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Listar por autor "Aranda-Gallardo, Marta"
Mostrando ítems 1-14 de 14
Effectiveness of a hydrophobic dressing for microorganisms’ colonization of vascular ulcers: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial (CUCO-UV Study)
Morilla-Herrera, Juan Carlos; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; Gómez-González, Alberto José
; Díez-de-los-Ríos-Delgado, Antonio
; Lupiáñez-Pérez, Inmaculada
; Acosta-Andrade, Carlos; Aranda-Gallardo, Marta
; Moya-Suárez, Ana Belén; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; García-Mayor, Silvia
[et al.] (Wiley, 2020-04-28)
Aim: To determine the effectiveness of a hydrophobic dressing (Cutimed Sorbact® ) against a silver dressing (Aquacel® Ag Extra) in the level of colonization of chronic venous leg ulcers. The secondary endpoints are ... -
Impact of a nurse-led intervention on quality of life in patients with chronic non-malignant pain: An open randomized controlled trial
Morales-Fernández, Ángeles; Jiménez Martín, José Manuel; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel; Vergara Romero, Manuel; Mora-Banderas, Ana María; Aranda-Gallardo, Marta
; Canca-Sánchez, José Carlos
[et al.] (Wiley Online Library, 2020-09-30)
Aims: To determine the effect of a comprehensive nurse-led programme for patients with chronic non-malignant pain, on quality of life, level of pain, anxiety, and depression, as primary outcomes and patients' satisfaction ... -
Impacto de un protocolo basado en intervenciones de triaje avanzado en el manejo del dolor moderado en urgencias
Rodríguez Montalvo, José Antonio (UMA Editorial, 2022)El dolor moderado, aunque prioriza la atención en urgencias, lo hace con niveles menos urgentes, así, la enfermera debe adoptar un papel activo en la aplicación de protocolos para su detección temprana y abordaje. En la ... -
Implantación de un protocolo de triaje avanzado de enfermería en el manejo del dolor moderado en urgencias
Rodríguez Montalvo, José Antonio; Aranda-Gallardo, Marta; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; Rivas-Ruiz, Francisco; Jiménez-Cortés, Yolanda; Canca-Sánchez, José Carlos
[et al.] (Sociedad Española de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias, 2020-04)
Introducción El dolor es una de las principales causas de consulta en los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios (SUH), multiplicando por cinco la probabilidad de asistencia. En la Agencia Sanitaria Costa del Sol (ASCS), ... -
Instruments for assessing the risk of falls in acute hospitalized patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Aranda-Gallardo, Marta; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; Canca-Sánchez, José Carlos
; Barrero-Sojo, Silvia; Pérez-Jiménez, Claudia; Morales-Fernández, Ángeles; Enríquez-de-Luna, Margarita; Moya-Suárez, Ana Belén; Mora-Banderas, Ana María[et al.] (BMC, 2013)
Background Falls are a serious problem for hospitalized patients, reducing the duration and quality of life. It is estimated that over 84% of all adverse events in hospitalized patients are related to falls. Some fall ... -
Instruments for assessing the risk of falls in acute hospitalized patients: a systematic review protocol
Aranda-Gallardo, Marta; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; Canca-Sánchez, José Carlos
; Mora-Banderas, Ana María; Moya-Suárez, Ana Belén (Wiley Online Library, 2012-06-23)
Abstract Aim. The purpose of this article is to present the research protocol of a systematic review about fall risk assessment tools in acute hospitalized patients. Background. Various risk assessment tools for falls ... -
Perfusion, tissue oxygenation and peripheral temperature in the skin of heels of healthy participants exposed to pressure: a quasi‐experimental study.
