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Listar por autor "Fortes-Roman, Francisco Javier"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 31
Atomization efficiency and photon yield in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis of single nanoparticles in an optical trap.
Purohit, Pablo; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
(Elsevier, 2017-02-16)
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was employed for investigating the influence of particle size on the dissociation efficiency and the absolute production of photons per mass unit of airborne solid graphite spheres ... -
Caracterización multianalítica de meteorito marciano NWA2975 mediante CF-LIBS, fluorescencia de rayos X y espectroscopía Raman
Delgado-Pérez, Tomás; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
; Cabalín-Robles, Luisa María
; García-Gómez, Laura; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier
; Dell'Aglio, M.; Población, Iraxte; Torre-Fernandez, I.; Aramendia, J.; López-Reyes, G.; Madariaga, J.M.; Rull, F.; De Giacomo, A.; Carrizo, D.; Martínez- Frías, J.; Belenguer, T.; Taravillo, J.; Huidobro, J.; Manrique, J.A.; Arana, G.; Castro, K.; Veneranda, M.[et al.] (2022)
La caracterización isotópica y elemental de los meteoritos de Marte ha permitido determinar la cronología de los procesos de formación del planeta y avanzar en la comprensión de su evolución biogeoquímica e hidrológica. ... -
Chemical analysis of archaeological material underwater by laser-induced breakdown
Guirado, Salvador; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier; Metzinger, Aniko; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
Nowadays, one of the most important areas of interest in archeology is the characterization of the submersed cultural heritage. Mediterranean Sea is rich in archaeological findings due to storms, accidents and naval ... -
Chemical analysis of archaeological material underwater by laser-induced breakdown
Guirado-Hidalgo, Salvador; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier
; Metzinger, Aniko; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
Nowadays, one of the most important areas of interest in archeology is the characterization of the submersed cultural heritage. Mediterranean Sea is rich in archaeological findings due to storms, accidents and naval ... -
Chemical Fingerprints in an Underwater Archaeological Shipwreck using a Remote Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy System
López-Claros, Marina; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier; Guirado, Salvador; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
Nowadays, one of the most important areas of interest in archeology is the characterization of the submersed cultural heritage. Mediterranean Sea is rich in archaeological findings due to storms, accidents and naval ... -
Detection of indigenous organic matter in rocks from the interpretation of carbon molecular forms in the laser-induced plasma
García-Gómez, Laura; Delgado-Pérez, Tomás; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier
; Cabalín-Robles, Luisa María
; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
(Elsevier, 2024-01-19)
Detection of indigenous organic matter (IOM) in rocks using molecular-laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is reported. IOM refers to carbon-based compounds of variable complexity intimately associated with mineral ... -
Detection of indigenous organic matter in rocks from the interpretation of carbon molecular forms in the laser-induced plasma.
García-Gómez, Laura; Cabalín-Robles, Luisa María; Lucena Navarro, Patricia; Delgado-Pérez, Tomás
; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier
; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
[et al.] (2023)
Oil shale, a sedimentary rock containing organic matter and a variety of inorganic minerals including carbonates and kerogens, serves as a significant source of organic material on Earth [1]. Kerogen, the most abundant ... -
Detection of kerogens in sedimentary rocks by LIBS. Implications for the search for biosignatures on Mars.
García Gómez, Laura; Cabalín-Robles, Luisa María; Vela, Ignacio; Lucena Navarro, Patricia; Delgado-Pérez, Tomás
; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier
; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
[et al.] (2023)
Oil shale is a sedimentary rock that naturally contains organic matter. In its chemical composition presents a wide range of inorganic minerals including carbonates, silicates, etc. and kerogens – a mixture of fossil ... -
Development of a laser-based analytical platform for the LIBS inspection of individual nanoparticles within an atmospheric pressure optical trap
Purohit, Pablo (UMA Editoria, 2021-02-02)En esta tesis doctoral se presenta un sensor basado en LIBS como técnica de inspección para la caracterización de nanopartículas individuales. El cuerpo de este trabajo se divide en cuatro capítulos en los que se recoge, ... -
Discriminating organic carbon from endokarstic moonmilk-type deposits by LIBS. The case of a natural carbonated Martian analogue
Delgado-Pérez, Tomás; García-Gómez, Laura; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier
; Cabalín-Robles, Luisa María
; Liñán-Baena, Cristina
; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
; Jiménez-Gavilán, Pablo
; Ojeda, Lucía; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2024-01-06)
Moonmilk-type deposits exemplify carbonated Martian analogues existing in the subsurface of Earth, an endokarstic speleothem with a possible biochemical origin composed principally by carbonates, mainly huntite and dolomite. ... -
El juego de rol como estrategia didáctica para la práctica de la argumentación en un contexto socio-científico con estudiantes de ciencias.
