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Listar por autor "Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 29
A procedural and flexible approach for specification, modeling, definition, and analysis for self-adaptive systems.
Araujo De Oliveira, Patricia; Durán-Muñoz, Francisco Javier; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto
(Wiley, 2021)
An adaptive system can modify its settings at runtime as a response to changes in its operational environment. To analyse this kind of systems at design time is a difficult task since it requires considering the system ... -
A Requirements-Driven Approach for Building Architecture Projects of Self-Adaptive Systems
Araujo De Oliveira, Patricia (UMA Editorial, 2022)A well-structured software architectural project allows us to analyze and describe the properties of a complex system towards a general and complete overview, thus enabling the alternative decision-making in the face of ... -
Aplicación de gestión de abonos en aparcamientos
Utrera Torremocha, Ángel (2018-02-23)Este trabajo de fin de grado surge para dar solución a todo el proceso de contratación de abonos en aparcamientos. Dicha gestión presentaba los inconvenientes típicos de un tratamiento manual de la información y de los ... -
Aplicación de gestión de actividades deportivas para dispositivos móviles
Doña Corrales, David (2016-05-27)Este trabajo fin de grado tiene como objetivo satisfacer la necesidad por parte del Club Deportivo de la Universidad de Málaga de disponer de una herramienta software que permita almacenar y gestionar información sobre las ... -
Bidimensional Cross-Cloud Application Management with TOSCA and Brooklyn (summary)
Carrasco Mora, José Manuel; Cubo, Javier; Durán, Francisco; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto(Salamanca University Press, 2016)
The diversity in the way different cloud providers offer their services, give their SLAs, present their QoS, support different technologies, etc., complicates the portability and interoperability of cloud applications, and ... -
Component-wise application migration in bidimensional cross-cloud environments
Carrasco Mora, José Manuel; Durán, Francisco; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto(ScitePress, 2017-04)
We propose an algorithm for the migration of cloud applications' components between different providers, possibly changing their service level between IaaS and PaaS. Our solution relies on three of the key ingredients of ... -
Composition and Self-Adaptation of Service-Based Systems with Feature Models
Cubo, Javier; Gámez, Nadia; Fuentes-Fernández, Lidia; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto
(Springer, 2013)
The adoption of mechanisms for reusing software in pervasive systems has not yet become standard practice. This is because the use of pre-existing software requires the selection, composition and adaptation of prefabricated ... -
Continuous QoS-compliant Orchestration in the Cloud-Edge Continuum.
Bisicchia, Giuseppe; Forti, Stefano; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto; Brogi, Antonio (Wiley, 2024)
The problem of managing multi-service applications on top of Cloud-Edge networks in a quality of service (QoS)-aware manner has been thoroughly studied in recent years from a decision-making perspective. However, only a ... -
A Formal Programming Framework for Digital Avatars
In the current IoT era, the number of smart things to interact with is raising everyday. However, each one of them precises a manual and specific configuration. In a more people-friendly scenario, smart things should adapt ... -
Formalización de una arquitectura de computación móvil basada en Linda
Gracias a los avances y el desarrollo que está experimentando el campo de la Internet de las Cosas (Internet of Things, IoT), cada día hay más dispositivos a los que se llama inteligentes. Estos dispositivos disponen de ... -
Integrating Citizens’ Avatars in Urban Digital Twins.
García-Luque, Rafael; Toro-Gálvez, Lorenzo; Moreno, Nathalie; Troya-Castilla, Javier; Canal-Velasco, José Carlos
; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto
[et al.] (River Publishers, 2023-12-23)
Urban Digital Twins (UDT) represent a powerful tool to effectively make cities smart. Generally, UDTs are linked with other Digital Twins to build ecosystems where the citizen is at the heart of the ecosystem. This is why ... -
Live migration of trans-cloud applications.
Carrasco Mora, José Manuel; Durán-Muñoz, Francisco Javier; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto
(Elsevier, 2020)
The development of applications independent of the cloud providers where they are going to be deployed is still an open issue. In fact, cloud agnostic software development presents important challenges to be solved. One ... -
Location-aware scalable service composition.
Pozas García, Nicolás; Durán-Muñoz, Francisco Javier; Moreno Berrocal, Katia; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto
(Wiley, 2023)
The problem of service composition is the process of assigning resources to services from a pool of available ones in the shortest possible time so that the overall quality of service is maximized. This article provides ... -
Modelling Digital Avatars: a tuple space approach
The development of the Internet of Things (IoT) came with the manufacturing of a huge amount of smart things equipped with sensors for making them aware of their environment, and with network connection for allowing remote ... -
One step towards dynamically programmable things: an implementation using Beacons
Bandera García, David; Perez-Vereda, Alejandro; Canal-Velasco, José Carlos; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto
The number of devices connected to the internet is constantly increasing. This large amount of devices can be used to improve people’s interaction with their environment. However, this also implies an increase in the ... -
A programming framework for people as a service
Bandera García, David; Perez-Vereda, Alejandro; Canal-Velasco, José Carlos; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto
The number of devices connected to the internet is constantly growing, which implies an increased complexity when interacting with so many heterogeneous devices. Automating this process is key to keep up with this growth. ... -
Propuesta de metodología de despliegue de aplicaciones en nubes heterogéneas con TOSCA
Carrasco Mora, José Manuel; Cubo, Javier; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto(2014-09-19)
Desplegar y controlar una aplicación compleja sobre un conjunto heterogéneo de proveedores es un problema muy novedoso y complejo al que los clientes de las plataformas de cloud se deben de enfrentar. Los proveedores exponen ... -
Reconfigurando aplicaciones multi-cloud con líneas de producto software dinámicas
Cubo, Javier; Gámez, Nadia; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto; Fuentes-Fernández, Lidia
La reconfiguración dinámica de aplicaciones multi-cloud es un reto complejo aún no suficientemente explorado. En estos entornos las aplicaciones o sus módulos pueden estar desplegados en diferentes proveedores. Por lo ... -
SeaClouds: An Open Reference Architecture for Multi-Cloud Governance
Brogi, Antonio; Carrasco Mora, José Manuel; Cubo, Javier; D'Andria, Francesco; Di Nitto, Elisabetta; Guerriero, Michele; Pérez, Diego; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto; Soldani, Jacopo[et al.] (2016-12-12)
We present the open reference architecture of the SeaClouds solution. It aims at enabling a seamless adaptive multi-cloud management of complex applications by supporting the distribution, monitoring and reconfiguration ... -
Self-healing trans-cloud applications.
Brogi, Antonio; Carrasco Mora, José Manuel; Durán-Muñoz, Francisco Javier; Pimentel-Sánchez, Ernesto
; Soldani, Jacopo (Springer Nature, 2022-07-04)
Trans-cloud applications consist of multiple interacting components deployed across different cloud providers and at different service layers (IaaS and PaaS). In such complex deployment scenarios, fault handling and recovery ...