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Listar por autor "Marcenaro Gutierrez, Oscar David"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 70
A Cross Country Prescriptive Analysis of the Efficiency of Educational Systems
Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, Óscar David(2016-11-21)
How does a country achieve the most efficient education system possible? We examine the efficiency of educational systems across the world using internationally comparable performance of secondary school pupils. We use ... -
A multiobjective interval programming model to explore the trade-offs among different aspects of job satisfaction under different scenarios
Henriques, Carla Oliveira; López-Agudo, Luis Alejandro; Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, Óscar David
; Luque-Gallego, Mariano
(Elsevier, 2019)
The need for greater concern about job quality/satisfaction seems clear, due to its potential link with workers' productivity, to the extent it affects employees' quitting behaviour, absenteeism, turnover, and firms' ... -
A novel approach for exploring the trade-offs between several features of students’ well-being
Henriques, Carla Oliveira; López-Agudo, Luis Alejandro; Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, Óscar David
; Luque-Gallego, Mariano
(Wiley, 2021)
We propose a novel approach to explore the trade-offs between four features of students’ well-being (anxiety, motivation, sense of belonging, and bullying). On the one hand, a multiobjective interval problem is formulated ... -
An analysis of parental satisfaction with school
Jerrim, John; Prieto-Latorre, Claudia; López-Agudo, Luis Alejandro
; Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, Óscar David
This article presents an analysis of factors which are important in the satisfaction with schools during primary education by families. The empirical evidence herein is based on students attending primary education in ... -
An international analysis of parental school preferences.
Jerrim, John; Prieto-Latorre, Claudia; López-Agudo, Luis Alejandro
; Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, Óscar David
Parents are concerned about their children’s educational progress, and thus school choice has an important role in parenting. This research analyses the features when choosing a school in the countries participating in the ... -
Análisis de la eficiencia del profesorado español a través de indicadores
La relación entre el rendimiento del alumnado y la capacidad del profesorado para usar eficazmente los recursos disponibles es de indudable interés para el potencial rediseño de las políticas educativas. De ahí la relevancia ... -
Are early writers and readers more successful than their counterparts?
López-Agudo, Luis Alejandro; Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, Óscar David
There exists an increasing number of scientific contributions focused on the influence of the attendance to early childhood and/or preprimary education on the future academic track of the students, which employ the quarter ... -
Are soft skills conditioned by conflicting factors? A multiobjective programming approach to explore the trade-offs
Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, Óscar David; López-Agudo, Luis Alejandro
; Henriques, Carla Oliveira (Science Direct, 2021)
Despite the relevance of noncognitive skills (i.e. soft skills) for individual development and for certain forms of employment, they tend to be overlooked in studies centred on educational performance. This study brings ... -
The balance between cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of students’ well-being: a quantitative analysis
The objective of this work is to determine which students’ characteristics (of the 8th grade Spanish students) allow them finding a balance among different dimensions of well-being. Firstly, in order to measure the students’ ... -
Comparing parental satisfaction with their child’s school during primary and secondary education
Jerrim, John; Prieto-Latorre, Claudia; López-Agudo, Luis Alejandro
; Marcenaro Gutierrez, Oscar David
A wide array of research has investigated the correlates and consequences of parental satisfaction with their child’s school. In brief, parents look at academic performance, but also other non-academic dimensions such as ... -
Coupling distinct MOLP interactive approaches with a novel DEA hybrid model
We propose a modelling framework which allows considering different priorities and individual expansion and contraction scales for distinct types of inputs and outputs, through the Weighted Russell Directional Dis- tance ... -
The difficulty of obtaining causal impact: an international analysis of students’ academic achievement
Jerrim, John; López-Agudo, Luis Alejandro; Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, Óscar David
; Shure, Nikki (2018-01-08)
International large-scale assessments such as PISA are increasingly being used to benchmark the academic performance of young people across the world. Yet many of the technicalities underpinning these datasets are ... -
Does it matter what students read? Evidence from Andalusia
There is a great amount of literature which states that promoting reading among students is of public interest. Nevertheless, there is scarce evidence on the differential influence that each type of readings can have on ... -
The effect on students’ academic progression of relative school socioeconomic status
Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, Óscar David(2019-01-29)
It has been widely studied that students’ academic achievement may be affected by the socioeconomic characteristics of their peers. Nevertheless, little is known on whether the relative position that students occupied ... -
Essays on economics of education from the perspective of microeconometrics and optimization
López-Agudo, Luis Alejandro(UMA Editorial, 2017)
Esta tesis pertenece al campo de la Economía de la Educación, área de investigación dentro de la Economía que se basa en la aplicación de técnicas econométricas para analizar la realidad educativa. La intención de esta ... -
Essays on economics of education: a quantitative approach
Prieto-Latorre, Claudia(UMA Editorial, 2022-01-27)
Esta tesis estudia el papel del nivel socioeconómico y cultural en la función de producción educativa. Los principales objetivos son: a) Analizar el papel de los centros educativos públicos y privados (concertados) en la ... -
Essays on Economics of Education: the role of kindergarten, ICT and soft-skills.
Ladrón de Guevara Rodríguez, María (UMA Editorial, 2024)Esta tesis doctoral analiza los factores causales que inciden en el rendimiento académico durante las distintas etapas del proceso educativo. Partiendo de la educación prescolar, y teniendo en cuenta que las habilidades ... -
Essays on the relationship between subjective assessment of well-being and economic and social variables
Acosta González, Hugo Nicolás (UMA Editorial, 2021-09)Los estudios de la felicidad han progresado notablemente con aportes de diferentes disciplinas como la economía. La felicidad se considera una nueva ciencia que ayuda a comprender qué factores hacen felices a las personas ... -
Evaluating the efficiency of primary schools in Canary Islands: A Three-Stage SBM Approach.
Ladrón de Guevara Rodríguez, María; Oliveira Henriques, Carla; López-Agudo, Luis Alejandro; Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, Óscar David
Education, as a process of human capital accumulation, is essential for a society’s economic growth. Given its relevance and bearing in mind that public spending is not exclusively devoted to financing the education ... -
Evaluating the global efficiency of teachers through a multi-criteria approach
Marcenaro-Gutiérrez, Óscar David; Luque-Gallego, Mariano
; Ruiz, Ana Belen (Elsevier, 2020)
Improving the quality of education is one of the main objectives for governments, given that it plays an essential role in providing well-being to the population. In this regard, the efficiency of teachers may be a key ...