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Listar por autor "Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 48
A multidisciplinary approach using hydrogeochemistry, δ15NNO3 isotopes, land use, and statistical tools in evaluating nitrate pollution sources and biochemical processes in Costa Rican volcanic aquifers
Madrigal-Solís, Helga; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki; Jiménez-Gavilán, Pablo
; Fonseca-Sánchez, Alicia; Quesada-Hernández, Luis; Calderón-Sánchez, Hazel; Gómez-Cruz, Alicia; Herrera-Murillo, Jorge; Pérez-Salazar, Roy[et al.] (Elsevier, 2024)
Nitrate pollution threatens the Barva and Colima multi-aquifer system, the primary drinking water source in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica. In addressing nitrate contamination dynamics, this study proposes an ... -
Análisis de tendencia de contaminantes en la masa de agua subterránea Fuente de Piedra (provincia de Málaga)
González Báez, Román; Jiménez-Gavilán, Pablo; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
; González Báez, Román (2017-11-15)
La normativa europea persigue alcanzar el buen estado químico de sus aguas subterráneas. Para ello es fundamental controlar y detectar tendencias en el aumento de la concentración de contaminantes. Pese a la importancia ... -
Application of hydrochemical and multi-isotopic (87Sr/86Sr, δ13C-DIC, δ2H-H2O, δ18O-H2O) tools to determine contamination sources and processes in the Guadalhorce river basin, Southern Spain
Glok-Galli, Melisa; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki; Jiménez-Gavilán, Pablo
; Ojeda-Rodríguez, Lucía; Urresti-Estala, Begoña; Martínez, Daniel E.[et al.] (Elsevier, 2022)
The integrated use of multi-isotopic (87Sr/86Sr, δ13C-DIC, δ2H-H2O, δ18O-H2O) and hydrochemical data was applied in the highly anthropized Guadalhorce river basin, southern Spain, to improve the knowledge about water ... -
Application of hydrogeochemistry and isotopic characterization for the assessment of recharge in a volcanic aquifer in the eastern region of central Costa Rica.
Madrigal-Solís, Helga; Jiménez-Gavilán, Pablo; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
; Fonseca-Sánchez, Alicia; Quesada-Hernández, Luis; Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Rolando; Calderón-Sánchez, Hazel; Pardo-Vargas, Carlos[et al.] (Taylor & Francis, 2020)
In the eastern region of central Costa Rica, land use in the sub-basins of the Maravilla-Chiz and Quebrada Honda rivers (47 km2) is dominated by agricultural and livestock production, while groundwater resources constitute ... -
Assessment of a wide array of contaminants of emerging concern in a Mediterranean water basin (Guadalhorce river, Spain): Motivations for an improvement of water management and pollutants surveillance
Llamas Dios, Marta Inés; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki; Jiménez-Gavilán, Pablo
; Candela Lledó, Lucila; Corada Fernández, Carmen (Elsevier, 2021-05-19)
This study investigates the occurrence and distribution of 185 organic contaminants (regulated pollutants and contaminants of emerging concern; CECs) in surface and groundwater of the Guadalhorce River basin (southern ... -
Behaviour of greenhouse gases (methane and carbon dioxide) in karst cave environments: the case of the Nerja Cave system (Southern Spain) and the Wombeyan Caves (NSW, Australia)
Ojeda, Lucía (UMA Editorial, 2022)En la presente tesis doctoral se han estudiado diferentes aspectos relacionados con el comportamiento del gas metano (CH4) y del dióxido de carbono (CO2) en los ambientes subterráneos, con particular interés en las fuentes ... -
Caracterización hidrogeológica y estudio del biogás en vertederos de la provincia de Málaga. Bases para su gestión medioambiental
Castro Gámez, Antonio Fermín (Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)La gestión de residuos mediante depósito en vertedero constituye la forma más extendida de tratamiento de residuos. A pesar de quedar relegada a la última de las opciones desde el punto de vista normativo, es la única forma ... -
Caracterización hidrogeoquímica e isotópica preliminar de los manantiales epiperidotíticos de las Peridotitas de Ronda
Scapini Gallardo, Rocío; Jiménez-Gavilán, Pablo; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
(Sociedad Geológica de España, 2021)
En los macizos de Sierra Bermeja y Alpujata, que forman parte de uno de los afloramientos más importantes de peridotitas del mundo (Las Peridotitas de Ronda), se ha realizado una caracterización preliminar de las aguas ... -
Carbonate aquifers threatened by contamination of hazardous anthropic activities: Challenges
Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki; Ojeda, Lucía (Elsevier, 2022)
This review focuses on the challenges that need to be addressed to increase knowledge on the distribution, transport and biogeochemical reactions of contaminants in carbonate media. In order to do so, it has been necessary ... -
Combined use of natural and artificial tracers to determine the hydrogeological functioning of a karst aquifer: the Villanueva del Rosario system (Andalusia, southern Spain)
Mudarra-Martínez, Matías; Andreo-Navarro, Bartolomé
; Marín-Guerrero, Ana Isabel; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
; Barberá-Fornell, Juan Antonio
(Springer Nature BV, 2014-03-28)
Analysis of natural responses of karst springs provides information on the behavior of the aquifers they drain. Detailed monitoring and qualitative and quantitative analyses of natural responses, and environmental—total ... -
Combining methane clumped and bulk isotopes, temporal variations in molecular and isotopic composition, and hydrochemical and geological proxies to understand methane's origin in the Ronda peridotite massifs (Spain)
Ojeda, Lucía; Giuseppe, Etiope; Jiménez-Gavilán, Pablo; Martonos, Ildiko Melinda; Röckmann, Thomas; Popa, Maria Elena; Sivan, Malavika; Castro Gámez, Antonio Fermín; Benavente, J.; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023-10-28)
In serpentinised peridotite and ultramafic rock systems, methane (CH4) origin is frequently considered abiotic, but variable microbial and thermogenic components can also exist. Typically, the origin of CH4 is studied using ... -
Condensation water in heritage touristic caves: Isotopic and hydrochemical data and a new approach for its quantification through image analysis
Liñán-Baena, Cristina; Benavente Herrera, José; Del Rosal Padial, Yolanda Remedios; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
; Ojeda, Lucía; Carrasco-Cantos, Francisco
[et al.] (Wiley, 2021)
Condensation water is a major factor in the conservation of heritage caves. It can cause dissolution of the rock substrate (and the pigments of rock art drawn on it) or covering thereof with mineral components, depending ... -
Condensation water in heritage touristic caves: Isotopic and hydrochemical data and a new approach for its quantification through image analysis.