Gómez-González, Alberto José; Morilla-Herrera, Juan Carlos
; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; García-Mayor, Silvia
; León-Campos, Álvaro
; Marfil Gómez, Raquel; Aranda-Gallardo, Marta
; Moya-Suárez, Ana Belén; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
[et al.] (Wiley, 2020)
Aim: To evaluate the relationship between the pressure exerted on the heel of one footresting directly on a mattress, versus that exerted on the other heel, protected by a pillowbeneath the Achilles tendon area and the ... -
Peripheral perfusion and oxygenation in areas of risk of skin integrity impairment exposed to pressure patterns. A phase I trial (POTER Study)
García-Mayor, Silvia; Morilla-Herrera, Juan Carlos
; Lupiáñez-Pérez, Inmaculada
; Kaknani-Uttumchandani, Shakira
; León-Campos, Álvaro
; Aranda-Gallardo, Marta
; Moya-Suárez, Ana Belén; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
[et al.] (Wiley, 2017-07-17)
Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse the change in peripheral oxygenation and microvascular flow in tissues subjected to different pressure regimes in healthy subjects and in hospitalized patients. Background: The ... -
Pressure levels in the trochanter area according to repositioning at different degrees of inclination in healthy subjects.
Marfil Gómez, Raquel; García-Mayor, Silvia; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; Gómez-González, Alberto José
; Morilla-Herrera, Juan Carlos
; Moya-Suárez, Ana Belén; Aranda-Gallardo, Marta
; Rincón-López, Trinidad; Lupiáñez-Pérez, Inmaculada
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2020)
Objectives Patient repositioning is a recommended intervention to prevent or treat pressure ulcers (PUs). One option under consideration is the tailored repositioning according to patient characteristics, but more knowledge ... -
Relation between hyponatraemia and falls by acute hospitalised patients: A case-control study
Aranda-Gallardo, Marta; González-Lozano, Antonio; Oña-Gil, José Iván; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; Mora-Banderas, Ana María; Canca-Sánchez, José Carlos
; González-Lozano, Antonio[et al.] (Wiley, 2021-07-09)
Aims and objectives To investigate the possible association between hyponatremia and falls, in a sample of hospitalised adult patients. Background In-hospital falls are a problem of major importance, provoking a ... -
Spanish transcultural adaptation of the 4AT score for the evaluation of delirium in the emergency department: a prospective diagnostic test accuracy study
Morales-Puerto, Marta; Ruiz-Díaz, María; García-Mayor, Silvia; León-Campos, Álvaro
; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; Canca-Sánchez, José Carlos
; Gavira-Guerra, Sonia; Toledo-Fernandez, Cecilia; Aranda-Gallardo, Marta
[et al.] (BioMedicina Central (BMC), 2024-02-06)
Background: Delirium is one of the most common adverse events in older people during hospitalization, especially in the emergency department. Reliable, easy-to-use instruments are necessary to properly manage delirium in ... -
Traslados de pacientes desde servicios de urgencias a otras áreas del hospital: análisis de modos de fallo y efectos.
Prieto-Molina, Antonio; Aranda-Gallardo, Marta; Moya Suarez, Ana Belen; Rivas-Ruiz, Francisco; Peláez-Cherino, Joaquín; Canca-Sánchez, José Carlos
; Prieto-Molina, Antonio[et al.] (Sociedad Española de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias, 2023)
Objectives: To perform an in-depth analysis of the process of transferring patients from an emergency department (ED) to other areas inside a hospital and identify possible points of failure and risk so that strategies for ... -
Validación del instrumento de valoración de caídas “STRATIFY” en pacientes agudos hospitalizados e institucionalizados
Enríquez de Luna Rodríguez, Margarita (UMA Editorial, 2016)Las caídas en pacientes hospitalizados e institucionalizados representan uno de los eventos adversos relacionados con la asistencia sanitaria. Garantizar la seguridad del paciente se plantea como objetivo imprescindible ... -
Validation of living with chronic illness scale in a type 2 diabetes mellitus population
Caro-Bautista, Jorge; Rodríguez Blázquez, Carmen María; Perez‑Manchon, David; Timonet Andreu, Eva María; Carvajal‑Carrascal, Gloria; Fuentes‑Ramírez, Alejandra; Corchon, Silvia; Aranda-Gallardo, Marta
; Ambrosio, Leire[et al.] (BMC, 2021-03)
Background: Worldwide, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases and one of those producing greatest impact on patients’ day-to-day quality of life. Our study aim is to validate the ...