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Listar por autor "Barco-Moreno, Raquel"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 122
5G Early Data Transmission (Rel-16): Security Review and Open Issues
Segura, David; Munilla-Fajardo, Jorge; Khatib, Emil Jatib; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
(IEEE, 2022-09-01)
The fifth-generation technology is called to support the next generation of wireless services and realize the “Internet of Everything” through Machine-Type Communications and Cellular Internet of Things optimizations. As ... -
5G in airports: challenges and use cases.
5G is the new generation of cellular communications that aims to provide high-throughput high-reliability connectivity to greatly diversified scenarios. With this objective, it shall act as a viable solution for environments ... -
5G networks automatic performance improvement
Mendoza Ruiz, Jessica (UMA Editorial, 2023-03-16)La quinta generación (5G) de redes móviles se presenta como una tecnología habilitadora de esta transformación digital de la sociedad y la economía. El crecimiento exponencial de las redes hace que sus tareas de gestión ... -
A Framework to boost the potential of networkin- a-box solutions
Baena-González, José Carlos; Fortes-Rodríguez, Sergio; Peñaherrera-Pulla, Oswaldo Sebastián; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
The expected heterogeneous connectivity provided by the fifth generation mobile network (5G) implies a huge revolution in the telecommunication field. Here, virtualisation and software implementation of network elements ... -
A Semi-Supervised Location-Aware Anomaly Detection Method for Ultra-Dense Indoor Scenarios.
Over the past few years, indoor cellular deployments have been on the rise. These scenarios are characterized by their user density and fast-changing conditions, thus, being prone to failures. Moreover, the steady ... -
Adaptive Cell Outage Compensation in Self-Organizing Networks.
De la Bandera Cascales, Isabel; Muñoz, Pablo; Serrano, Inmaculada; Barco-Moreno, Raquel(IEEE, 2018-01-12)
Within Self-Organizing Networks (SON), the Cell Outage Compensation (COC) functionality is one of the most important use cases in Self-Healing in mobile communication networks. The state-of-the-art has proposed different ... -
Adquisición de métricas en cloud gaming
Peñaherrera-Pulla, Oswaldo Sebastián; Baena-González, José Carlos; Fortes-Rodríguez, Sergio; Baena-Martínez, Eduardo; Tranle, Mai; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
[et al.] (2020-10-08)
This document presents a Cloud Gaming review and how it works in contrast with the traditional Gaming scenario. Then several platforms that can be used to implement this service are described. Next, it’s exposed the way ... -
Adquisición de métricas para el servicio de Vídeo 360/VR
Peñaherrera-Pulla, Oswaldo Sebastián; Baena-González, José Carlos; Fortes-Rodríguez, Sergio; Baena-Martínez, Eduardo; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
Virtual Reality (VR) arises as one of the current cutting-edge technologies. Its applications address educational and entertainment uses. This work presents a framework to assess video 360 service performance over VR ... -
AFDX networks simulation-based evaluation system
Villegas, Javier; Fortes-Rodríguez, Sergio; Escaño, Vicente; Baena-González, José Carlos; Colomer, Benjamín; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
[et al.] (2021-05)
Aircraft on-board systems, including navigation equipment, sensors and actuator, among others, present an increasingly demanding requirements on the avionics data communication networks. Moreover, the safety-critical needs ... -
Alteración de datos E2E: impacto de un ataque de envenenamiento y evasión en una red celular.
Luo Chen, Hao Qiang; Segura, David; Baena, Carlos; Khatib, Emil Jatib; Fortes-Rodríguez, Sergio; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
[et al.] (2024)
The evolution of mobile networks is currently going through a stage of opening up the infrastructure, known as O-RAN, a paradigm that also proposes providing more intelligence to the Radio Access Network (RAN). The key ... -
An enhanced symmetric-key based 5G-AKA protocol
Munilla-Fajardo, Jorge; Burmester, Mike; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
(Elsevier, 2021)
5G technology is called to support the next generation of wireless communications and realize the “Internet of Everything” through its mMTC (massive Machine-Type-Communications) service. The recently standardized 5G-AKA ... -
An event-driven link-level simulator for validation of AFDX and Ethernet avionics networks.