Liñán-Baena, Cristina; Benavente, José; Del Rosal Padial, Yolanda Remedios; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
; Ojeda, Lucía; Carrasco-Cantos, Francisco
[et al.] (Wiley, 2021)
Condensation water is a major factor in the conservation of heritage caves. It can cause dissolution of the rock substrate (and the pigments of rock art drawn on it) or covering thereof with mineral components, depending ... -
Contaminantes emergentes en los recursos hídricos de la Vega de Granada y de la cuenca del Río Guadalhorce (Málaga).
Llamas Dios, Marta Inés; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki; Jiménez-Gavilán, Pablo
; Lara Martín, Pablo; Tovar Salvador, María de la Luz; Ríos Quintero, Rubén; Ojeda, Lucía; Luque Espinar, Juan Antonio; Benavente Herrera, José[et al.] (2023)
Se presentan los resultados de análisis de contaminantes emergentes de campañas de muestreo de finales de 2021 en los recursos hídricos de la Vega de Granada y de la cuenca del Río Guadalhorce, en la provincia de Málaga. ... -
Contribution of isotopic research techniques to characterize high-mountain-Mediterranean karst aquifers: The Port del Comte (Eastern Pyrenees) aquifer
Herms, Ignasi; Jódar, Jorge; Soler, Albert; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki; Lambán, Javier; Martos-Rosillo, Sergio; Núñez, J.A.; Arnó, Georgina; Jorge, Juan[et al.] (Elsevier, 2019)
Water resources in high mountain karst aquifers are usually characterized by high rainfall, recharge and discharge that lead to the sustainability of the downstream ecosystems. Nevertheless, these hydrological systems are ... -
Coronavirus pandemic: an opportunity to study the anthropogenic impact on micro-climate conditions and CaCO3 crystal morphology in the Nerja Cave (SE Spain)
Liñán-Baena, Cristina; Jiménez de Cisneros, C.; Benavente, J.; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
; Rosal, Y. del; Ojeda, Lucía[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023)
Following the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Spanish Government restricted non-essential movements of all citizens and closed all public spaces, such as the Nerja Cave, until May 31, 2020. This particular condition ... -
Coronavirus pandemic: an opportunity to study the anthropogenic impact on micro-climate conditions and CaCO3 crystal morphology in the Nerja Cave (SE Spain)
Liñán-Baena, Cristina; Jiménez de Cisneros, Concepción; Benavente, José; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
; Del Rosal, Yolanda; Ojeda, Lucía[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023)
Following the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Spanish Government restricted non-essential movements of all citizens and closed all public spaces, such as the Nerja Cave, until May 31, 2020. This particular condition ... -
Detailed analysis of the lamination and the geochemical varibility of the speleothem Zerolin to study the paleoclimate of SE Spain
Campa-Bousoño, Celia; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki; Pisonero, Jorge; Cheng, Hai; Muñoz, Arsenio; Stoll, Heather[et al.] (European Geological Union, 2018-04)
This work reports an exhaustive analysis of geochemistry and lamination in the paleoclimate study of Málaga using an actively stalagmite called Zerolín, collected in 2007 in the Cave of Ardales. U-Th dates indicate that ... -
Discriminant model and hydrogeochemical processes for characterizing preferential flow paths in four interconnected volcanic aquifers in Costa Rica
Madrigal-Solís, Helga; Jiménez-Gavilán, Pablo; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
; Fonseca-Sánchez, Alicia; Calderón-Sánchez, Hazel; Quesada-Hernández, Luis; Gómez-Cruz, Alicia[et al.] (Springer Nature, 2022-11-05)
El sistema multiacuífero volcánico de Barva y Colima es crucial para el suministro de agua potable de unos 1.7 millones de personas, aproximadamente el 30% de la población de Costa Rica. La complejidad de este sistema y ... -
Discriminating organic carbon from endokarstic moonmilk-type deposits by LIBS. The case of a natural carbonated Martian analogue
Delgado-Pérez, Tomás; García-Gómez, Laura; Fortes-Román, Francisco Javier
; Cabalín-Robles, Luisa María
; Liñán-Baena, Cristina
; Vadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
; Jiménez-Gavilán, Pablo
; Ojeda, Lucía; Laserna-Vázquez, José Javier
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2024-01-06)
Moonmilk-type deposits exemplify carbonated Martian analogues existing in the subsurface of Earth, an endokarstic speleothem with a possible biochemical origin composed principally by carbonates, mainly huntite and dolomite. ...