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Listar por autor "Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús"
Mostrando ítems 1-18 de 18
Análisis de sentimiento del español basado en corpus.
Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús; Fernández Cruz, Javier; Pérez-Hernández, María Chantal
(Routledge, 2022)
En este capítulo ofrecemos una visión panorámica del análisis de sentimiento, disciplina en la que los corpus textuales y su análisis son la pieza angular, y que se ha desarrollado en la última década como subárea del ... -
Building the Great Recession News Corpus (GRNC): a contemporary diachronic corpus of economy news in English
Fernández Cruz, Javier; Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús(Asociación Española de Lingüística de Corpus (AELINCO), 2022-06)
The paper describes the process involved in developing the Great Recession News Corpus (GRNC); a specialized web corpus, which contains a wide range of written texts obtained from the Business section of The Guardian and ... -
Corpus annotation and analysis of sarcasm on Twitter: #CatsMovie vs. #TheRiseOfSkywalker
García Gámez, María; Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús(AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos), 2022-06)
Sentiment analysis is a natural language processing task that has received increased attention in the last decade due to the vast amount of opinionated data on social media platforms such as Twitter. Although the methodologies ... -
Design and Evaluation of SentiEcon: a fine-grained Economic/Financial Sentiment Lexicon from a Corpus of Business News.
Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús; Fernández Cruz, Javier; Pérez-Hernández, María Chantal
(European Language Resources Association, 2020)
In this paper we present, describe, and evaluate SentiEcon, a large, comprehensive, domain-specific computational lexicon designed for sentiment analysis applications, for which we compiled our own corpus of online business ... -
Design and validation of annotation schemas for aspect‑based sentiment analysis in the tourism sector.
Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús; Salles-Bernal, Soluna; Orrequia-Barea, Aroa (2019-10-29)
The use of linguistic resources beyond the scope of language studies, e.g., commercial purposes, has become commonplace since the availability of massive amounts of data and the development of software tools to process ... -
Economic terms in the news during the Great Recession: A diachronic sentiment and collocational analysis.
Fernández Cruz, Javier; Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús(Peter Lang, 2024)
This book explores the evolution of sentiment in economic terms in the press during financial crises applying a combination of sentiment analysis techniques and usage fluctuation analysis on a diachronic corpus derived ... -
El lenguaje económico en los tiempos de la crisis global: un estudio longitudinal de análisis de sentimiento
Fernández Cruz, Javier (UMA Editorial, 2020-02-17)Esta tesis se centra en el estudio longitudinal de la influencia de los eventos en la forma en la orientación semántica en la terminología económica. En este caso se estudiará el periodo de la Gran Recesión, un acontecimiento ... -
Evaluación de programas AICLE dentro del Plan de Fomento del Plurilingüismo.
Yélamos-Guerra, María Salomé(UMA Editorial, 2020-09-16)
En un mundo cada vez más globalizado, la enseñanza a través del bilingüismo tiene absoluta cabida. En una sociedad que avanza a una velocidad vertiginosa tanto en aspectos científicos como tecnológicos, los educadores ... -
Mapping of political events related to the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter using topic modelling and keywords over time.
This research aims to study the relationship between actual, real-world events related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact these events produced on social media. To achieve this objective, we employ topic modelling and ... -
Mi opinión cuenta: la expresión del sentimiento en la Red
Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús(Cátedra, 2019-01)
Este capítulo representa una contribución significativa al estudio de la expresión de opiniones y sentimientos en el ámbito digital. Este trabajo se destaca por su análisis profundo de cómo los usuarios de Internet expresan ... -
Strategies for the analysis of large social media corpora: sampling and keyword extraction methods
Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús; García-Gámez, María (Springer, 2023)
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, social media platforms such as Twitter have been of great importance for users to exchange news, ideas, and perceptions. Researchers from fields such as discourse analysis and the ... -
Strategies for the analysis of large social media corpora: sampling and keyword extraction methods
García Gámez, María; Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús(Springer Link, 2022-04)
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, social media platforms such as Twitter have been of great importance for users to exchange news, ideas, and perceptions. Researchers from fields such as discourse analysis and the ... -
The expression of sentiment in user reviews of hotels
Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús; Fuster-Márquez, Miguel (2017-06-09)
The linguistic expression of sentiment, understood as the polarity of an opinion, is known to be domain-specific to a certain extent (Aue & Gamon, 2005; Choi et al., 2009). Even though many words and expressions convey the ... -
The Fabric of Digital Discourse: Analytical Techniques for Social Media Corpora.
García-Gámez, María (UMA Editorial, 2024)Las redes sociales se han convertido en un espacio crucial para la participación y el diálogo, influyendo en la configuración del discurso global. Desde una perspectiva investigadora, dichos medios ofrecen un vasto repositorio ... -
The language of happiness in self-reported descriptions of happy moments: words, concepts, and entities
García Gámez, María; Pérez-Hernández, María Chantal; Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús
(Springer, 2022-07)
This article attempts to study the language of happiness from a double perspective. First, the impact and relevance of sentiment words and expressions in self-reported descriptions of happiness are examined. Second, the ... -
The use of Tik Tok in higher education as a motivating source for students
Yélamos-Guerra, María Salomé; García Gámez, María; Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús
(Universidad de Granada, 2022-06)
This article presents a study conducted at the University of Málaga with the participation of second-year students from the Degree in English Studies. It focuses on a TikTok project that the participants had ... -
Tracking diachronic sentiment change of economic terms in times of crisis: Connotative fluctuations of ‘inflation’ in the news discourse
The present study focuses on the fluctuation of sentiment in economic terminology to observe semantic changes in restricted diachrony. Our study examines the evolution of the target term ‘inflation’ in the business section ... -
El uso de las TIC y el enfoque AICLE en la educación superior (Kahoot!, cortometrajes y BookTubes)
Yélamos-Guerra, María Salomé; Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio Jesús
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2021-12-20)
Este artículo describe un estudio llevado a cabo en la Universidad de Málaga en el Grado de Estudios Ingleses con alumnos de segundo, tercer y cuarto curso. En él se describen diferentes proyectos AICLE, que van desde ...