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Listar por autor "Ortega-Avila, Ana-Belén"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 44
A group of research analysing the feet of people with rheumatoid arthritis
Ramos Petersen, Laura (UMA Editorial, 2021-05-26)Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) shows high prevalence and morbidity worldwide and its biggest impact can be observed in the small joints of the hands and feet. Pharmacological and other non-pharmacological interventions such as ... -
Anthropometric and Psychomotor Development Factors Linked to Foot Valgus in Children Aged 6 to 9 Years
Morales-Asencio, José Miguel; Medina-Alcántara, Francisco Miguel
; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén
; Jiménez-Cebrián, Ana María; Páez-Moguer, Joaquín
; Cervera-Marín, José Antonio
; Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel
[et al.] (American Podiatric Medical Association, 2019-02)
Background: Planovalgus foot prevalence estimates vary widely (0.6%-77.9%). Among the many factors that may influence planovalgus foot development, much attention has been given to body mass index, especially that of ... -
Atritis gotosa como causa de pie de riesgo
Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén; Fernández Torres, Raúl; Agüera-Jiménez, David (2016-09-14)INTRODUCCIÓN: La gota es una manifestación común de la artritis, cuya inflamación se debe al depóstido de cristales de uratao monosódico en articulaciones y tejidos blandos por un aumento de ácido úrico en sangre y su ... -
Características morfoestructurales del pie relacionadas con la calidad de vida en pacientes con artritis reumatoide
Reinoso-Cobo, Andrés(UMA Editorial, 2021-01-11)
La artritis reumatoide es una enfermedad autoinmune de etiología desconocida, con etiopatogenia multifactorial y con sintomatología principalmente en articulaciones sinoviales. El pie es una estructura anatómica del ... -
Características morfológicas de las estructuras pasivas y activas del pie en poblaciones con diferente nivel de actividad física
Reina Martín, Inmaculada (UMA Editorial, 2021-12-23)La tendencia por conseguir un estilo de vida más saludable ha contribuido en los últimos años a aumentar el interés por la participación en actividades deportivas, siendo el running unas de las que más ha aumentado. Asociado ... -
Características sonoanatómicas del complejo aquíleo calcáneo plantar.
Alabau-Dasi, Raquel(UMA Editorial, 2024)
La estructura musculo-tendón del complejo tríceps sural, compuesta por el gastrocnemio, el sóleo, el delgado plantar, el tendón de Aquiles y la fascia plantar, desempeña roles dinámicos y posturales. Cualquier déficit en ... -
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of Spanish version of The Foot and Ankle Ability Measures (FAAM-Sp)
Cervera-Garvi, Pablo; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén
; Morales-Asencio, José Miguel
; Cervera-Marín, José Antonio
; Rob-Roy, Martin; Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel
[et al.] (Wiley, 2017-08-22)
Background. The Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) is a Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) commonly used to determine the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions for patients with foot and ankle pathologies and associated ... -
The custom-made foot orthosis using the Central Stabilizer Element: nex concept of element
Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén
; Montes-Alguacil, Jesús
; Ruiz-Muñoz, María
Foot orthoses have been applied for the management of lower limb disorders, mainly for those who develop foot pain. The Central Stabilizer Element (CSE) is a new element that contains the midfoot laterally when a plantar ... -
Diccionario Podológico Español-Inglés Términos podológicos de uso común en el Grado de Podología (Cuaderno de ayuda para el alumno)
Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén
; García-Payá, Irene
; Cervera-Marín, José Antonio
Diccionario con términos utilizados en el ámbito de la podología tanto en inglés como en español, y su definición en ambos idiomas. Se pretende sea un documento de uso dentro de las asignaturas del Grado de Podología para ... -
Does the type of sport practiced influence foot posture and knee angle? Differences between footballers and swimmers
Lopezosa-Reca, Eva; Gijon-Nogueron, Gabriel
; Garcia-Paya, Irene
; Ortega-Avila, Ana Belen
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
This aim of this study is to observe the differences in foot posture and the angle of the knee according to different physical activities. Seventy-eight football players and 72 swimmers were recruited, and in each case a ... -
The education of diabetic patients about their foot self-care : Our experiences in the Unit of Diabetic foot in the University of Malaga.
Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén (2018-03-21)
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is currently one of the most prevalent chronic diseases, with rising figures that reflect a pandemic scenario. .The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimated that 366 million people worldwide ... -
Effect of different custom-made foot orthotics on foot joint stiffness in individuals with structural hallux limitus: A quasi-experimental study
Martínez-Rico, Magdalena; Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel
; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén
; Roche-Seruendo, Luis Enrique; Climent-Pedrosa, Ana; Deschamps, Kevin; Sanchis-Sales, Enrique[et al.] (Elsevier, 2025-02)
Background: Normal dorsiflexion of the first metatarsophalangeal joint during dynamic activities is critical for effective propulsion. Therapeutic foot orthotics may address the pathomechanical loading and joint ... -
Effect of Spatiotemporal Parameters on the Gait of Children Aged from 6 to 12 Years in Podiatric Tests: A Cross Sectional Study
Martínez-Rico, Magdalena; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén; Pineda-Galán, Consolación
; Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel
; Pardo Rios, Manuel; Alabau-Dasi, Raquel
; Marchena-Rodríguez, Ana José
[et al.] (MDPI, 2023-02-27)
The use of lower limb tests in the paediatric population is of great importance for diagnostic evaluations. The aim of this study is to understand the relationship between the tests performed on the feet and ankles, covering ... -
Eficacia de diferentes diseños de ortesis plantares en la biomecánica multisegmentaria del pie en pacientes con hallux limitus.
Martínez-Rico, Magdalena(UMA Editorial, 2025)
La primera articulación metatarsofalángica (1ª AMTF) juega un papel crucial en la marcha humana. Cuando su movilidad se ve restringida, como en el hallux limitus (HL), puede afectar gravemente la función del pie y la calidad ... -
Experiences of patients with rheumatoid arthritis during and after COVID-19-induced quarantine in terms of physical activity and health status: A qualitative study
Ramos-Petersen, Laura; Garcia-Campos, Jonatan; Banwell, George; Ortega-Avila, Ana-Belén; Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel
; Reinoso-Cobo, Andrés
[et al.] (Wiley, 2022-08-29)
Aim: The aim of this study was to explore experiences of people with rheumatoid arthritis during and after COVID-19-induced quarantine in terms of physical activity and health status. Background: Rheumatoid arthritis ... -
Factores de estrés del estudiantado ante las prácticas clínicas en Ciencias de la Salud
Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén; Guerra-Marmolejo, Cristina; Marchena-Rodríguez, Ana José
; Cervera-Garvi, Pablo
Las prácticas clínicas son un elemento fundamental en la formación del alumnado de Ciencias de la Salud, especialmente en las áreas de Enfermería y Podología. El entorno a nivel clínico suele proporcionar muchos estímulos ... -
Follow-up of health-related quality of life and pain in a cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis before and after COVID-19
Reinoso-Cobo, Andrés; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén
; Pineda-Galán, Consolación
; Alabau-Dasi, Raquel
; Exposito-Ruiz, Manuela; Banwell, George; Ramos Petersen, Laura; Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel
[et al.] (Elsevier, 2023-07-21)
The foot is one of the anatomical structures of the body most affected in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), associated with the disability of patients, even more during COVID-19. The aim of this study was to analyse whether the ... -
Foot Anthropometry Measures in Relation to Treatment in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Longitudinal Study
Gamez Guijarro, Maria; Reinoso-Cobo, Andrés; Perez Galan, María José; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén
; Ramos-Petersen, Laura; Torróntegui-Duarte, Marcelino
; Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel
; Lópezosa-Reca, Eva
[et al.] (MDPI, 2024-08)
Approximately 90% of patients with arthritis exhibit forefoot deformities, including deformities within the metatarsophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints. Current pharmacological treatment with Disease Modifying ... -
Foot orthoses for people with rheumatoid arthritis, involving quantitative and qualitative outcomes: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Ramos-Petersen, Laura; Nester, Christopher J; Gijón-Noguerón, Gabriel; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén
(BMJ Publishing Group, 2020-06-08)
Introduction Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) involves changes to foot structure and function, and there is an association between RA and foot pain. This pain affects those patient’s physical activity and experience of daily ... -
Herramientas de medición de la patología ungueal: revisión literaria.
Sánchez-Morilla, Sandra; Ortega-Ávila, Ana Belén; Sánchez-Castillo, José Alberto
(Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Podólogos de España, 2023)
El sistema ungueal conforma una compleja unidad anatómica fundamental en el ser humano, susceptible de sufrir numerosas alteraciones debido a procesos patológicos, tanto sistémicos como locales. El estudio de la patología ...