rosa; García-Guerrero, Alfonso María
; García-Mayor, Silvia
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; León-Campos, Álvaro
; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
[et al.] (Sigma, 2015-04-09)
Abstract Purpose: To develop an evaluation system of clinical competencies for the practicum of nursing students based on the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). Design and Methods: Psychometric validation study: ... -
Development and psychometric validation of an instrument to identify barriers to self-care among Spanish patients with Type 2 Diabetes on the basis of Theory of Planned Behavior
Caro-Bautista, Jorge; Espinar-Toledo, Milagrosa; Villa Estrada, Francisca; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; García-Mayor, Silvia
; salas-samper, felipe; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
[et al.] (ELSEVIER, 2019-09)
Objectives: To develop and psychometrically validate a questionnaire to identify barriers to self-care in this population on the basis of the theory of planned behavior. Methods: The study was carried out in 15 primary ... -
Development of the Andalusian Registry of Patients Receiving Community Case Management, for the follow-up of people with complex chronic diseases.
Morales-Asencio, José Miguel; Cejudo López, Ángela; Silvano Arranz, Agustina; Palacios Gómez, Leopoldo; Cuevas-Fernández-Gallego, María Magdalena
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
[et al.] (2016-08-30)
Background: Complex chronic diseases are a challenge for the current configuration of Health services. Case management is a service frequently provided for people with chronic conditions and despite its effectiveness in ... -
Effectiveness of a Diabetes Education Program based on Tailored interventions and Theory of Planned Behaviour: Cluster randomized controlled trial protocol.
Caro-Bautista, Jorge; Villa-Estrada, Francisca; Gómez-González, Alberto José
; Lupiáñez-Pérez, Inmaculada
; Morilla-Herrera, Juan Carlos
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; García-Mayor, Silvia
; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
[et al.] (Wiley, 2020-10-03)
Aim: To measure the Effectiveness of a Diabetes Education Program for people with T2DM, based on Tailored interventions and the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Design: Cluster randomized controlled clinical trial. Methods: ... -
Effectiveness of a hydrophobic dressing for microorganisms’ colonization of vascular ulcers: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial (CUCO-UV Study)
Morilla-Herrera, Juan Carlos; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; Gómez-González, Alberto José
; Díez-de-los-Ríos-Delgado, Antonio
; Lupiáñez-Pérez, Inmaculada
; Acosta-Andrade, Carlos; Aranda-Gallardo, Marta
; Moya-Suárez, Ana Belén; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; García-Mayor, Silvia
[et al.] (Wiley, 2020-04-28)
Aim: To determine the effectiveness of a hydrophobic dressing (Cutimed Sorbact® ) against a silver dressing (Aquacel® Ag Extra) in the level of colonization of chronic venous leg ulcers. The secondary endpoints are ... -
El uso de las TICs en Atención Primaria de Salud por parte de enfermería
Marti-Garcia, Celia; Mateo Ternero, Alba; López-Leiva, María Inmaculada; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; García-Gámez, Marina
Objetivos Determinar el papel de las TICs como herramienta para el personal de enfermería de Atención Primaria (AP) Se realizó una revisión de la literatura de Julio a Septiembre de 2018 en las bases de datos Medline, ... -
Evidencias científicas sobre las Tesis Doctorales en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud a lo largo de 25 años
Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira(2015-10-07)
El objetivo principal del Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud es permitir la realización de tesis doctorales en el área biosanitaria, con una perspectiva que integre la investigación básica y aplicada, y que ... -
Impact of self-care programs in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus population in primary health care. Systematic review and meta-analysis
Caro-Bautista, Jorge; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; García-Mayor, Silvia
; Villa-Estrada, Francisca; León-Campos, Álvaro
; Gómez-González, Alberto
[et al.] (Wiley, 2020-05)
Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of self-care programs in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) population in primary health care. Design : Systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: A search was conducted ... -
Intervención educativa para el manejo de la ansiedad relacionada con las prácticas clínicas en estudiantes de enfermería
García-Gámez, Marina; Quemada-González, Casta
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; Martí-García, Celia
(ASUNIVEP, 2019)
Aproximadamente un 35% del currículum académico del estudiante de enfermería corresponde a la realización de prácticas clínicas; factor estresante fundamentalmente relacionado con el contacto con el Sistema Sanitario, el ... -
Longitudinal assessment of the eating pattern of people with dementia and its association with problems for feeding and malnutrition: a prospective follow-up study protocol
Saucedo Figueredo, María del Carmen; Morilla-Herrera, Juan Carlos; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; Durá Pérez, Elena; San Alberto Giraldos, Mercedes; Nava del Val, Maria Antonia; Hierrezuelo Martín, María Jesús; Gómez Borrego, Ana Belén; García Irazusta, Manuela; Gálvez González, María; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
[et al.] (BMJ Journal, 2023-05)
ntroduction: Dementia conditions the patient's nutrition from the beginning and vice versa. Generating difficulties for feeding (FEDIF) will influence its evolution. There are currently few nutritional longitudinal studies ... -
Nursing Students' and Tutors' Satisfaction with a New Clinical Competency System Based on the Nursing Interventions Classification.
Iglesias-Parra, María Rosa; García-Mayor, Silvia
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; León-Campos, Álvaro
; García-Guerrero, Alfonso María
; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
[et al.] (Wiley, 2015-05-30)
PURPOSE: To assess students’ satisfaction with their clinical tutors, their clinical practices, and tutors’ satisfaction with the new approach of clinical placements and tutorship. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was used, ...