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Listar por autor "Fernández-Pozo, Noé"
Mostrando ítems 1-12 de 12
A workflow with dedicated tools for preparing reference transcriptomes from non-model organisms has evidenced important biological information
Claros-Díaz, Manuel Gonzalo; Benzekri, Hicham; Seoane, Pedro; Carmona Muñoz, Rosario Maria; Bautista-Moreno, Rocío
; Guerrero-Fernández, Darío; Fernández-Pozo, Noé[et al.] (2014-10-01)
Construction transcriptomes of non-model organisms is a common task nowadays due to the advent of low-cost sequencing platforms. The non-model organisms require a de novo assembling strategy since no reference is available. ... -
Análisis bioinformático de los alérgenos del polen de olivo.
Bullones, Amanda; Castro, Antonio Jesús; Lima-Cabello, Elena; Fernández-Pozo, Noé; Alché, Juan de Dios; Gonzalo Claros, M.[et al.] (2024)El polen de olivo es una de las principales causas de alergia respiratoria en la cuenca mediterránea, y desencadena reacciones alérgicas de diferente intensidad en función de la variedad. Hasta la fecha se han descrito 14 ... -
Análisis Bioinformático del Transcriptoma del Pino
Fernández-Pozo, Noé (UMA Editorial, 2021-09-17)Las especies del género Pinus son de gran interés económico y ecológico en todo el mundo, y especialmente en el hemisferio norte. Sin embargo estas especies carecen de un genoma secuenciado debido a la complejidad y los ... -
Bioinformatic analyses of olive pollen tube and seed transcriptomes and their integration in an interactive olive expression atlas
Bullones, Amanda; Fernández-Pozo, Noé; Lima-Cabello, Elena; Castro, Antonio Jesús; Alché-Ramírez, Juan de Dios; Claros-Díaz, Manuel Gonzalo[et al.] (2022)
The olive tree (Olea europaea L.) is of great socioeconomic importance due to the production of oil and table olives, and the seed is also an emergent source of nutraceuticals (Jiménez-Ruiz et al., 2020) and feed supplements ... -
Exploración funcional y alergénica de los tejidos reproductivos del olivo (Olea europaea)
Bullones, Amanda (2022)El olivo (Olea europaea) tiene una gran importancia socioeconómica debido a la producción de aceite y aceitunas de mesa. España es el primer productor mundial y, de las 272 variedades presentes en nuestro país, Picual es ... -
Lenguajes de programación para la bioinformática
Fernández-Pozo, Noé (Universidad de Málaga, Facultad de Ciencias, 2011) -
MangoBase: a genomics portal and gene expression atlas for Mangifera indica
Gómez-Ollé, Aynhoa; Bullones, Amanda; Hormaza Urroz, José Ignacio; Mueller, Lukas A.; Fernández-Pozo, Noé (MDPI, 2023-03-10)Mango (Mangifera indica L.) (2n = 40) is a member of the Anacardiaceae family, which was domesticated at least 4000 years ago in Asia. Mangoes are delicious fruits with great nutritional value. They are one of the major ... -
OliveAtlas: a gene expression atlas tool for olea europaea
Bullones, Amanda; Castro, Antonio Jesús; Lima-Cabello, Elena; Alché, Juan de Dios; Luque, Francisco; Claros-Díaz, Manuel Gonzalo; Fernández-Pozo, Noé[et al.] (MDPI, 2023-03-10)
The olive (Olea europaea L.) is an ancient crop of great importance in the Mediterranean basin due to the production of olive oil and table olives, which are important sources of fat and have benefits for human health. ... -
The Skeletal Atlas: A holistic approach to transcriptomics in the skeleton.
Pérez-Tejeiro, José Miguel; Csukasi, Fabiana; Becerra-Ratia, José; Durán-Jimenez, Iván Jesús
; Fernández-Pozo, Noé (2023)
Gene expression atlases are powerful bioinformatics tools that allow access to the scientific community to explore omics data. In biomedicine, numerous gene expression databases are available, yet none provide enough ... -
Transcriptome analysis of Neofusicoccum luteum during avocado branch and fruit infection
Guirado-Manzano, Lucía; Moreno-Pérez, Ana; Fernández-Pozo, Noé; Cazorla-López, Francisco Manuel; Fernández-Ortuño, Dolores
; Arrebola-Díez, Eva María
; Pliego-Prieto, Clara[et al.] (ECFG16, 2023-03-13)
The most important aerial diseases affecting avocado orchards on the Andalusian coast (Spain) are caused by species of fungi belonging to the Botryosphaeriaceae family, one of the most common being Neofusicoccum luteum. ... -
Transcriptomic Insight into the Pollen Tube Growth of Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea Reveals Reprogramming and Pollen-Specific Genes Including New Transcription Factors
Claros-Díaz, Manuel Gonzalo; Bullones, Amanda; Castro, Antonio Jesús; Lima-Cabello, Elena; Fernández-Pozo, Noé; Bautista-Moreno, Rocío
; Alché, Juan de Dios[et al.] (Plants, 2023)
The pollen tube is a key innovation ofland plants that is essential for successful fertilisation. Its development and growth have been profusely studied in model organisms, but in spite of the economic impact of olive ... -
Translational regulation of hormone synthesis and signaling mRNAs
Duarte-Conde, José Antonio; Sans-Coll, Gemma; Fernández-Pozo, Noé; Pulido Navarro, Aurora; Merchante-Berg, Catharina (2023)Translational regulation has long been recognized as a vital process in the cell responses to the environment and in the execution of developmental programs, yet still little is known about the selective translation of ...