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Listar por autor "Peláez-Márquez, José Ángel"
Mostrando ítems 1-13 de 13
Bergman projection and BMO in hyperbolic metric: improvement of classical result.
Rättyä, Jouni; Peláez-Márquez, José Ángel(Springer Nature, 2023)
The Bergman projection $P_\alpha$, induced by a standard radial weight, is bounded and onto from $L^\infty$ to the Bloch space $\mathcal{B}$. However, $P_\alpha: L^\infty\to \mathcal{B}$ is not a projection. This fact can ... -
Bergman projection induced by radial weight acting on growth spaces
Moreno, Álvaro Miguel; Peláez-Márquez, José Ángel; Taskinen, Jari (Springer, 2024)
Let ω be a radial weight on the unit disc of the complex plane D and denote by ω(r) = 1 r ω(s) ds the tail integrals. A radial weight ω belongs to the class D if satisfies the upper doubling condition sup 0<r< ∞. If ν ... -
Bergman projection induced by radial weight.
Rättyä, Jouni; Peláez-Márquez, José Ángel(Elsevier, 2021)
We establish characterizations of the radial weights $\omega$ on the unit disc such that the Bergman projection $P_\omega$, induced by $\omega$, is bounded and/or acts surjectively from $L^\infty$ to the Bloch space ... -
Bergman projection on Lebesgue space Induced by doubling weight
Peláez-Márquez, José Ángel; De la Rosa, Elena; Rättyä, Jouni (Springer Nature, 2023-11-28)
Let ω and ν be radial weights on the unit disc of the complex plane, and denote σ = ωp′ ν− p′ p and ωx = ∫ 1 0 sxω(s) ds for all 1 ≤ x < ∞. Consider the one-weight inequality ‖Pω (f )‖Lp ν ≤ C‖f ‖Lp ν , 1 < p < ∞, ... -
Classical operators on weighted Bergman and mixed norm spaces
Sierra McGettigan, Kian (UMA Editorial, 2019-10)Esta tesis contiene resultados originales sobre operadores clásicos con una medida de Borel definida sobre el disco unidad como simbolo. Solemos trabajar con operadores sobre espacios de funciones analíticas. El espacio ... -
Compostion of Analytic Paraproducts
Aleman, Alexandru; Cascante, Carmen; Fàbrega, Joan; Pascuas, Daniel; Peláez-Márquez, José Ángel(Elsevier, 2022)
For a fixed analytic function $g$ on the unit disc $\D$, we consider the analytic paraproducts induced by $g$, which are defined by $T_gf(z)= \int_0^z f(\z)g'(\z)\,d\z$, $S_gf(z)= \int_0^z f'(\z)g(\z)\,d\z$, and $M_gf(z)= ... -
Fractional derivative description of the bloch space
Moreno, Álvaro Miguel; Peláez-Márquez, José Ángel; De la Rosa, Elena (Springer Nature, 2024-01-09)
We establish new characterizations of the Bloch space B which include descriptions in terms of classical fractional derivatives. Being precise, for an analytic function f (z) = E∞n=0 ^f(n)zn in the unit disc D, we define ... -
Hilbert-type operator induced by radial weight on Hardyspaces
Merchán-Álvarez, Noel; Peláez-Márquez, José Ángel
; De la Rosa, Elena (Springer Nature, 2023-09-19)
We consider the Hilbert-type operator defined by Hω(f)(z)=∫10f(t)(1z∫z0Bωt(u)du)ω(t)dt, where {Bωζ}ζ∈D are the reproducing kernels of the Bergman space A2ω induced by a radial weight ω in the unit disc D. We prove ... -
Integral kernel operators on spaces of analytic functions.
De la Rosa Pérez, Elena (UMA Editorial, 2025)Esta tesis se sitúa en el contexto de la teoría de operadores concretos sobre espacios de funciones, habitualmente analíticas y definidas en el disco unidad del plano complejo. Dentro de esta línea desempeña un papel ... -
Integral Operators Induced by Symbols with Non-negative Maclaurin Coefficients Mapping into H∞
Peláez-Márquez, José Ángel; Rättyä, Jouni; Fanglei, Wu (Springer, 2022-02-20)
For analytic functions g on the unit disk with non-negative Maclaurin coefficients, we describe the boundedness and compactness of the integral operator Tg( f )(z) = z 0 f (ζ )g(ζ ) dζ from a space X of analytic functions ... -
Littlewood-Paley Formulas and Carleson Measures forWeighted Fock Spaces Induced by A∞-Type Weights
We obtain Littlewood-Paley formulas for Fock spaces $\mathcal{F}^q_{\beta,\omega}$ induced by weights $\omega\in\Ainfty= \cup_{1\le p<\infty}A^{restricted}_{p}$, where $A^{restricted}_{p}$ is the class of weights such ... -
On the radicality property for spaces of symbols of bounded Volterra operators
Cascante, Carme; Fàbrega, Joan; Pascuas, Daniel; Peláez-Márquez, José Ángel(Elsevier, 2024-09)
In [1] it is shown that the Bloch space in the unit disc has the following radicality property: if an analytic function g satisfies that , then , for all . Since coincides with the space of analytic symbols g such that the ... -
Words of analytic paraproducts on Hardy and weighted Bergman spaces.
Aleman, Alexandru; Casante, Carme; Fàbrega, Joan; Pascuas, Daniel; Peláez-Márquez, José Ángel(Elsevier, 2024)
For a fixed analytic function g on the unit disc, we consider the analytic paraproducts induced by g, which are formally defined by , , and . We are concerned with the study of the boundedness of operators in the algebra ...