Delgado-Pérez, Tomás; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier
; Cebrián-Robles, Daniel
; Hierrezuelo-Osorio, José Manuel
Este trabajo resume los resultados obtenidos tras realizar una actividad de “Juego de Rol”, incluida en un programa formativo para desarrollar la capacidad de argumentación científica, con estudiantes de primer curso de ... -
Geochemical Analysis of Ronda Peridotite: Insights into Martian Analogues and Alteration Processes.
García-Gómez, Laura; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier; Delgado-Pérez, Tomás
; Cabalín-Robles, Luisa María
; Velasquez, Marizú; Población, Iraxte; Porizka, P.; Buday, J.; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier
; Lobato-Fernández, Álvaro[et al.] (2024)
In the context of the geochemical characterization of potential Martian analogues on Earth, a peridotite sample from Serranía de Ronda (Málaga, Spain) was analyzed. The peridotites of Ronda are distinguished by the prevalent ... -
Hyperspectral LIBS imaging of single-optically trapped particles
The interaction between discrete particles with laser-induced plasma presents some complexities that directly affects the analysis of bulk aerosols by LIBS. Single-particle analysis is not exempt of this kind of phenomena ... -
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of cyanobacteria in carbonate matrices under simulated Martian environment
García-Gómez, Laura; Delgado-Pérez, Tomás; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier
; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
; Cabalín-Robles, Luisa María
; Del Rosal Padial, Yolanda Remedios; Lucena, Patricia[et al.] (2021)
The finding on the Martian surface of hydrated salt minerals, like carbonates and sulphates, and their interpretation as deriving from the desiccation of old bodies of water, has provided an evidence of liquid water activity ... -
Libs in cultural heritage: recognition and identification of objects in an underwater archaeological shipwreck
López-Claros, Marina; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
; Guirado, Salvador (2016)
Nowadays, one of the most important areas of interest in archeology is the characterization of the submersed cultural heritage. Mediterranean Sea is rich in archaeological findings due to storms, accidents and naval battles ... -
OC-OT-LIBS: A novel approach to the chemical characterization of single particles
Spectral identification of individual micro- and nano-sized particles by the sequential intervention of optical catapulting, optical trapping and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is presented [1]. The three techniques ... -
On-The-Flight trapping, LIBS analysis and discrimination of single meteorite particles generated by laser ablation
Burgos-Palop, Clara; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier; Purohit Pacheco, Pablo; Delgado-Pérez, Tomás
; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
(Elsevier, 2024)
Results: Bulk meteorite samples were directly ablated within an ablation cell. From few micrograms of ablated matrix, we originated dry aerosols consisting of multielemental particles which were representative of the sample ... -
Optical trapping as a morphologically selective tool for in-situ LIBS elemental characterization of single nanoparticles generated by laser ablation of bulk targets in air
Purohit, Pablo; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
(American Chemical Society, 2021-01-05)
In the present work, authors introduce a shape-specific methodology for evaluating the full elemental composition of single micro and nanoparticles fabricated by laser ablation of bulk targets. For this purpose, bronze ... -
Polydispersity and fractionation in laser ablation studied by LIBS in an optical trap
LIBS characterization of aerosols produced by laser ablation of bulk samples is strongly influenced by variations of physicohemical properties of the elements integrating the matrix. Among the consequences of these changes ...