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Listar por autor "Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel"
Mostrando ítems 1-14 de 14
Características de personalidad y ritmicidad circadiana en pacientes con trastorno por uso de sustancias con y sin depresión mayor
Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)
El trastorno por uso de sustancias (TUS), definido como un conjunto de síntomas psicológicos, cognitivos y conductuales como consecuencia del uso continuo de una sustancia, es una patología que afecta a personas de ambos ... -
Circadian rhythmicity in substance use disorder male patients with and without comorbid depression under ambulatory and therapeutic community treatment
Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel; Capella, María del Mar; Navarro-Humanes, José Francisco
; Adan, Ana (Taylor and Francis, 2016)
This study analyzes the circadian rhythmic profiles of patients with substance use disorder (SUD) and patients with comorbid major depressive disorder (SUD-MDD) under ambulatory and therapeutic community treatments. The ... -
Circadian Typology and Emotional Intelligence in Healthy Adults
Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel; Navarro-Humanes, José Francisco
; Adan, Ana (Taylor & Francis, 2013-07-08)
Several aspects related to health, such as satisfaction with life, perceived well-being, and psychopathological symptomatology have been associated with circadian typology and with emotional intelligence. Nevertheless, the ... -
Circadian typology is related to emotion regulation, metacognitive beliefs and assertiveness in healthy adults
Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel(PLOS One, 2020)
This study explores the relationship between circadian typology and three key psychological constructs: emotion regulation, metacognitions, and assertiveness, considering possible sex differences. A total of 2,283 participants ... -
Circadian typology is related to resilience and optimism in healthy adults
Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel; Navarro-Humanes, José Francisco
; Adan, Ana (Taylor and Francis, 2015)
The relationships between circadian typology and several aspects related to mental health, such as satisfaction with life, emotional intelligence, perceived well-being and psychopathological symptomatology have been ... -
Conscientiousness but Not Agreeableness Decreases Females’ Tendency Toward Being Morning-Type
Rahafar, Arash; Randler, Christoph; Castellana, Ina; Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel(Wiley, 2017)
Individuals differ in their chronotype, and some are identified as morning ones and others as evening ones. Earlier studies showed that women were higher on morningness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. In this study, ... -
Consumo de sustancias y su relación con metacogniciones, estrategias de regulación emocional y asertividd
Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel(2019-11-18)
El consumo de sustancias constituye un problema de salud nacional, especialmente entre la población joven, conllevando unas cincuenta mil admisiones a tratamiento anuales. Entre las hipótesis explicativas del consumo de ... -
Coping strategies related to treatment in substance use disorder patients with and without comorbid depression
Adan, Ana; Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel; Navarro-Humanes, José Francisco
(Elsevier, 2017)
Coping strategies exert an important influence in the development and course of both substance use disorder (SUD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) and its treatment outcomes. We examined the coping strategies related ... -
Dual patients with major depression exhibit higher neuroticism-anxiety and impulsitivy than substance use disorder patients without comorbidity
Navarro-Humanes, José Francisco; Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel
; Capella, M.M.; Adan-Puig, Ana (abstract book, 2017)
Educational Objectives: At the conclusion of this presentation, the participants should be able to identify the different personality profile of dual patients with comorbid depression (SUD-MDD) and without comorbidity ... -
Influencia del ejercicio físico en la inteligencia emocional percibida
El objetivo del estudio consiste en explorar las relaciones existentes entre la práctica habitual de ejercicio físico y la inteligencia emocional percibida, controlando el efecto de la tipología circadiana. Participaron ... -
Morningness-eveningness and personality characteristics of young healthy adults
Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel; Navarro-Humanes, José Francisco
; Adan, Ana (Elsevier, 2014)
We aim to explore for the first time the relationships between circadian typology, the personality dimensions of Cloninger’s biological model and Zuckerman’s sensation seeking model in healthy adults. A sample of 700 young ... -
The circadian typology is related to differences in emotional intelligence
This study examines the relationships between circadian typology and emotional intelligence taking into account the possible interactions between sex and physical exercise, and controlling for age. A sample of 1011 ... -
Tipología circadiana y metacogniciones en una población de adultos sanos
Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel(2020-12-16)
Introducción: la tipología circadiana, resultante de dividir en tres grupos el continuo matutinidad-vespertinidad, permite clasificar a las personas en matutinas, intermedias y vespertinas. Durante las últimas décadas se ... -
Tipología circadiana y problemas de salud mental
Antúnez-Vílchez, Juan Manuel; Navarro-Humanes, José Francisco
; Adan, Ana (Universidad de Murcia, 2014)
La tipología circadiana (matutina, vespertina o intermedia) es una diferencia individual que se ha relacionado con numerosos aspectos de la salud mental. En este estudio se revisan los principales hallazgos publicados en ...