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Listar por autor "Fernández-García, José Antonio"
Mostrando ítems 1-12 de 12
Aspectos fisiológicos y moleculares del transporte de cesio en las especies dulceacuícolas Chlamydomonas reinhardtii D. y Riccia fluitans L.
Linares-Rueda, Adolfo (Universidad de Málaga,Servicio de Publicaciones, 2004)En la presente tesis se ha abordado, por un lado, la caracterización de la incorporación y acumulación de Cs+ en C. reinhardtii (cepas silvestre y trk1) mediante técnicas radiométricas, atendiendo a la influencia del ... -
Effect of elevated inorganic carbon on the cytosolic homeostasis of NO3- in the marine angiosperm Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile
The marine angiosperm Posidonia oceanica is a mediterranean endemism of great ecological significance. As other marine plants, P. oceanica has adapted secondarily to the marine environment and develop anew different ... -
Effect of seawater inorganic carbon enrichment on NO3- transporter and reduction enzyme gene expression in Zostera marina leaves
In this work we have analysed the gene expression levels related to cytosolic nitrate homeostasis, including transporters and enzymes, in leaves of Zostera marina plants incubated in high HCO3- or in the absence of N. The ... -
Energetización de la membrana, mecanismos de incorporación de carbono inorgánico y nutrientes y homeostasis de nitrato en la fanerógama marina Posidonia oceanica L. (Delile)
García Pérez, Delia (UMA Editorial, 2020-02-25)s fanerógamas marinas constituyen el único grupo de angiospermas que ha colonizado el medio marino, desarrollando mecanismos de adaptación a un ambiente caracterizado por una elevada salinidad, un pH alcalino y una baja ... -
HCO3- enrichment causes cytosolic NO3- efflux in Posidonia oceanica leaf cells
Díaz-García, Jordi; García-Pérez, Delia; Rubio-Valverde, Lourdes; Fernández-García, José Antonio
Posidonia oceanica is a seagrass, the only group of vascular plants to colonize the marine environment. Seawater is an extreme yet stable environment, characterized by high salinity, alkaline pH and low availability of ... -
Identity and functional characterisation of the transporter supporting the Na+-dependent high-affinity NO3− uptake in Zostera marina L.
Rubio-Valverde, Lourdes; Díaz-García, Jordi; Martín-Pizarro, Carmen; Siverio, José M.; Raven, John A.; Fernández-García, José Antonio
[et al.] (Wiley, 2023-07-05)
Zostera marina is a seagrass, a group of angiosperms that evolved from land to live submerged in seawater, an environment of high salinity, alkaline pH and usually very low NO3−. In 2000, we reported the first physiological ... -
Mecanismos de transporte de nitrato, amonio y fosfato y homeostasis citoplasmática de sodio en Zostera marina L.
Rubio-Valverde, Lourdes(Universidad de Málaga,Servicio de Publicaciones, 2004)
Molecular Characterization of ZosmaNRT2, the Putative Sodium Dependent High-Affinity Nitrate Transporter of Zostera marina L.
Rubio-Valverde, Lourdes; Días-García, Jordi; Amorim-Silva, Vitor; Macho, Alberto P.; Botella-Mesa, Miguel Ángel
; Fernández-García, José Antonio
[et al.] (MDPI, 2019-07-26)
One of the most important adaptations of seagrasses during sea colonization was the capacity to grow at the low micromolar nitrate concentrations present in the sea. In contrast to terrestrial plants that use H+ symporters ... -
Na+-dependent NO3- uptake in leaf cells of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile
García-Pérez, Delia; Rubio-Valverde, Lourdes; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
; Fernández-García, José Antonio
Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile is an endemic Mediterranean seagrass of recognized ecological significance and, as other seagrasses, this species has secondarily adapted to live in the marine environment. In this alkaline ... -
NO3- selective mini-electrodes as a tool to investigate the NO3- traffic in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii D.
Díaz, Jordi; Rubio-Valverde, Lourdes; Galván, Aurora; Fernández, Emilio; Fernández-García, José Antonio
Ion selective NO3- mini-electrodes were used to measure the external NO3- concentration in C. reinhardtii liquid cultures. Electrodes were prepared using glass capillaries (1.5 mm external diameter). Capillaries were cut ... -
NRT2.5 a putative sodium dependent high affinity nitrate trasnporter of zostera marina l.
Díaz-García, Jordi; Fernández-García, José Antonio; Botella-Mesa, Miguel Ángel
; Rubio-Valverde, Lourdes
Seagrasses are the only group of vascular plants that recolonized the marine environment, possibly the most severe habitat shift ever accomplished by flowering plants. These plants have regained functions enabling them to ... -
The problem of living in the sea: the uptake of inorganic carbon and nutrients in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile
Rubio-Valverde, Lourdes; García-Pérez, Delia; García-Sánchez, María Jesús
; Fernández-García, José Antonio
The genus Posidonia exhibits a peculiar geographical distribution. It is composed by nine species, eight of which are distributed along the Australian coasts and only one, Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, is a Mediterranean ...