Vera-Soto, Pablo; Villegas Carrasco, Javier; Fortes-Rodríguez, Sergio; Pulido-Alegre, José; Escaño, Vicente; Ortiz, Rafael; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
[et al.] (2023)
Aircraft are composed of many electronic systems: sensors, displays, navigation equipment and communication elements. These elements require a reliable interconnection, which is a major challenge for communication networks ... -
Análisis de Interferencia Cross-Link sobre un escenario 5G mmWave
Tarrías Muñoz, Antonio; Fortes-Rodríguez, Sergio; Baena-Martínez, Eduardo; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
The use of Time Division Duplex (TDD) has not been fully adopted by operators in LTE networks and its previous generations. In contrast, the fifth generation (5G) is introducing new technical motivations for its use. In ... -
Análisis de rendimiento de estrategias de asignación de recursos para servicios con tráficos a ráfagas.
Romero, Ana Rosa; De la Bandera Cascales, Isabel; Outes-Carnero, José; Mendo, Adriano; Ramiro, Juan; Barco-Moreno, Raquel[et al.] (2023)
The percentage of bursty traffic in the network is currently increasing. To avoid problems derived from this, such as occasional overloads in the network or inefficiency in the allocation of resources, the role of the ... -
Análisis del efecto del número de beams sobre un escenario 5G
Tarrías Muñoz, Antonio; Fortes-Rodríguez, Sergio; Baena-Martínez, Eduardo; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
5G has been presented as the most revolutionary generation in the mobile network paradigm. With regard to the RAN part, the main achieved improvements in comparison with its predecessor are based on the use of mmWaves. To ... -
Análisis y clasificación automática de anomalías de red mediante análisis multiresolución y métodos no supervisados
Cantizani-Estepa, Juan; Fortes-Rodríguez, Sergio; Villegas, Javier; Martín Cuerdo, Raúl; Rasines Suárez, Javier; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
[et al.] (2022-09)
Cellular networks have been increasing in size and complexity constantly since the earliest generations. This growing complexity makes it harder for network operators to manage and improve the efficiency of the network ... -
Aplicación de la tecnología 5G a entornos de emergencias mediante el uso de Network Slicing.
En una situación de emergencias, la red debe ser capaz de proporcionar diversos servicios con requisitos de calidad diferentes. La categoría de servicio URLLC proporcionará servicios de mínima latencia, mientras que eMBB ... -
Aplicación móvil para localización de interior mediante fusión de tecnologías
Álvarez-Merino, Carlos Simón; Luo Chen, Hao Qiang; Khatib, Emil Jatib; Barco-Moreno, Raquel(2021-09)
High-precision indoor location has become a necessity for the new location-based services that are emerging around 5G. The European LOCUS project is a research Project that seeks to achieve high-precision location based ... -
Assessment of the impact of limited computing resources on vRAN deployment.
Hervás Gutiérrez, María; Baena, Carlos; Baena-Martínez, Eduardo; Fortes-Rodríguez, Sergio; Barco-Moreno, Raquel
The new generation of mobile networks goes beyond radio communications by providing a resilient and flexible architecture. In this context, the virtualization of Radio Access Networks (vRAN) completes the Network Function ... -
Automatic Feature Selection Technique for Next Generation Self-Organizing Networks
Palacios, David; De la Bandera Cascales, Isabel; Gómez-Andrades, Ana; Flores, Lydia; Barco-Moreno, Raquel(IEEE, 2018)
Despite self-organizing networks (SONs) pursue the automation of management tasks in current cellular networks, the selection of the most useful performance indicators (PIs), used as inputs for SON functions, is still ...