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Listar por autor "Guzmán-Parra, José"
Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
An exploratory study about factors and outcomes associated with the experience of coercive measures in mental health settings
Herrera-Imbroda, Jesús; Carbonel-Aranda, Vera; García-Illanes, Yaiza; Aguilera-Serrano, Carlos; Bordallo Aragón, Antonio; García-Spínola, Edgar; Torres-Campos, Daniel; Villagrán, José María; García-Sánchez, Juan Antonio; Mayoral-Cleries, Fermin; Guzmán-Parra, José[et al.] (Springer Nature, 2025-01-16)
Coercive measures are commonly used in mental health settings despite their negative effects. The subjective experience of coercion varies widely, and its short- and long-term health impacts are not well understood. This ... -
EEG abnormalities and clinical phenotypes in pre-school children with autism spectrum disorder
Romero-González, Marina; Navas-Sánchez, Patricia; Marín-Gámez, Ester; Barbancho-Fernández, Miguel Ángel
; Fernández Sánchez, Victoria Eugenia; Guzmán Parra, José; Lara-Muñoz, José Pablo
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2022-04)
Abnormalities on electroencephalography (EEG) results have been reported in a high percentage of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The purpose of this study was to explore the prevalence of EEG abnormalities ... -
Effectiveness of eHealth-Based Psychological Interventions for Depression Treatment in Patients With Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review
Varela-Moreno, Esperanza; Carreira-Soler, Mónica; Guzmán-Parra, José; Jódar-Sánchez, Francisco
; Mayoral Cleries, Fermín; Anarte-Ortiz, María Teresa
[et al.] (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2022-01-31)
Background: This systematic review aims to update the available information on the efficacy of psychological interventions delivered through ICTs to improve depressive symptomatology in patients with diabetes. Methods: A ... -
Excess mortality in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in Malaga (Spain): a cohort study
Moreno-Kustner, Berta; Guzmán-Parra, José; Pardo, Yolanda; Sanchidrian Barragan, Yolanda; Díaz-Ruiz, Sebastián; Mayoral Cleries, Fermín[et al.] (Cambridge University Press, 2021)
There is evidence that patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders present higher mortality in comparison with the general population. The aim of this study was to analyse the causes of mortality and sociodemographic ... -
Frecuentación de las emergencias extra-hospitalarias: adicciones y salud mental
Moreno-Kustner, Berta; Guzmán-Parra, José; Martínez-García, Ana María; Guillén-Benítez, Cristobalina (2013-12-10)
Introducción La hiperfrecuentación de los servicios de urgencias ha sido asociada a los trastornos mentales, el abuso de sustancias, problemas psicosociales y dificultades socioeconómicas. En el ámbito extrahospitalario, ... -
Iconic therapy for the reduction of borderline personality disorder symptoms among suicidal youth: a preliminary study
Hurtado-Santiago, Silvia; Guzmán-Parra, José; Mayoral, Fermín; Bersabé, Rosa M. (Springer Nature, 2022-03)La terapia icónica (TI) es una innovadora psicoterapia estructurada que trata los síntomas del trastorno límite de la personalidad (TLP) mediante el uso de imágenes. El propósito de este estudio fue poner a prueba la ... -
Riesgo Genético y Endofenotipos en Familias con Trastorno Bipolar
Guzmán Parra, José (UMA Editorial, 2017-07-06)Introducción: Esta Tesis Doctoral forma parte de una investigación colaborativa denominada The Andalusian Bipolar Family Study (ABiF) iniciada en 1997. La actual fase del proyecto ABiF forma parte de una nueva iniciativa ... -
Sociodemographic Characteristics and Psychological Adjustment Among Transsexuals in Spain.
Guzmán-Parra, José; Sánchez-Álvarez, Nicolás; De-Diego-Otero, María Yolanda; Pérez-Costillas, Lucía María
; Esteva de Antonio, Isabel; Navais-Barranco, Miriam; Castro-Zamudio, Serafina
; Bergero-Miguel, Trinidad[et al.] (2015-05-21)
Examinamos las características sociodemográficas y la adaptación psicológica de las personas con disforia de género atendidas en el Hospital Carlos Haya de Málaga. También analizamos las diferencias entre las personas con ... -
Telehealth Home Support During COVID-19 Confinement for Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Mild Dementia: Survey Study.
Goodman-Casanova, Jessica Marian; Dura-Perez, Elena; Guzmán-Parra, José; Cuesta-Vargas, Antonio; Mayoral-Cleries, Fermin (JMIR, 2020-04-17)
Background: The public health emergency of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is rapidly evolving worldwide; some countries, including Spain, have implemented restrictive measures. Populations that are vulnerable to this ... -
The Impact of Stressful Life Events on Suicidal Ideation in Gender Dysphoria: A Moderator Effect of Perceived Social Support
Guzmán-Parra, José; Sánchez-Álvarez, Nicolás; Guzik, Justyna; Bergero-Miguel, Trinidad; De Diego‑Otero, Yolanda; Pérez-Costillas, Lucía María
[et al.] (2023-04-17)
Factors associated with suicidal ideation in the gender dysphoria population are not completely understood. This high-risk population is more likely to suffer stressful events such as assault or employment discrimination. ...